Chapter 14: Christmas 88' Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Christmas's like Holy Shit! This time last year.... i don't really remember much just pain...waking up in a hospital and ambulance after having overdosed...but this time, THIS year is vastly different. For one, I am booze, haven't touched them since last year. THAT'S HUGE!! But really the best, the absolute best thing? Steven. This past year getting to know him, sharing EVERYTHING: my deepest darkest secrets, my past...him becoming my absolute best friend, helping me stay sober, GIVING me a reason to stay sober. But more than that, he's taught me so much.... done so much for me, he's put more than the heart and soul back into Motley, he's put the heart and soul back into ME. Christmas for me this year has new meaning, and currently my boyfriend (God how I love saying that! And someday a lot more. -Spoiler alert, slightly...I would ask him to marry me before the start of our Dr. Feelgood tour and that's all I'll say for now...) Steven is asleep, looking angelic, his wild blond hair falling over his face and I can't help but admire him, the shape of his eyelashes resting against his cheeks, and I could go on.

I am loathe to let him out of my's only 8:30 am, but I feel so rested...and I have a huge surprise for Steven, out in the garage....which was murder to keep secret, well for me and having it brought to the house yesterday while Steven was busy in the studio was not an easy feat, but it's something he's been wanting for a very long time. Yeah, screw it, I'm staying right here with Steven.... almost as if on cue, Steven stirs...and opens those baby blues I love so much...

"Mmm. Nikki? What time is it?" My answer is to merely pull Steven to me, resting my forehead against his.

"About 8:30....and I need my Christmas Eve kiss."

"Buuuut, there's no mistletoe." Steven teases me quietly, but I hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh, I don't need mistletoe babe..." I trail off tilt his face up and feast on his lips like a man starved...loving the feel, the taste of him.... but then it turns soft and sweet, it's like fire and ice, spice,'s PERFECTION. We reluctantly part and I say, "Merry Christmas you."

"Love you too Nikki." Steven whispers playing with a lock of my hair. And suddenly I decide to I want to show him his new Christmas present...

"Come on! I wanna show you something!" I am so excited to show him his present and practically drag him out of bed, but he just laughs and then I decide to pick him up and carry him downstairs, making him squeak as he questions me on where we're going and when we get close to the garage and I place him down. "Close your eyes...I promise you'll love this." Steven is very curious and a little bit confused as he does as I ask, carefully I lead him the rest of the way to the garage, and we come to a stop, and I tell him to open them and once he does...he gasps and his eyes go as wide as they can go, as we gaze upon his custom made car with his favorite colors and everything I know he loves in a car...but it's a Dodge Charger with a big red ribbon on it's hood. Steven is stunned, eyes filled with tears as he turns to me....

" this mine?" Tone hopeful, tearful and very much stunned...I got his for him, because it's his dream car and I knew how much it would mean to him.

"Of course, it is Steven, I knew this kind of car was your favorite, so I had it made with you in mind..." Steven practically tackles me, sobbing...making me tear up.

"No one's ever...I mean, baby...THANK YOU." Steven manages to say as I bring him into a kiss and then suggest, we should take it for a drive which Steven readily agrees to...we go as we are, well we wear shoes at least...we don't give two shits how we might look, hair sticking out in a million directions, sun-glasses etc....I hand my boyfriend the keys, and ride shot we take off and wonder for a bit, Steven smiling radiantly and drive EVER. We soon go back to the house, eat a little breakfast...then after a while I help my boyfriend fix food and dessert for our Christmas party and all the while we steal kisses from one another.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now