Chapter 59: The Spaghetti Incident Part 1 (Steven Adler Sixx)

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3 months...I am now 3 months pregnant with mine and Nikki's second child meaning its March now. April is when the Second LP for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra will be released. And maybe a mini tour or some promotional shows, depending on what my doctor says thought I don't anticipate any problems. My morning sickness though, is still bad.... i drink a lot of pepper mint tea without caffeine and water, my cravings for pumpkin pie AND my husband have not let up. Rumors here lately are threatening to bring me down in sprit at least...rumors as fucking always concerning Guns...stupid fuckers. Apparently, they are releasing a new album called 'the spaghetti incident' which IS directly attacking me...more specifically all their legal 'woes' in connection with my copyrights on the songs I wrote, my royalties from the band AND the fact that I took Tommy Lee's share of royalties due to him forfeiting that shit a couple of years ago. I've hardly talked here lately, I for one keep getting sick...and two, too much stress...and three...well one and two are enough.

Which brings us to now, me heaving over the toilet.... crying at the same time, Nikki was putting Rain to bed.... since its late for her...and I hear running footsteps and Nikki, who kneels and gently holds my hair back, his voice husky from tears if I didn't know better.

"Steven.... baby...I am SORRY. I didn't...I mean...I feel like I haven't been there for you like I should be!"

I finally quit puking, feeling shaky and croak out, "y-you...h-have...been, i...just.... can't do this...ALL of this, dealing with Guns' bullshit...I just want a-a fucking break!"

"Let's get you off the floor, all cleaned up...back in bed and then...then I am gonna take care of you." Nikki's tone is soft, though there is a slight edge to his voice indicating he's trying to hold back his anger not at me, but where it belongs. I am helped up, Nikki having me in a secure hold, mouth rinsed out...but I don't have the strength right now to walk to the bed, and my husband carefully picks me up and tucks me under the covers. "Steven...I didn't mean to make you feel even worse, it's just been killing me.... the rumors, and what they are doing to you and on top of being pregnant, which god...I am happy we're having a baby....i just have felt like I haven't protected you as well as I should have."

"Y-You have...YOU DO." I whisper, closing my eyes before opening them again. "C-Can I have some pepper mint tea? light, sandwiches...pickles?" A gentle kiss to my lips.

"Coming right up...I love you."

"Love you too." I manage a smile and soon he is gone, I grab the remote and turn on the tv...until I land on MTV and wished to God I hadn't...but I can't look away.

News that the album release for 'The Spaghetti Incident' is today....and an accompanying interview.... breaking my fucking heart, as tears stream down my face and i cup my rounded stomach hoping it will ground me...feeling dizzy.

Why? Never once have I received many times have I tried and failed to extend an olive branch and here we are again, the same old song and dance...dancing on broken glass as it were, here they are...and taking digs at MY husband...saying he's an egotistical bastard, and he's only with me because I am a 'pretty blonde whore', why will it NEVER end? Why when I am happier than ever.... jealousy, greed, bitterness...probably just some of the reasons why. Tommy Lee and Axl Rose were made for each other, and they are apparently happy despite Axl's problems and past...but i don't get How could someone anyone act is if they never abused me...hurt me...used me....

I change the channel, and sob holding my face in my hands before laying back trying to control my breathing for my baby's sake....

" little pumpkin pie.... maybe they are right about me...." I start feeling sick again and go to get up and about the time I do...Nikki thank god comes to my rescue!

"Steven!! What...oh my god..." I don't hear anything else before I collapse into darkness....

I wake up after I don't know how long, to beeping sounds...and start to panic....

"Nikki! I-I..."

"Steven...I'm here...please god...breathe...breathe." Nikki is sobbing and still is managing to calm me down; he is perfect for me. "The baby is ok! I's the middle of the night if you're wondering...I called 911, so scared...scared, but I called the guys...she's with Zak and Vince for a couple of days...maybe a week. Misses you of course.... the baby is fine, just a little stressed, they'll bring Rain to visit sometime later." Nikki speaks rapidly, holding me tightly but not too tight.

"J-Jelly bean...and pumpkin pie...are, ok?" I whisper, feeling Nikki guide my hands down to my rounded stomach.

"Look at me..." Nikki whispers, "They are ok both of our children are. You need to rest...and I talked to Allen...we're gonna take action to get this shit to stop." Nikki growls on the last part.

"I... I... was getting d-dizzy...I think there was...interview and album news for Guns.... they called me your pretty blond whore; you only were with me...because of that...that I ruined you Nikki...maybe...." My husband cuts me off, tone firm his eyes filled with tears and love, love for me.

"Steven...don't...don't say that...that they were right...they ARE fucking wrong. I am wrong for thinking I am not protecting you...I am gonna defend you, defend our child.... our children period. Because I love YOU, I fell for you not because of your physical looks, because you were...THERE FOR ME, you listened, became my best friend and then my lover, because you were YOU."

"" I whisper tearfully.

"Always blue-eyes." Nikki replies, carefully joining me in my hospital bed without disturbing the wires, kissing me gently before his hands rest on my swollen stomach rubbing it.

"Are you gonna pay them a visit?" I venture to ask my husband.

"You better believe it, I am gonna direct my anger with purpose...but oh are they GONNA feel it."

"Go get em babe." My words echoing what I told him a couple of years ago after I'd been attacked.

"Your wish is my command." Nikki smirks, that smirk of his I love so much.

"Damn right." I quip, feeling so spent despite having been out for hours apparently.

"Blue-eyes, get some sleep ok...I am not gonna let anything happen to you." Nikki gently peppers my face in kisses before doing the same to my swollen belly.

"Don't leave me..." I mumble.

"I will NEVER leave you baby. "Nikki's tone indicates he gets my true meaning. "I love you Steven Adler-Sixx."

"I love you Nikk Sixx." I respond and then yawn hugely. Nikki starts to sing 'Here comes the sun' a favorite of mine, well of ours and I give into sleep...and I begin to dream...

The scene is a happy one.... Nikki and I and Rain cuddled together...or more like my husband and oldest daughter cuddle around my sizeable baby bump housing our youngest daughter: Frankie.

"Frankie is really moving in there..." Nikki is very much excited about said fact.

"She's loving the attention just like daddy." I tease. Nikki mocks a pout.

"Mommy? Daddy? Why name sissy Fwankie?" Rain asks very curiously.

"We're naming her Frankie after a very special person, your daddy...Daddies name he was born with is Frank. And her middle name will be Nicole after daddy since his name is Nikki. It's who he is, both past and present and PERFECT." I tell my daughter.

"Steven..." Nikki sounds choked up, touched I know.

"I mean that Nik...both your past self and now...all of you is perfect. It's how I see I will always, always see you." Nikki leans in carefully to kiss me, and I revel in it...never wanting it to end.

The next day or same day as my hospital stay, the fall out for Guns would begin....

A/N: The drama has arrived!! There will be a part 2 to this, stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now