Prologue: Behind the Guns & Behind the Crϋe (Steven and Nikki)

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So where should we begin or rather, I begin? I'll go into more detail shortly

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So where should we begin or rather, I begin? I'll go into more detail shortly.... but to start off, I am Steven Adler, Steven Adler-Sixx to be precise. I was once the drummer for Guns'N 'Roses, yes THAT famous band, or rather famous AND infamous. A band always on the verge of self-destruction, even as their career took off. A band, that at one point in time I founded. Yes, you heard that right, I founded Guns 'N' Roses at the tender age of 17 in 1985. It took a hell of a long time for people to know that, well today they do. Things though from the get-go, wasn't smooth was HELL. Oh, it wasn't just struggling to survive to make it, I was treated like an outsider and a child in the band I founded once my now long-time ex-band mates screwing me over royally. This all happened or started to happen aka things went to hell in 1987, the year of Appetite for Destruction. I started using hard drugs, not just drinking. The whole band did in fact, but 1988 rolled around after having toured or rather opened for Motley Crϋe and I was coerced or forced to go into rehab, but then again, I did need to get clean...but is there I am betrayed by those I wanted to or tried so hard to make friends with, for I get fired...FIRED over the fucking telephone....

"Hey babe, telling the story huh?" Nikki Sixx my husband of the last 32 years he kisses me, taking away my breath....


Nikki Sixx here, sorry to interrupt my husband...but his part of the story...well this is where I come in. in 1988, I was fresh off two overdose related deaths and I wound up in the same rehab facility as Steven, fate has a funny way of working out. Steven and I wound up as roommates, I was there that day.... he was fired from his band, well former band. The betrayals ran deep not just from his band, but mine or rather one ex-member in particular: Tommy Lee. For while in rehab, not too long after Steven gets his devastating and LOW firing.... Tommy would take Steven's place in Guns as their drummer. Which would lead to Steven becoming our drummer has he has been since 1988 and is still Motley's drummer today.  (And Tommy is still with Guns, before i forget)..... But I digress, Steven joining Motley turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to not only our band, but ME. Steven and I bonded over our betrayals, shitty pasts, became friends and eventually more, for in 1990, would we get married and Steven would get pregnant with our first child. Back then though, I didn't know any of this.... could never have foreseen any of this.

But what I can tell you is things before Steven joining Motley, well they weren't as they seemed with Tommy Lee and I...and no for the last time, we weren't and HELL NO .but as I say appearances can be deceiving...and paths would diverge, new bonds would be formed, and a new Motley unit would come to be.

Mick, and Vince who were at the time.... in relationships and still are as a matter of fact to the same people....Mick married to one Ozzy Osbourne and Vince who was Dating Zak Wylde, who he is now married too by the way...but anyway, Mick and Vince would come to visit me in rehab to tell me in person, just what ELSE Tommy had done. And things hadn't been happy in Motley in a long time, FOR a long time and Steven would come to change all that....but moreover would change ME. 

They say Revenge is a Dish best served cold.... i call Bullshit, the greatest Revenge is to move on, to become something more, to be bigger than you were before and to find your true heart and soul, both personally and professionally.

It started off as Steven's tale, but it became OUR tale. A tale of betrayal, of Sex of Drugs, Rock and roll, babies.... sure, we'd crossed paths on that 1987 tour, but we wouldn't truly get to know each other until the following year and where our two paths intersected and the greatest things to have ever happened to either of us would come to pass, new love, new life...and so much more! Two hearts, two souls....that would become one.

Come in and take a ride on the TRUE Wild Side.... enter at your own risk!

A/N: New story!! I know the prologue is short, but I do love how it turned out and the chapters will get longer

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A/N: New story!! I know the prologue is short, but I do love how it turned out and the chapters will get longer.... this beginning is merely a taste of things to come. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now