Chapter 52: Rain's First Birthday (Nikki Sixx)

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February 14.... It's February 14, its more than Valentine's Day.... it's also my daughter's 1st birthday and it's THAT that is the greatest gift I could ever have received for this day and it's all thanks to my beloved blue-eyes, my husband Steven. The holidays were wonderful, full of love, laughter, and family and more important my daughter was now a part of the festivities, such cherished memories created. 'Decade of Decadence' was released, and we'd even managed to film a music video for 'Primal Scream' before Vince was too far along, he'd insisted....and I didn't argue. But big fucking hit I tell you that now.... Oh, and before I forget, speaking of Vince he gave birth to his daughter with Zak on September 30, 1991. They named her Jane Allison Wylde, very adorable little girl. She looks just like Zak but has her mother's personality already, so she has the nick name of 'Diva'....

Back to my own family, Steven and I have been together for four years and married for two, as of next week. Two years married to the love of my life who has given me SO much.... love, acceptance, reasons to be sober and our daughter....

Currently, Steven is still in bed asleep, I didn't have the heart to wake him. I am in Rain's bedroom; she'd just woken up excited and has been cleaned and changed. We are trying to encourage her to at least START thinking of potty training. But anyway.

"Da-DA!" Rain is as I said, a very happy little girl is excited.

" you know what today is? It's your birthday!! And.... it's Valentine's Day." I tickle her, her warm little giggles fill the air.

"Birday! Birday!" She chants, her blue eyes glowing. "Ma-Ma?" Curious.

"Mommy is still sleeping jellybean, why don't we fix mommy a special breakfast? And get those flowers for mommy? Got a special day today for you and mommy!"

"Yay! I help!"

"Course you can princess." The feel of Rain's little arms around my neck, the way she looks at me with such love in those little eyes, such trust.... i am raising her right, Steven and I are together. With her on my hip, I head downstairs.... Rain in her highchair, giving her, her breakfast first, which is my husband's special fruit salad. I watch her carefully and she does eat very well, and I give her, her favorite juice and get started on breakfast for my husband and me. I make a very special French of Steven's insanely good recipes.

Before long, breakfast is fixed and I make sure I have a bouquet fact, it's the same flowers that were in Steven's wedding bouquet. I thought it would be a perfect and touching tribute to our wedding and our love, and I also happen to have Valentine's gifts set aside.

"Prise Daddy?" Rain asks.

"Yep jellybean.... it's time." Somehow, I manage to hold her, balance the tray of food, and the bouquet and make my way upstairs to the bedroom. Upon entering my husband stirs, and I set down the tray on his side of the bed and the flowers and those beloved blue-eyes open and widen.

"Nikki? wedding bouquet and...and you made my French toast! And it's our daughter's birthday? How lucky am I?!"

"It's the least I could do.... i wanted to do something special today for you too, a year ago today.... you gave me the greatest Valentine's Day gift of my life! You gave me this little angel in my arms, we are celebrating our love and our family today. I love you babe." I start crying, which gets Steven started. Rain decides Steven needs hugs, so she leaps from my arms to his and he buries his face in her hair and I wrap my arms around them both.

"Wuv ew ma-ma...da-da!" Rain gives her mother and I a beaming smile. "Eat?"

Steven and I share a laugh....

"Yes, we'll eat jellybean...." Rain cuts him off.

"Kissy daddy first!"

So, I kiss Steven before he can kiss me, a slow kiss and we get started eating, sharing with Rain.... swapping kisses. Steven and I plan on making Rain her favorite dinner for her birthday and gifts from everyone have been sent over, since Steven and I insisted the others celebrate Valentine's with each other and their families.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now