Chapter 33: For those About to Honeymoon Part 1(Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Mine and Nikki's wedding was if I had to describe it in one word, it would be MAGICAL. The setting, the was like something out of a fairy tale. The reception was amazing, my first dance with Nikki us a married couple, I'll remember for the rest of my life! We even jammed, which was SO much fun and the party lasted well into the night, just myself my husband and our family what could be better? My, I can't tell you what it means to be married to Nikki, I feel so complete...and I love him more with every passing moment and that I know will never ever change....

After the reception we went home for about a day, making sure we had our passports and luggage in order, and we slept to get some rest...

Which brings us to Now: In a Rome Italy. The flight was long, and Nikki kept me busy with his lips, which no complaints and we even joined the mile high club...and oh let me tell you, was it HOT!! We are on the way to our hotel, and I can feel more than I can see my husband smile...

"I can feel you smiling Nikki." I look at my husband and smile myself, Nikki looks at me with awe.

"Your way.... god, I and beloved husband."

I cuddle into Nikki, reveling in his warmth...and sigh happily.

"Husband. I love that...and I am your husband...Its truly amazing Nikki. It really is." I state dreamily.

"I very much agree with your blue eyes.... now what do you say we christen our hotel room upon arrival?" Nikki smirks, his gaze heated.

"Like you even have to ask..." I purr suggestively. "Oh...I made sure to pack plenty of naughty lingerie...." I add on.

"And I brought my camera...." Nikki waggles his eyebrows, but then he gets serious and sounds a bit nervous. "Um babe?"

"Yes...Nikki why are you nervous? Whatever it is..." Realization sets in...

"I was wondering how you'd feel about me uh taking pictures of you.... wearing lingerie----" Nikki goes to say more, but I cut him off with a kiss.

"A sexy photo shoot?. Yes please! Though I don't know how long the both of us can last with out tumbling together in the sheets...."

"Is that a challenge dear husband?" Nikki raises a brow, tone amused and so sexy as his voice drops an octave....

"Um Yes?" I squeak, blushing heavily. By some miracle we make it to the hotel room.... how I don't know well I mean how we got there WITHOUT having sex in the car, but Nikki hauls our luggage...and sets it down in our room, going in first and then comes back for me, carrying me across the threshold.

"I had to do this right babe." Nikki states softly.

"You do everything right...then I am partial." I say as my husband gently sets me on my feet. "Why don't I freshen up for the shoot? You can get your camera ready."

"Ok Steven...your wish is my command blue eyes...don't take TOO long. Love you." Nikki kisses me passionately as I rummage around in my bags, grabbing what I need for a sexy shoot and changing in the bathroom, humming a song as I doll myself up, wearing make up and fishnets. I am filled with such anticipation.... i can't wait...I reenter the bedroom and Nikki who was fiddling with his camera, clad only in his boxers (for now) looks up and his jaw drops. "Holy wow." Nikki is stunned and I blush heavily.

"Are we ready?" My tone low and like honey, desire pooling in my belly. Nikki manages a nod, as his eyes roam over me hungrily. Nikki who is done with his camera, gently maneuvers me into a pose...a pin up girl type pose and starts shooting away.... I've never done something like this, but I love it...I feel so alive...and so loved. I try pose after pose, changing positions and finally it seems Nikki has had enough as he fairly tackles me, not hurting me of course...the way he leaps on me has me turned on painfully almost. "N-Nikki..." My voice not my own.

"Oh Steven...I hear you calling...and baby...I will gladly answer..." Nikki fairly attacks my lips, his hands roaming gently up and down my sides...keeping me busy for a while...and it seems I blink and my lingerie is gone...and Nikki and I are bare to one another, skin on skin as we kiss, grope...and I cant take it Nikki gets the message and enters me, I didn't need prep...and our dance begins...our cries of pleasure echo around the room, building...building...our bodies covered in sweat, the bed swaying heavily...this continues for quite a while until Nikki slows his pace..., "Steven...l-look at me..." I am startled to find tears in his eyes. "I love you baby...I love you."

"I love you too." I manage to whisper and with one well timed thrust, I come undone completely as I cover Nikki and he fills me to the brim and then some. Reluctantly Nikki pulls out carefully and cleans me off gently, and at last pulls me in his arms. "That was...amazing...wonderful...I mean wow. It's heaven."

"Heaven was definitely on fire." Nikki states, gently running his fingers thru my hair. We murmur sweetly to one another, and fall asleep together...

Nikki and I wake up the following day, getting dressed, showering together, and calling a car we head for a tourist attraction I'd never thought I'd see in person: The Roman Colosseum. My husband of course has his camera in tow....

Upon Arrival, Nikki and I stand there a moment taking in the sight of the vast ruins of an ancient monument.

"I can't believe I am seeing this in person! This is spectacular!" I state in awe, my husband wrapping his arms around me.

"It is...." Nikki murmurs gently, but then adds on. "I can't believe I am here with the love of my life, my is truly the greatest of dreams." This brings tears to my eyes, as Nikki and I share a kiss and my husband and I walk around and explore, Nikki taking some stunning photos. He even takes several of me, and then someone takes a picture of us. This is a perfect honeymoon so far!! I am having such an amazing time with my husband. And to hear him speak Italian, I! SO SEXY!!

We explore the Colosseum for quite awhile and then get a car and find an Italian outdoor café, because the need for food wins out, Nikki helps me order and we swap kisses waiting for the food to come, and when it does...I drool...

"Damn! These smells good...oh I have so many ideas from this dish alone I would love to try for my cookbook!" I can feel myself beaming, so energetic.

My husband laughs fondly, green irises darkening. "You'd I have no doubt put them to shame baby." I blush at his words, as we begin eating and make conversations with one another. After we finish eating, hand in hand Nikki and I walk and find a fountain to sit at in the most stunning piazza.

I take everything in and sigh. "This is...beautiful. The architecture, the...I mean I just love it here. And its even better because I am with YOU Nikki. "

"Steven, this means more than words could ever truly say to me, to be here with you...this was an amazing touches me so much baby that you wanted to get to know my roots and to have you by my side period...its...its just..." Nikki is overcome with emotion, and now so am I.

"I know babe...I know...I wanted to get to know all parts of you...I love every part of you. You amaze me, you inspire me, and you surprise me every day. I love how in tune we are with one another. I will remember this trip forever." Softly, tearfully. Nikki and I kiss, a gentle much very much love.

"What do you say.... we find some genuine Italian gelato. You could get some ideas for your cookbook?" Nikki suggests.

"I say Mr. Sixx.... that sounds wonderful." I smile at my husband, who looks like I've just given him gold and hand in hand, we head off in search of the heart is so full, yet so light....

A/N: A hot and steamy start to their honeymoon and romantic moments as well. Part 2 to this will come soon, much love to all! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now