Chapter 63: Worries and Frankie Nicole's Nursery (Steven Adler -Sixx)

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Nikki has been up to something, and If I know my husband it's something good...if I HAD to hazard a guess I would day it's Frankie's Nicole's Nursery. Though honestly, it's still a surprise, because all though I know Nikki's asked me for input as far as furniture and colors etc., I have no clue how it will look. My belly has only grown ever rounder for Frankie Nicole, as now I am Sixx months pregnant, see what I did there? Anyway, I am in the kitchen.... Nikki is upstairs working on the nursery, and I mean while am cooking dinner and baking dessert. Rain is keeping me company and fussing over me from her toddler chair.

"Mommy daddies say be off feet! And you an Fwankie need west!"

"Jellybean, I swear I'm fine.... i am taking it doesn't it smell good in here?" I smile at her, yeah, she's not fooled...big baby i am carrying after all, and I am tired.

"Yes, smell dewicious...but mommy Wook sweepy!" Rain is right. I go to say something, when Frankie kicks me somewhere that hurts...I groan, clutching my stomach.

"Easy Frankie..." I whisper, trying to hold back tears as I am feeling emotional. I rub my stomach and Frankie calms down, kicking gently.

"Mommy?" Rain questions. "Need daddy?"

"Nah...I'm fine.... oh..." I groan and a pain...a cramp makes me panic...I think...oh GOD! "N-Nikki!!!!" Next thing I know, is I hear running footsteps....and Nikki, a frantic Nikki.

"Steven?!! Babe?"

"Hurts.... cramps.... ow...." I burst into tears. "I-I...just wanted dinner.... everything..."

"Let's not worry about that now...I'm taking you to the hospital." Nikki's tone is urgent and firm, but gentle.... There's no choice but to take Rain with us, oh my poor little girl! Frankie strangely enough is calm with in me, which should make me feel better but doesn' turns out at the hospital, everything is fine so to speak...Frankie is thank God ok.... but I am put on bedrest which the doctor assures is normal or normal considering how far along I am, they end up keeping me for a day or 2, Rain is taken home at some point...and all I can do is cry.... worried, guilty that I did something wrong......

Once back at home, I find myself in the bed...propped up, and I've hardly spoken to my poor husband, Rain is asleep.... Nikki just put her to bed...and I feel surrounded by warmth as I feel my husband, although he's trembling...shoulders shaking from tears...he soothes me.

"Steven, you're worrying me...I-I know you're scared...and upset...and feeling guilty like you were doing something you've done NOTHING wrong. But I am scared.... was so scared...just talk to me. You always can no matter what."

"i-I...scared you...Rain...i.... Rain told me to b-be off my feet...I was feeling tired...I didn't listen!" I wail, refusing to look at Nikki.

"Hey...hey...I'm not angry at you...this...sadly could have happened regardless blue eyes.... you're not a burden......i do all that I do because I love you, I love our family.... you are the one..." Nikki breaks down but still manages to place his hands gently on my stomach, Frankie gently moving. "You are the ONE doing everything.... carrying our daughter.... carried Rain, you changed my life from the day we met in rehab, and I don't regret a damn thing Steven.... you are my heart and my soul...I LOVE YOU...I l-love you."

"I love you much.... THANK YOU." I whisper, as we come together in a kiss, the taste of our tears mingling...after a bit, I calm down....and Nikki breaks the silence by saying:

"Blue-Eyes? I know something that will cheer both of us up.... how about I show you Frankie's nursery? I---"

I cut him off excitedly, "I would love to see it!" But then I frown, "W-Will it for me and Frankie?"

"Yes will be I fucking promise babe." Nikki declares adamantly, as carefully he helps me off the bed, making sure he has me in a secure hold...we peek in on Rain who is sleeping away, clutching at her stuffed Jellybean...yes, you heard that right...before Nikki tells me to close my eyes, I do so with a pout, albeit a playful one...gently I feel my husband lead me into a room, and I find myself sitting in the most comfortable chair imaginable. " those eyes." I open my eyes and gasp....

The wall closest to me is painted with a portrait of Nikki and I with Rain....and an accent wall of various shades of blue and purple, comfy rocking chairs....and, everything Frankie needs.... a crib too fit for another rock and roll princess. And Nikki hands me something that touches me and makes me laugh, albeit fondly.

"A stuffed slice of pumpkin pie huh?" I ask my husband amusedly, as he sits beside me grinning.

"Yeah well.... Rain has her stuffed jellybean, I thought why not a pumpkin pie for our pumpkin pie?"

"I love it and I am sure Frankie will...Nikki this...this is such a beautiful nursery." I state softly, placing my hands on my belly, Frankie kicking away. I laugh, "Frankie's loving this.... Here feel!" I grab one of my husband's hands and he laughs, voice a bit husky from tears...tears of joy.

"She is Steven!! Hi Frankie.... daddy and mommy are glad you are loving this nursery...and I can tell you already love mommy and I so much...and your older sister!"

Looking back on the night Nikki showed me Frankie's nursery, it was the best night of my life or one of was and is a very special memory. When Rain turned 4 and Frankie turned 2, I would be pregnant with our third child...our son.... however, after that son.... came the triplets...yes, triplets...I'll get to them in time...I love ALL my children dearly....

Nikki and I spent time in the nursery, me with my feet propped up...until I find my self suddenly in our bed and suddenly, I am hit with an intense craving for Ranch Dip and Chips, Nikki is I realize in the bathroom...and too I notice it's starting to get a bit late.

"I know that look.... what're you craving?" Nikki states softly so as not to startle me.

"Ranch Dip and chips....and oooh, I'd love...pickles too!" I practically rub my hands together with glee much to Nikki's amusement, but despite his smirk.... that eternal and VERY SEXY smirk I may add his eyes are soft.

"Then that's what you'll right back!" Nikki leaves but not before kissing me, and then showing Frankie affection too, and I know he will check on Rain...and somehow, he arrives back with all my cravings in record time.

"Superman, my superman.... thank you..." I state gratefully eating my cravings with a contented sigh...and before I know it, they are gone. And Frankie is moving...restlessly though, I believe she is getting sleepy. "Nik.... Frankie's getting sleepy I think...she's restless..." I murmur, Nikki places his hands on my belly, making me melt as she gently rubs it and speaks to Frankie....

"I know you're restless my pumpkin pie.... but Frankie you need sleep, and so does mommy. Just 3 more months and you'll be here.... just wait, so many cousins, meeting our family...and especially you are meeting your older sister..." Nikki then starts singing softly...'Without You' and I can feel Frankie calm and I assume fall asleep.

"Nikki Sixx baby whisperer..." I smile fondly at my husband, despite feeling sleepy.

"Damn right!" Nikki quips...but sighs softly, "You need sleep too Steven, I can tell you are tired."

"Before I go to sleep...I need my goodnight kisses." I grin, and my husband oh so happily obliges me and before I drift off...I hear...

"Goodnight my dearest blue-eyed love."

Goodnight my dearest Green-eyed soul...IS my final coherent thought.

A/N: I promise Frankie will be fine and so will Steven...Next chapter it will be closer time for Frankie's arrival...stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now