Chapter 46: A 7-month Rain (Nikki Sixx)

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The past two months have been good ones, despite Axl Rose running his damn mouth...the others, silence, and scorn...and yeah Tommy couldn't keep his pie trap shut, steven told me, "All they are doing is digging themselves a bigger fucking hole...I'm done being nice, I'll just say nothing at all unless I have to." I was proud of him for that, and yet it broke my heart for I know how much the treatment he STILL gets from all members of Guns hurts...

Anyway, the past two months...back to husband's belly growing ever rounder for our daughter, doctor's saying she's very likely to be tall, and will likely be 9 pounds or so. I am so damn proud of my Steven, so proud of him despite feeling so tired and sore all the time never ever fails to have a smile for me, do something special...make me FEEL special. I only fall more in love with him every day...every precious moment. There is more news, good news two days ago Mick gave birth to his and Ozzy's Son: Robert Steven Osbourne Mars, whom it seems looked like Mick's mini-me, but already seemed to have Ozzy's other words, an adorable little Mick quipped fondly, Ozzy beamed with pride. We'd visited them yesterday and the feelings I felt watching Steven hold little Robert, whom his parents said they'd call Robby....

"Aw...he looks just like Mick....and has Ozzy's crazy personality already." Steven said teasing Ozzy.

"Oi! I'll have you know...MY personality is bloody fantastic!" Ozzy's response sounded more like the way Vince would say it, making me shake with laughter.

"Would you like some Pink to go with that? You sounded just like Vince!" I'd teased with a shit eating grin. And so it went, Steven rocked little Robby to sleep...and it made me picture that with our daughter Rain.

Which brings us too now.... it's downpouring the damn bottom dropped out and I am in the kitchen bringing Steven some honeydew melon he'd wanted. He's been quiet today, making me worried.... before I realize it, I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I just hate to see him sad...hurting in any way, shape or form....I do my best to wipe my tears and head back upstairs and I realize quickly my husband is not in the our bedroom and it hits me:'s literally just like my dream come to life...I open the nursery door to find, Steven staring out  of the window...watching the rain fall, hands on his much more swollen belly....and I pause a moment as I hear him talk to our little jellybean Rain practically whispering...

"I know I am worrying daddy...I've been so quiet today.... i know how much he hates to see me cry, be upset.... it's just that...I am tired...and... and...I... oh..." Steven bursts into tears, I quickly set the melon down and race to his side, wrapping my arms around him as best I can. My husband buries his face in my chest sobbing.

"'s ok...shh. I gotcha blue eyes. I know how miserable you are...I know how much you are hurting. I DO hate to see you upset or hurt because I hurt...But.... baby...look at me." My tone gentle, earnest. Steven refuses feeling shamed if I had to guess, gently I cup his face in my hands. "Remember you are doing something WONDERFUL.... that's our baby inside you, our little girl. I swear she already knows how much she's loved. Don't ever be afraid to be upset, or...I mean just let it out. I've been with you all along...and I'll never stop. I love you...God...I love you...and our jellybean. I couldn't ask for a better partner than you, you've given me so much, love, hope, joy...EVERYTHING."

"Oh Nikki.... I..." Gently I kiss him, just letting him know how much I love him, being his strength. "I love you too..." Steven manages to smile.

"I brough you that melon you wanted you want me to get it?" I ask, Steven nods as I bring it to him and resume my position at his side, making sure I touch him in some way, just needing to be close to him.

"Thank you for this...not just the melon...just being here for me...always. And I am sorry that I've worried you Nik and that I've been so quiet. It's just that...she's already...I mean 2 more months till she is here...she'd gonna weigh like 9 pounds...and I am scared...scared of how much it hurts...will hurt. I will be worth it Nik...I KNOW. It's just I have these fears." Steven says quietly around eating melon.

"Steven...there's no need to thank me...all the thanks I need is YOU. As for the pain? Being scared? And the fears? I too am afraid, I can't lie. I have the same fears you do...But I promise on my life, nothing and I mean nothing will keep me from you or take you from me, from our daughter not if I can help it, because you are stronger than you always have been, I am here to be your strength when you have none." Tears resume falling...almost as if in time with the torrential down pour hitting the window.

Steven finishes his melon, I wrap an arm around his waist, hand on his swollen belly, my husband leaning against me...feeling Rain Iris move...and she begins to kick, making my husband I breathless....

"I-It's like she's saying it's gonna be ok. I love.... this, it never gets old. It's beautiful!" Steven says awe laced in his voice, not that I blame him for I am much the same way.

"I very much agree with you blue-eyes." I sigh with contentment, while the rain still falls. "Do you want to stay here for a bit longer?"

"I would love to.... if that's ok?" Steven says.

"It's more than ok." I say softly, so we sit there for a while longer before Steven declares he wants to go take a shower and then sit up in bed and cuddle. Which sure the hell sounds perfect to me. Helping him up, I lead him to our bathroom and get the shower started...making sure to have towels and comfy sleep wear at the ready, making sure too that my husband and our precious little girl are doing ok. The moment the warm spray from the shower hits him, Steven groans.


"I know babe...I know...let me help you." And so, I do as I always have, just simply take care of him, wash his hair, his body, pausing at his belly at different times just admiring the man, the love of my life carrying our daughter.... the strongest person I know, my absolute rock!!

Soon enough Steven is cleaned, hair dried....and changed into comfy sleep wear and propped up in bed, I of course join him.... the tv is on, but neither of us pay attention.... absorbed as we are in one another and our precious little jellybean, movements making my husband's belly jump a little, which I find adorable as hell!

"Oh, Steven she's already super adorable!" I gush.

"With us as her can she NOT be adorable?" Steven quips amused.

"Well, you've got me there."

"You're damn right I do!" Steven laughs, as I laugh with him before he starts yawning. "So sleepy...that's normal right?"

"Yes, babe it is. I've got you." Gently I rub his belly in slow circles saying quietly, "Hey princess.... daddy here. Mommy needs sleep and so do you. Soon you'll be in our arms, we love you very much. Calm down ok.... let mommy get some rest." I place some tender kisses on Steven's belly feeling her calm...and afterwards, I realize that Steven has fallen asleep. I can't help but join my family...MY PRECIOUS FAMILY in sleep.

I will never forget this day...this night...but soon, time will have passed and at last... For Rain Iris Sixx enters the world officially. NOW there's a day I could never forget. It was a long labor, painful but Steven my Steven brought our first baby girl into the world....

A/N: Little Rain Iris Sixx will make her first official appearance next chapter!! Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now