Chapter 29: Band Meeting & Happy 31st Birthday (Steven Adler)

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December now and of course Thanksgiving was amazing, the best family Thanksgiving of my life! Well so far anyway, it's a few days before my fiancées 31st birthday and we have a band meeting to discuss the second leg of the Dr. Feelgood Good tour and to get logistics hammered out and all that Jazz. For once Nikki has told me he doesn't dread band meetings or a meeting in this case...well ever since I joined and Liza had begged Mick to bring her, and so she will be there. Of course, she didn't have to beg her mother very hard either, I feel I'd be the same way with mine and Nikki's child.

Currently I am downstairs in the kitchen, with all my notes and what I need for the meeting in my bag, nursing a cup of coffee when Nikki walks in....

"There you are babe; I've been waiting for you.... I've got all my stuff gathered aaaand I have coffee just the way you like it waiting." I smile at him, grin stretching across my face as he sets down his stuff, jacket...notes and the like and next thing I know I feel his lips on mine and I smile into the kiss.

"Thanks blue-eyes you're the best!" Nikki's green eyes sparkle as he takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes rolling in the back of his head at how good it tastes, but then too both of us are big coffee fiends.

"I do try!" I quip, but then sigh suddenly feeling sad....and I feel tears spring to my eyes, which I try and wipe away, but not quickly enough for Nikki to NOT notice.

"Steven what's wrong honey?" A gentle hand placed on my cheek; I lean into his touch...but I only cry harder. "Are you sad about having a baby? You are, aren't you? It just hit you suddenly..."

" did...sorry I...I thought this getting s-sad and all." I sniffle.

"Steven don't apologize.... i know how it feels when you think something sad or hurtful is gone and then suddenly hits you out of fucking nowhere...but I am telling you, remember your dreams of our daughter? And my dreams? It will happen, IT WILL. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it will be worth the wait. And never be afraid to get sad, we all have our days, and I am here to support you, but more than that to LOVE you." Nikki gently kisses me, and we finish our coffees and head to the meeting. The meeting lasted an hour, very productive...Nikki and I as well as Vince and Mick consulted our notes and compared and hammered out details and dates and when rehearsal would start with Allen. Of course, rehearsals would start a month or so after Nikki and I married, plenty of time to honeymoon and our first month or so as newlyweds. Liza was thrilled to 'go to work' with her mother: Mick. The whole meeting, she watched on in fascination and colored in her coloring book and smiling and laughing all the while....

A few days pass after the meeting and it is now December 11, Nikki's 31st birthday and we had a wild pre-celebration starting at midnight and in honor of Nikki's birthday, I gifted him with a naughty lingerie set I wore....and let's just say the set sadly didn't make it not that Nikki nor I complained...he'd never been more turned on in his life he said...hmm, just wait till the honeymoon! But then again, we always drive each other wild!

Currently it is early afternoon, Nikki is still very much sleeping...silently I slip out of his hold, clean my self off and find a t-shirt and boxers and silently make my way down to the kitchen to get started on Nikki's special chocolate-cherry birthday cake and dinner. First things first: The cake. I gather all my ingredients, buzzing around and before I know it the cake is in the oven and filling our house with its delicious aroma, I gather the gifts I'd hidden for Nikki and am quickly back in the kitchen organizing things, when I feel and see those beloved tattooed arms slide around my waist from behind, and I turn smiling at Nikki.

"Happy Birthday baby! Love you!"

"Best 31st birthday ever! And I love you too...the cake woke me up, you didn't have to do this you know? But it means so much that you did babe, I love and appreciate everything you do." Nikki says lovingly. And he also notices the piles of gifts...and I have a hidden one for him....

"Since you're the birthday boy...wanna open presents first?" I grin wildly, I can feel it.

"You got me more presents?" Nikki quips teasing.

"Just in case the lingerie set I got you didn't make it, and it didn't so...we're covered." I quip back. Nikki laughs.

"Ok, ok presents first!" Nikki declares, as he goes to town opening his gifts...which include, new photography equipment, a new leather jacket and some other things he'd talked about for a while. Nikki picks me up off the ground and spins me around in joy. "Oh, thank you, thank you!"

"Your welcome babe! Now, let me finish your cake and all, and then I have one more gift for you before I get started on your birthday dinner!" I do finish the cake, frost it, let it cool and all...and take Nikki by the hand, to our home studio and I simply open the door and watch his eyes go wide: standing there in a special stand is a bass I had custom made for him and too a matching case...the bass in question has a picture or portrait of me on there. Nikki turns to me stunned, tears in his eyes...

"" Nikki seems at a loss for words.

"Yes, I did this for you...I wanted to do something extra special and so I came up with this and let me tell you, it was murder to keep quiet about it." Softly and quietly.

Nikki wraps his arms around me his chin resting on the top of my head. "I imagine it was...but baby, I love how you always make me feel special...go out of your way when you don't have to. But then I do the same for you...just, thank you...and how lucky am I to be marrying someone as amazing as you? Very damn lucky."

"I'm the lucky one." I counter quietly.

"I want to play it for a bit if that's ok. "Nikki pulls back to look at me.

"More than ok! It's your birthday, I'll get started on dinner and you enjoy one of your birthday gifts!" I state happily. Nikki must kiss me and after I leave, I hear his new bass and it sounds as if it's singing in joy....

I fix Nikki's favorite meal, the meal I made for his 30th birthday and get lost in cooking, pouring my heart, soul and love it to I do everything I do...and before long, dinner is ready and I fetch my fiancée and we walk hand in hand to the dining room where I have everything laid out, cake included. Nikki and I sit close together, Nikki pulling out my chair first, he sniffs the air apperciatebly.

"Smells fucking divine!! But then I am partial."

"Don't blame you for being partial!" I quip teasing him but then add on seriously, "Happy Birthday Nikki!" what he says next has me in tears.... but it's SO worth it...

"YOU Steven are the best gift I could ever receive or have.... your love, your heart...are the best things I've ever gotten, and you've made this birthday a memorable one! I love you blue-eyes, I love you."

"I love you too baby, and happy 31st!" I sniffle as Nikki gently wipes my tears and we attack his birthday dinner with gusto, both of us talking, laughing, and loving all the while...

A/N: A Band meeting and a memorable birthday for Nikki! Next chapters will see Nikki and Steven enter 1990, which will be in two parts...which means only two chapters left until Nikki and Steven Marry!! Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now