Chapter 44: Gender Reveal Surprise (Nikki Sixx)

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There is NOTHING I LOVE more than seeing my husband's body grow to accommodate our child.... our little jellybean. Nothing more stunning.... he's always been beautiful to me, but now even more so. Steven is now into his fourth month of pregnancy and is doing so well. And now it's November, just a week before Thanksgiving and I've been working on my special project for Steven...well as much as I can, planning dinner with the family followed by fireworks for the gender reveal. I don't know the gender yet, but we'd just found out and had it put in an envelope to give to Ozzy and Mick, who would take care of the fireworks. Any excuse as Mick said for Ozzy to quote, "Blow shit up." Ozzy had met us at the Doctor's office, while Steven was using the bathroom. I find it hard to contain my excitement! Which brings us too now....

We've just left the Doctor's office, after making sure my husband is settled and ok and are driving towards home and it's raining.... Steven humming contentedly, but there are tears in his eyes, prompting me to ask—

"Steven? Are you ok? You're crying...."

"Nik, I am WONDERFUL.... It's raining, you know how much I love the rain....and, I dreamed the day we'd be able to find out the gender, that it was raining and too that's why I want to name our first daughter Rain." Steven aims at me a smile, then looks down at his belly in wonder.... i can tell, out of the corner of my eye as he places his hands lovingly on his stomach but then his tone turns sly, "SOOO, what are you up too? I know you are up to something?"

"I am glad blue-eyes.... i was worried and that's one of the many things I love about you...I love our daughter's name." My tone soft before it turns teasing. "I would NEVER be up to something!"

"Nikki..." Warningly teasing me.

"Ok...Ok, something very special. Gender reveals for our little jellybean and dinner with the family." I relent at least a bit.

"Hmm, no wonder you've been so energetic today...more than me. Babe, you've done the impossible and have given me a run for my money!" Steven laughs and to me his laughs always sound like bells. I laugh with him....

"So would you like to see just HOW MUCH energy I have?" I purr out, and I hightail it home where believe me you; we barely get in the door before Steven and I are on each other and let's just say, we don't make the bedroom and make love on the couch.... what a perfect rainy day....

A few days pass and it is now the day of the gender reveal and we are at the Osbourne_-Mars household eating dinner with Zak and Vince here as well.

"Damn Oz.... this is good!" Steven groans around a mouthful of food. Ozzy fixed garlic pasta and dessert too....

"Thanks Mate." Ozzy says, before he and Mick share a look and we all snap to attention.

"Mars? What's up with the look you and the hubs are sharing?" Vince questions.

To my surprise, Mick starts crying which gets Steven started and Ozzy and I quickly try to comfort our spouses....

"S-Sorry.... well, we changed the name of our son. It's still Robert for the first name.... but Oz and I were talking and Liza too.... the middle name..." Here Mick looks directly at Steven whose eyes widen with shock, "We changed it to Steven."

"Holy shit!" Steven gaps out, "You want to name him after me?"

"We thought that since you're the one who truly made ALL of us a family.... that well you know we'd honor you this way." Mick sniffs, as Ozzy gently kisses him.

"Damn Mars.... that's well said....and so true!" Zak states, clearly as moved as the rest of us.

"See Blue-Eyes? Look at all of us.... you were always meant to be a permanent fixture in not just the band but in my life...ALL our lives. Never doubt that." I whisper to my husband, who reaches for my hand, and I hold it tightly.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now