Chapter 32: For those about to Wed (Nikki Sixx)

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February, FINALLY. I've been so ready to marry Steven. These past weeks have been a whirlwind since his birthday. Valentine's Steven and I both worked together to cook a romantic dinner and thanks to him, I enjoy cooking and don't suck ass at it. To be more exact, it is now Feb.20, a week after Valentine's Day and we are at the wedding venue. The mountains as a backdrop, breath taking view, the white carpet...the archway with the hydrangeas, petals of said flower scattered everywhere, perfect weather...I couldn't ask for a more perfect day! What will make it even better, is seeing my Steven. Lemme tell you, the past 24 hrs. have been fucking torture. For Steven and have been separated, being in this sense somewhat traditional. He stayed with Mick and Ozzy, Liza being of course insanely happy. If you happen to be wondering, no we didn't have a bachelor was more like a wedding shower, which again is something I never thought I'd love or be a part of.

Currently, I am getting ready...just finished teasing my hair and now, am putting on some make-up. Vince and Zak are with me, as Mick, Ozzy and Liza are with Steven....

"Nikki? How are you holding up man? Nervous?" Vince breaks me out of my reverie, and I answer him as I apply my eye shadow, already wearing my tux with the bow tie that matches Steven's eyes. Eyes that right now, I very much miss.

"Yeah, I mean...I am nervous...the vows...and...and, well I was thinking about the journey I've had getting here; this is all so surreal...but feels so damn right."

"Don't be nervous man, just speak from the heart...and yeah, I know just how you feel." Vince sighs, leaning against Zak. "You've been thru so much in your life, such hell...and man I am fucking proud of you, happy for you. You've got your self an amazing partner, he is your soulmate and he made us...all of us a family, things were falling apart until him." Vince gets misty and so do I.

"Damnit it Vince, don't make me cry..." I sniff, and end up re-doing my eye shadow, that done eye liner is next and finally I am satisfied with my appearance. "Do I look ok?" Nervous.

"You look great man!" Zak enthuses as he and Vince kiss, making me want to see MY HEART even more. Before I know, it I am standing underneath the flower arch...waiting, a bundle of nerves and anticipation. Vince, Zak, and Allen are at my side. Mick will walk Liza down the aisle, as she carries her little flower basket and the rings, are nestled in said basket...anyway, the anticipation is building. I breathe deeply to steady myself...and the music starts, Violin of course as a tribute to Steven and First down the aisle is Mick with Liza, him murmuring sweetly to her. Liza is thrilled, wearing a little blue dress and looks like a little princess. Mick smiles at me and Liza hugs my legs as they step to my right side....and then, FINALLY.... Steven. I literally quit breathing for a moment as I catch sight of him and the world fades away, he is being escorted by Ozzy...and I have NEVER, and I mean never seen such a beautiful stunning person as I have Steven. Who has tears in his eyes, a radiant smile, and his eyes, are ethereal...glowing Nan electric blue and  He looks DIVINE in his tux and is carrying a bouquet of blue hydrangeas mixed with blue roses, and other similarly colored flowers.

A breeze comes up, blowing the flower petals scattered on the white carpet around Steven who looks fucking angelic as he continues his way down the aisle and after an eternity, I at last take his hands in mine, tears in my eyes. I mouth 'thank you' to Ozzy, who smiles as he joins his husband and daughter.

"You...Steven.... STUNNING...Missed you so damn bad babe." I whisper, getting choked up. "I love you."

"You look like an ANGEL Nikki! My angel, my devil.... perfect. I've missed you too...and I love you." Steven gets choked up, I gently squeeze his hands and we get started with the ceremony, the officiant begins and finally its time for our vows, Steven goes first. "Nikki...I don't know where to begin, but here life, was hell to put it bluntly. I was abused sexually, and physically in my childhood, kicked out of my house at 14, sold drugs, DID drugs, nearly died a couple of times, and founded a band...that although it hurts how they did me and do me...and then there came you, that fateful day in rehab, what 2 years ago now? The day I officially met and I leaned on each other, you took me seriously, you gave me my life back, gave me a life did so much for me, you do so much for me period....i joined our band, I gained a family and somewhere along the way, I fell in love you...maybe it was always there, but you were and are my best friend, my lover, my everything. You've overcome such odds, and here you are, here WE are. I'm getting married to the love of my life, YOU. Everything I've been thru, has been worth it...for it ultimately brought me to you. I will always love, and cherish you with every breath, every minute of every day for the rest of our lives." Steven at this point is full on sobbing, as am I.

I exhale shakily, managing to find my voice, "Steven Joseph Adler-Sixx." I smile at him before continuing, "All my life like you I was abused, treated like trash...I didn't know love or believe in it, then I got screwed up on drugs, and I killed myself...twice. I finally reached rock bottom and I got clean, then came you.... when I first officially met you that fateful were so broken, so hurt...and I wanted even then to hurt those that hurt you.... we bonded over our shitty pasts, and you became my best friend. You helped me write songs, and us two lost and lonely souls came together.... you put the heart and soul back into our band, made our band a family...I never had thought I'd say that, but its true. But more than that, you put the heart and soul back into me, you only you made be believe in love. I never thought I'd be here, doing what I am doing now...but I wouldn't trade this, or you for anything. My husband, my beloved blue eyes...I vow, that I will always love you, support you, be your strength, your lover, your everything and treat you like the queen you are. I am proud to have to stand by my side, there is nothing like doing what you love with the one you love and together, we will always be as one." I don't care my make-up is ruined; all I care about is NOW. At last, at long last...Steven and I come together in the most emotionally charged and beautiful kiss of my life and are pronounced husband and husband. FINALLY, and I have never been happier. There are many cheers and Steven and I walk back down the aisle, murmuring to one another as we make our way to our reception....

We eat first, after having been introduced as Mr. and Mr. Sixx...fucking love that by the way! The food is delicious, not as good as Steven's, but I am partial. Steven and I in our own world, stealing kisses, and talking...and occasionally speaking with our family members. When the time comes for our first dance as a married couple to surprise my husband, it's a string version of 'with out you' a song we wrote together....

"It's Nikki!! A wonderful surprise!" Steven's eyes are bright.

"I thought it would be very fitting no...perfect...just like you." I am rewarded with my husband's blush.

"Funny...I could say the same ABOUT you." Steven teases, but his eyes soft.

"I love you, my beloved husband." I get teary eyed.

"And I love you Nikki, my beloved husband." Steven exclaims lovingly as we lean into one another and share a slow, sweet, and loving husband and I, in our own world...happy, whole, content, LOVED.

A/N: At last!! Nikki and Steven are married!!! I got emotional writing their wedding vows!! Next chapter will be their honeymoon, which will be in two parts. Much love to all! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now