Chapter 61: Our Pumpkin Pie's -Gender Reveal (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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April now, the fallout from Guns and the explosive interview if you will continue.... forcing them to lay low as it were or as low as they can give media coverage, I should feel sorry for them but how can I after what they've put me thru and keep putting me thru? Nikki, my Nikki...has as always been my greatest support along of course with our family, but Nikki I don't know what the hell I'd do without him. I still of course have my days or have where it can be a bit much, but my husband is right there by my side taking care of me and Rain and our unborn.

Yesterday or the previous couple of days, the Spring LP for Trans-Siberian Orchestra was released, and I'd done with permission of my doctor promotional appearances and the like, but it wore me the fuck out, and as far as a tour even a short one it's been discussed but will likely be after I have the baby and a few months to recover from the birth. In any case, the Spring LP is poised to be a huge hit and I am as my husband says, 'Changing the world' and too the promotional appearances and singles and the like have served their purpose....but I must say the outpouring of love and understanding from the orchestra fans and Mӧtley fans has been astounding and they have called for me to rest and take my time...that a tour and the like would be worth the wait and its touched me and Nikki SO much.

Today, I'd spent the morning resting and am now in this early afternoon being driven to my appointment by my amazing husband and I feel morning sickness has finally gone away, and I have so much energy. Rain by the way is with Zak and Vince.

"Ya knows...I love seeing you so happy, you look STUNNING." Nikki remarks softly.

"I am HAPPY, very much so...just thinking about everything.... i am so excited to find out the gender!' I rub my swollen stomach fondly the baby moving at my touch.

"I know me too.... I love you." Nikki's smile is radiant.

"Love you too, I can't wait to see Rain's reaction when we tell her!" I laugh fondly. And so it goes, the appointment goes well...the baby is healthy moving around inside me at the same time as we are is indeed another girl and Nikki and I share a kiss and tears of joy after its over we head to the store....Nikki wants to get some pink things, baby related for the gender reveal to surprise Rain with...I cry at that, I mean SO thoughtful, cute and adorable!! Of course, too we stop somewhere for me because I really start craving pretzels, which earns Nikki many, many kisses. But I then find myself dozing off....

I wake up with a start, Nikki by my side...looking concerned.

"Hey...I called the doctor...I freaked out at how fast you fell asleep...don't worry you're ok, assured me was normal. Oh! I picked up Rain, she's taking a nap in her room, and I got the stuff it a box we bought earlier to surprise her with...I was thinking after dinner which I'll get started on. How're you feeling now?"

"I feel better...and thank you so much for doing all that. You are my super man Nik!" I feel SO beyond grateful for my soulmate and appreciate everything he does. My hands naturally drift down to my stomach feeling my now...youngest daughter, our Frankie Nicole move around, and Nikki's hands join mine.

"I wish she'd kick---" Nikki freezes before a radiant smile crosses his face. "Huh...she's kicking!! Steven...this.... god, I love this!"

"Oh yeah, she's really moving and kicking, clearly a daddy's girl already." I say fondly, laughing and crying both, Nikki gently wipes away my tears despite his own and kisses me.

"Mommy, daddy! I uppy now." Rain's sweet little voice comes in over the baby monitor. An idea occurs to me...

"Nikki, do we have to wait till after dinner to tell her? I mean, I—" Nikki cuts me off with a kiss very much excited.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now