Chapter 80: Here come the Triplets Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Steven has just fallen asleep and will be that way for a few hours, as rough as these past 8 months have been.... it's only served to make mine and my husband's bond, things weren't easy especially on poor Steven, but we had each other and our oldest children.... OUR Family.

I lingered a moment before kissing his lips and whispering, "Love you, and I will do as you ask. If you need me, you only need to call my name." Reluctant to tear myself away from him, but eager for my oldest children to meet their new sisters and their brother. For our family to meet their new nieces and nephews. I turn as a nurse tells me my children are healthy and places them in a bassinet together, all bundled and the most beautiful humans on earth just like their mother, and I had a hand in creating these little angels, I'd taken a quick moment to send a group text and i make my way to the waiting room, with my precious newborns: Ruby, Stormy and Decker and I talk to them, it's the most beautiful of moments which I wish could last forever:

"Hey guys, mommy is sleeping but I know he's dreaming about us, I can't believe you three are here. There have been some scary moments, bitter-sweet, sweet you name it.... but your mother is the strongest person I know, always has been...I am SO proud of him, and I am thankful every day for him.... Now, we're going to meet your older sisters and older brother, Rain, Frankie, and Drew. They love you 3 so much and too you'll meet our whole your eyes and you'll see that life is beautiful."

All three babies quit fussing and open their eyes....and I feel my own widen and fill with tears....

Decker has mine and Steven's eyes.... a blue-green, Ruby's eyes are Green, and Stormy's eyes are that electric sapphire blue's just like Steven's, BEAUTIFUL.

Next thing I know, I wheel my precious new Born's into the waiting room and the others hang back, as Rain, Drew and Frankie gather around me.... Everyone lets us have our moment as a family.

"They are so adorable daddy." Drew is in awe, I chuckle.

"They look so like you and mom." Rain smiles, tears in her eyes. "How is mom?"

"He's sleeping, he did great with the surgery.... he got to see them a bit.... said to show them to our family and he sends his love." I answer my eldest, my teenager.... god, I have a teenager! I mean like Damn, you know?

"that's great dad, it really is...we were worried and for you too....and that sounds like mom, that IS mom." Frankie exclaims all of us gazing at the three little babies who look up at us eyes wide, paying attention it seems, and are very happy.... making cooing noises, I smile.

"Your mother was honestly more worried about us than himself, it's just one of the many things I love about him.... now, why don't we let you guys hold your sisters and your brothers huh?"

"Oi mate, I brought the camera!" Ozzy pipes up, waving said camera around in triumph, Mick merely shakes his head amused. So carefully, so carefully each of my eldest take in no order Ruby, Decker, and Stormy, murmuring sweetly to them, telling them all about Steven and I. Telling them and I can NEVER get over this, that we're their heroes and how proud they are to have Steven and I as their parents, them saying that has me in tears...but tears of pride, of joy. Pictures galore are snapped of me with my six children, name it, Vince & Zak, Oz, and Mick and all the kids wait patiently, well some of them wait patiently, once Vince Neil-Wylde can hardly contain himself.

"Come on already Sixx!" Vince whines after the photo session blitz ends.

"Vince, my newborns are more patient that you are." I smirk widely, my tone silky.... I love taking the piss out of him, he's done that too me for so many years, I like to return the favor. Mick snickers, and Vince musters up a half-hearted glare. I soften my tone, "Vin.... i trust you man."

"Aw Sixx, I knew you cared!" I roll my eyes at him, huffing. To put Vince out of his misery so to speak, he and Zak with their kids take their turns holding Ruby, Stormy, and Decker, me watching them like a hawk.... can't fucking help that and at last they make their way to Mick and Oz, and the triplets are still wide-eyed.... causing Mick to remark teasing but fondly...

"You can tell they are part Nikki, loving attention...adorable little hellions."

"Mick, those are YOUR children." I quip firing back.

"In all seriousness, you and Steven have made some beautiful children.... all of them are." Mick says softly, a small smile gracing his lips. After the triplets make their rounds, or rather complete their rounds they fall asleep and it's just my children and myself, spending time together, trading stories until enough time has passed for Steven to awaken and he asks for me, for our children and on the way there, all three babies wake up highly upset....

"Shh, Shh.... I know, I know.... we're gonna go see Mommy now." It seems these are magic words as their cries are reduced to fussing.

"Momma always said you have a magical voice." Drew pipes up looking at me.

"Well, I'd argue that's HIM." I tell my son. I feel myself tear up again, "He's magical."

"Daddy don't cry." Frankie places a hand on my arm gently, looking just like her magical beautiful mother.... the babies meanwhile all kick their little legs restlessly, eager really to see Steven and then I hear and SEE the most beautiful sight/person, my husband Steven.

"Nikki!" God the way his eyes shine and light up, "Kids! Now I get to properly hold all six of my babies!!" Steven's laugh is like bells, such a beautiful rich sound...there are tears in his eyes. Without my asking, my 3 oldest watch over their brother and sisters while their mother and I kiss, and I kiss him like I haven't kissed him in years. "I love you, Nikki."

"I love you too blue eyes.... everyone is in love with Ruby, Stormy, and Decker."

"Well, I'm not surprised Nikki, their so loveable just like their father." Steven grins, despite being very sore and tired still. "I missed you, babe."

"And I missed you." I whisper, our oldest interrupt and God Steven and I are proud with the following.

"We changed their diapers and put them in the most adorable little outfits!" Frankie claps her hands together in glee, while Steven and I gape at her and her siblings a moment, touched to our cores.

"You guys.... did-didn't have to do that!" Steven protests before adding, "You three are wonderful older siblings and the most perfect and sweet children ever!" Steven pouts playfully, "Now where's my hugs?" I blink and Steven is 'kid piled' lots of hugs and laughter and then comes the most amazing and beautiful of moments, me helping Steven hold and feed Stormy, Ruby, and Decker, and it doesn't faze our oldest one bit as each little baby suckles from Steven.

"You look stunning blue-eyes." Softly, as Steven works to feed Decker who is drinking from Steven very greedily. Decker is the last to be fed... finally he's full and I help my husband hold the triplets, our oldest all gathered around my husband and i....and there is no where I'd rather be than here. nowhere better and no one I'd rather spend my life with than my beloved blue-eyes: Steven.

That date, that amazing date.... March 10. 2004 when Steven gave birth to our triplets and our family collectively earned their peace.... We leaned on one another more than ever. On that date Steven and I with our children became a family of 8, and I remember every moment clearly as day even 18 years later as if it was yesterday.

A/N: Steven properly got to hold the newest members of the Adler-Sixx family and see them, lots of humor and family moments. So much more to come!! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now