Chapter 16: Feeling Fine in 89' (Nikki Sixx)

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1989, a new year...and a year of being sober so far. It means so much to me more than words can ever say that thru it all, I've had Steven by my side. Always there to balance me, support me and I do the same for him, I have since we officially met in rehab last, last year...and what a HUGE difference! Mine and Steven's first New Years as a couple was amazing! Cuddling on the couch New Years Eve, watching 'Headbangers Ball' on MTV (God, do I miss the old MTV...back in the days when they played music!) and at midnight we kissed, technically our kiss started at 11:58 pm, Dec.31-1988 and we entered Jan. 1, 1989, still kissing. After we'd parted for breath...

To my surprise Steven smirked, "We've been kissing since last year.... but I need a big New Years Kiss to grow on!" Words I've used before coming back to me, damn he's good! I smirk evilly at him...

"Hmmm.... you do...don't you.... but...." I trail off and before Steven can blink, I have him on his back, blue eyes wide and sparkling, cheeks flushed and I fairly purr out, "Before I do that...." I get closer to him to where my breath ghosts across his lips and I can feel my smirk widen, as I instead of capturing his sweet, sweet lips...I proceed to tickle him un-mercifully, his hair flying everywhere, laughing wildly just like me to be honest. I let him calm down before I pull him up, and into my lap. "Sorry for teasing you baby...." I trail off feeling a bit guilty.

"Don't...I was teasing you...turn about is fair play Afterall. But...still my..." I cut him off crashing my lips into his, Steven responding in kind, tangling his hands in my hair as my hands roam up and down his sides...we make out heavily for the sweetest of eternities, before the kiss turns slow and sweet...we part for breath, the both of us panting.

"I LOVE YOU." I whisper, feeling emotional.

"And I love you Nikki Sixx, so much," Steven whispers back in the same tone. New Year's Day was spent lounging around the house, other than Steven fixing us a New Years Dinner and then us visiting with the Osbourne-Mars Clan, Liza was thrilled by the way!

Which brings us to now, January 14...the anniversary, of when Steven and I met in rehab well officially that is and both of our lives would be forever's also Steven's 21st birthday, and I am determined to make it the best birthday he's ever had, replacing the memories of last years with good memories...basically I am SO spoiling the hell out of him today. I am fixing the only things I know how to fix well: My Nona's lasagna and a 'birthday' tiramisu if you will and of course salad and garlic bread as well.

Currently Steven is out of the house, visiting with Zak and Vince who I know happen to also be over at Ozzy's and Mick's place, so he's with the rest of our family...for now, and God do I miss him...miss seeing his smile...just HIM.

Before he'd left, Steven said to me, "Nikki? Are you sure about me visiting with everyone?"

"Of course! You deserve to and besides they wanna see you for your birthday and all. Go have fun." I tell him with my arms wrapped around him. We kiss and Steven leaves but not before smirking at me, "You're up to something." He is teasing me.

I school my features into what I hope is an innocent look. "Me? Never. Get going babe." Steven gives me a knowing look, and we kiss once more, say 'I love you' to each other and he leaves.

Steven has been gone for awhile and he should be back soon....

Soon Steven's special birthday dinner and dessert is ready, the gifts I have for him are nearby, and hidden and the timing is uncanny as I set the food on the table, and I look up to see Steven.... eyes shining with tears, but happy ones.

"So, this is what you were up to today.... a-and you made that special meal of yours too. Oh Nikki!" I quit with what I am doing and take him into my arms.

"I wanted to do something special for make new and special memories for this day. Not only is it the day we first officially met and our lives both were forever changed...but it is also your birthday and baby, I wanted to make it a good one." I find tears gathering in my eyes.

"You already have Nikki...but babe, you don't know how much this all means to me...that You mean to me. I love you." Steven says softly, as we come together in a kiss and then I dish him up a portion of lasagna with the garlic bread and salad then serve myself some. I am rewarded with Steven's groans of appreciation. "God...this is so damn good!" his look turns serious, "You really do your Nona proud ya know?"

Tears spring to my eyes, "Before you I wouldn't have believed that...but she always supported me no matter what and loved me even though I didn't love myself...and as for the food? Nona always said it was the love that made it taste so good."

"I can feel the love...and she sounds like an amazing woman. She still is, I feel like I know her so well from your stories. And Nikki? This has been the best birthday of my life! It's hard to believe that last year's shit fest happened, but as much as that hurts still at least some...if it hadn't've happened I may not be here, neither of us would be here together. So, if I had to do it over? I fucking would babe, for YOU." Steven declares adamantly, passionately so many emotions within his tone. We do manage to finish eating, before I bring out the birthday tiramisu complete with candles and sing my boyfriend 'happy birthday', there is nothing better than seeing his eyes light up and warms and lights up my soul....

I wash dishes after the birthday feast, despite Steven's protests he should help and then I break out the presents...

"Here baby, I just had to get you somethings for your birthday...I can't help but spoil you." I grin at him.

"I don't blame you." Steven quips, his expression grows soft. "Because I would do the same for you Nikki." This makes my heart flutter wildly, the way he looks at me.... I know he is the one, MY one...

Steven's presents include: a new lyric book, music sheets, a leather jacket, and yes, a bottle of Aqua Net, so sue me and something I hope will be special...something for him to put in and write his recipes down in, this last one results in Steven practically tackling me not that I complain in the slightest.

"I love them all! And ooh a recipe book?!! It looks like.... wait, you made it didn't you?" Steven exclaims, eyes sparkling.

"I am glad you love them and yes...I did design the recipe book, after all why'd you think I put 'Heavy Metal Mozart' Cookery on there?" I tease on the last part. There is laughter and trading of many kisses. Happy 21st birthday my dearest love...soon Steven...well it won't be too much longer until I ask you to marry me...and I cannot wait for that...I really can't.

What comes next, after his birthday.... would be a test to our relationship and no not in the way of us fighting or having a breakup.... but an encounter for Poor Steven involving his ex-bandmates AND Tommy Lee and it wouldn't be pretty to say the least....

A/N: A new Year, a new lease on life and a birthday love and celebration for up is the rival encounter with Guns, so stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now