Chapter 81: The Sixx of Us (Nikki Sixx)

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Where the fuck does the time go? I mean seriously, it's hard to believe that Ruby, Stormy, and Decker are six months old. Six! And each of their little milestones, NO to our family they are huge, the milestones like them being able to sit up, their first smiles, baby speak, and now they've started crawling, and I thought it was gonna be something else having to baby proof the house, but I turned out naturally to be wrong. It surprised me, though it shouldn't have that my oldest children helped, in fact they all but demanded it and Steven and I gave in. To be honest, I cried the day the triplets started crawling I must mention.... which just so happened to be literally yesterday.

Steven and I had gotten home the previous day from a show with SIXX AM and before that we'd had meetings about doing a radio show.... Anyway, on with the show. Yesterday, Steven and I were playing on the floor with triplets, it was near dinner time and no surprise that I could smell food being cooked, Frankie I knew as I could hear her and her siblings talking. Frankie, like Steven, is a damned talented chef and proud of my daughter!

"Kids are in the kitchen again." I murmured as Steven bounces Decker who squeals with delight. Ruby and Stormy meanwhile are using me as a jungle gym.

"Naturally." Steven quips and then bursts into laughter, placing Decker carefully down in the floor, we were sitting on a blanket, and it seems Catching sight of their brother, Ruby and Stormy want to play with him, so sitting up they start speaking in their own way to one another, Steven and I naturally keeping a close eye. My husband sighs heavily suddenly, worrying me. "Nikki.... they are six months old now...Six...and there've been rumors going on about Guns."

The last part of that sentence filled me with rage on Steven's behalf, those fuckers would never learn.

"Dare I ask?" I spoke through clenched teeth.

"Troubles coming.... Axl KNOWS." Steven whispered miserably, "I am surprised though it took him this long, considering I put it in the Heroin worries me."

"If it comes.... i am gonna make his life a LIVING HELL." I snarl quietly, I don't want to alarm the babies, or the older kids. I gently lean over and kiss Steven, sealing my promise and what happens next, my eyes go wide...and then the tears fall, as all 3 babies start crawling. "Steven...Steven...." Overcome with emotion.

"Nikki its beautiful!" Steven laughs and cries calling out, "Kids! Come see this!" Running footsteps and they stop short as they see their little sisters and brother crawling. There was so much love and laughter.... which brings us around to now....

The household is still asleep, but I am awake. A week has passed since the triplets started to crawl. Steven stirs only to burrow deeper into my embrace, making my heart flutter.

"I love you." I whisper, loving as I have for all these years holding him in my arms.

To my surprise, though really, I shouldn't be...Steven responds whispering back, "I love you more." And those blue-eyes I love open, lit from within.

"Did I wake you?" Concerned.

"No babe, I just love hearing you say those words." Steven smiles and goes to say something else before I cut him off with my lips, and essentially, we make out for a few minutes.

"I love saying those words too, more than you could ever know, love saying them, feeling them." I respond after, and I feel myself smirk.

"I know that look." Steven purrs knowingly. "You wanna make baby no. 7 already?"

"I just wanna FEEL you blue-eyes." Heated but more seriously, without further words, I slip out of bed, take him in my arms and carry him into the bathroom, and before I know it, we are bare to one another, both of us eager AND needing this contact.... i manage to somehow start the shower and we step in kissing heatedly, Steven tugs at my hair that is starting to get wet,

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now