Chapter 4: The Best Ways to Get Revenge Part 1 (Nikki Sixx)

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"Ok so first off, the songs you wrote for Guns, and the royalties you are owed.... they are keeping them from you I'd wager...they cant do that shit, and..."Here my smirk widens and Steven I are just beginning to talk about the best ways to get revenge, but anyway, "It just so happens that our Manager Allen Kovac is also a lawyer or was, an entertainment lawyer....with your permission Steven, we can make copies of your lyrics and have them faxed, work to get the royalties you would be owed." I eye Steven, who though his eyes are wide looks extremely grateful.

"Wow.... wow, I can't thank you enough for this.... actually..." Steven pauses as he rummages around in his bag and fishes out, lyrics I assume...flashing the papers in triumph. "Oh, I always make copies...figured that shit would come in handy.... aaaand...." Here Steven produces a framed copy of his ad for Guns 'N' Roses seeking members. "They will LEARN karma is truly a bitch." Steven hands the papers and the ad to me.

"And they treated YOU like you were stupid?" Truly I don't understand, why the FUCK they could be so blind?  Or HOW? But then considering the source from whence it came.... stupid assholes.

"Yep." Steven says simply, emphasis on the 'p' popping it really. Steven looks at me very seriously, "I trust you Nikki Sixx.... i know you won't let me back to the matters of revenge." Steven has a wicked grin stretching across his face.

"So, have any ideas there?" Oh, I have some ideas.... i wonder if Steven has similar ideas...

" I thought YOU'D never ask." Steven practically rubs his hands together with glee. "Spreading rumors would be childish...unless...they were true of course...but my ideas...well he violated his contract, right?" I nod and Steven smirks, "Cut HIS royalties.... reduce them if not outright cut them out altogether. And if you haven't legally...obviously he'd have no part in future monies or royalties."

"Oh, I love the way you think Adler!!" I enthuse, before a thought occurs, "So...what did you mean by 'true rumors?"

"Well Nikki.... for one, Axl can't fucking get it up when he's really drunk....and then he CRIES about it." My jaw drops, but then I am startled to find tears in his eyes. "S-Steven? You, ok?"

"No...sorry bad memories.... when he was sober enough.... he was rough....and very selfish, leaving me hanging for release...but I'd never get it from him. I don't think he cared...I was just a sperm dumpster." Steven's voice is very bitter and husky from tears.

"You're not a sperm dumpster....and it figures that red-headed bastard is selfish in ALL I gather, he didn't know what he was doing." I clutch at the sheets of my bed angrily.

"No, he didn't....and doesn't just go back to him" Steven practically whispers. "You've heard of the 'drunk uncle cliché', well mine when I was...well a kid, molested me.... raped me." Silence ensues after this, my mind reeling from shock.

"I'll kill him." I snarl.

"He's rotting in jail." Steven said sounding so defeated and small. I go to sit next to him on his bed.

" that's why...or part of why you didn't like...rough sex with axl?" My voice catching ever so slightly.

"Yes." Steven hangs his head shamefully. I give him a side hug and he whisper 'thanks'

"That was really fucking brave of you man.... i mean, my mom's so-called boyfriends would beat me...and hurt I feel your pain, I too have been molested...never raped, but still.... but hey, look at us...despite the fucked-up shit we've been thru, we're still here.... we've done things that we've both been told we could never do. You're my best friend.... i mean that." I sniffle.

"We're two lost and lonely souls.... i feel better that I have someone who understands." Steven passes me a tissue as he blows his own nose. Steven takes a breath and hands flips thru his lyric book and points at the begins of a song, "What do you think?"

"---This could be your sign that things are going wrong, ----cold blooded like a sidewinder..." I murmur what he's written  scanning the bits and pieces and think, "I think...its fucking awesome, its about Axl.... oh now talk about the perfect revenge." I trail off and grab a pen and ask Steven for permission, as I add some lyrics of my own to fit with his and so it goes, together we have a complete song written.

"So, this could be your 'Sick love' song?" Steven asks, smirking.

"Oh, I LOVE that title!" And then I sigh, "record company is wanting another album."

"Well, we've written one song together, what say I help you write songs for the album?" Steven asks, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Perfect!" I grin and then add, "We'll be the best song writing duo since Lennon and McCartney."

"Aren't they married?" Steven asks.

"Yeah, they are...nearly divorced I heard around 68' or so.... John cheated, so they separated...but never divorced, but the damage was done and the Beatles, took a hiatus for a while." I state. "They only separated maybe 5 months or so...I think." I add on.

"Huh...never knew all that." Steven shrugs, "Now...let's get to writing some more...and we can work on drum parts and bass notes...I can write music too."

" are like the heavy metal Mozart!" I say admiringly.

"I do try." Steven's tone sly.

"SO, fucking modest there Adler." Sarcastically, but playful too.

"Well, it pays to have a bit of an ego in this business Afterall. " Steven says matter of factly, as we then get down to writing more songs. If you can guess, the songs we'd write...would of course go on/ or become 'Dr. Feelgood' and Steven and I too would let Mick and Vince give their inputs and it would become a TRUE band effort...from us all.

We write a couple of songs, before it's time for dinner and obviously Steven and I skipped therapies and all that bullshit...we had much more important things to do, but I will say...both of us are keeping with the program as it were.

Steven plops down with his dinner, Grilled cheese, and Tomato soup, while I'd opted for some Grilled Chicken Salad...both are surprisingly decent...better be for what I'm paying for this place.

"This stuff isn't bad, decent...." Steven echoes my thoughts.

"Tell me about it."

"You know, I cook a hell of a lot better than this...and bake, I miss my sweets, making them" My brain kicks in at Steven's words and I remember now...

"Yeah, I remember you telling me you cooked and all, that you missed it." I take a bite of salad, chewing thoughtfully.

"Like damn do I miss doing all that..." Steven sighs.

"God I am such an idiot!" I drop my fork with a clatter before declaring, "When we leave rehab and you move in with me, you can cook as much as you want."

Steven blinks away tears, "Really?"

"Absolutely! I'm serious about that." I tell him seriously.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Steven enthuses. This is even more motivation to stay sober, Steven and I got this! And oh, our revenge will be sweet indeed.... wait until they see us, back on top! I's still too soon at this moment, but.... i can't help but wonder, what if Steven became Motley's drummer? One thing I do know, Steven will be a permanent fixture for Motley.... i FEEL IT.

At this point in time, I'd just started considering it.... obviously, you now know Steven joined...but soon, soon I will run it by him...but first discuss it with Mick and I have said you know what happens...but the how, and the events leading to it...are worth getting to.

A/N: Confessions, song writing and some of the best ways to get revenge.... next part 2 and after that a special visit from Mick and Vince...that will lead to the life changing inevitability for Steven Adler, plus Guns 'N' Roses tidbits!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now