Chapter 30: Welcome to 1990 Part 1 (Nikki Sixx)

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Here we are: 1990! January 1990 to be exact, Steven's birthday to be exact and two years to the day we officially met and got to know each other. It's fucking mind blowing to me, 1990.... a new decade and a new year too of sobriety, hard won and hard fought. Christmas 89, crazy it was just a few weeks ago...was an amazing Christmas with my fiancée and our family. We had our what is going to be annual Christmas Eve party with everyone, Liza included and there was so much joy, fun, WARMTH. A stark but welcome contrast to a Christmas not so long before, when I died...not once but twice. Here I am today...but Christmas Day, everyday with Steven is magical but Christmas...I surprised him by getting him a new drum set, this earned me MANY KISSES, as well as other favorite things Steven had wanted. we once again went all out for each other, but every gift we got one another was something that meant a lot to each of us. And Steven surprised me by getting Christmas themed lingerie and modeling it for me...and A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS INDEED.

New Years was celebrated in the arms of the man I love, just cuddling on the couch and watching was perfect.

Which brings us back to now, Steven's birthday. Steven is asleep still upstairs, we stayed up late jamming but anyway I am wide awake, its nearing lunch time and I am in our kitchen. I am planning out or starting on Steven's birthday dinner, when I'd asked him what he wanted, his reply touched me to my core....

"Nikki, baby when I tell you, you don't have to go to so much trouble for me I mean that. You are the best birthday gift, or gift I could EVER receive.... you've always been as such, your love especially."

When I'd insisted, "If you insist because I can see how much it means to you...your Nona's lasagna and tiramisu, they are really special to me." Steven smiled softly at me. I totally got him gifts anyway, I couldn't help myself...nor to be honest would I want to. Or to be more accurate I MADE him some gifts.

I buzz around the kitchen starting on the lasagna and all, gathering everything I need...smiling all the time, my smile widens when I hear footsteps and I know: Steven. My heart beats wildly. I turn from what I am doing to take him in my arms.

"Happy Birthday Blue Eyes.... you are even more beautiful this year!"

"That was cheesy and beautiful at the same time! "Steven teases me, but then his looks grow serious. "22 yrs. old, like where does the time go? It was just yesterday it seems we officially met in rehab, and I got to know you, all parts of you and here we are...a new decade, I cannot wait to see what we make of this decade! And thank you Nikki for making my birthday special, you make everyday special."

"OH Steven!" I kiss him gently and I find him smirking.

"I need a birthday kiss to grow on!"

"Just wait—" I trail off and slam my lips against his, feasting like a man starved...reluctantly we part for breath. "Now, you sit and rest while I take care of everything and take care of you, its your day after all."

A very pleasantly flushed Steven sits down on a bar stool at the kitchen island.

"I love you, Steven."

"Love you too Nikki. SO much baby." Steven grins and I feel the love in his voice and see it his eyes. He never fails to make my heart flutter...Steven keeps me company as I fix his birthday, us talking about anything and everything, especially our wedding that is next month.

"I don't know about you, but I can't wait to get married." Words that I once thought would NEVER come out of my mouth, but I very much love saying those words.

"Me either..." Steven trails off as if in thought, and I am surprised to find tears in his eyes. "I really am excited to start a new chapter of my life with you, but um I had this dream last night about our little girl, our first child."

"Tell me baby..." I whisper, hating to see him upset to see him cry.

"I dreamed, she well was 2 and I was pregnant again with our second baby. She looks like the both of us, but she has more my hair color. But so adorable! She was excited for her sibling. It was so real Nikki, and I also dreamed her older and grown up and damn again it felt real."

"It IS real. It is real...I feel it will be. This year we will have our baby...I want so much for one of your greatest dreams to come true Steven. And babe, it will." I can't help but get emotional. After some time, Steven's birthday dinner is done, his birthday 'cake' aka the tiramisu also done and I serve him before I serve myself, taking every opportunity to touch his hand, just to feel him. I wait for Steven to take the first bite and he groans...

"God...I swear it gets better every time you make it!"

"I put more love in there." I state softly and am rewarded with a beaming smile.

"I can feel and taste that." Steven states in just as soft a tone. Steven and I both end up having seconds and I run back into the kitchen as we'd been in the dining room and bring out the tiramisu complete with candles and sing 'happy birthday'.

"Make a wish babe." I tell him, he smiles before he blows out the candles. And I cut him up a big piece. "What did you wish for?"

"Mmm lots of things." Steven teases, but his eyes are soft...and the look. I must kiss him, I can't get enough, there I said it and I sure the hell ain't complaining. "How did you know that was one of my wishes?"

"I just know these things steven. Sixx sense, get it?" Steven rolls his eyes playfully.

"I do get it babe."

"Well dig in birthday babe!" Steven takes a first bite and I follow suit. When we've both eaten our fill, I clean up even though Steven tried to help. God, I love him! Afterward, I sit him down on our couch and tell him to close his eyes---I fetch his gifts and lay them on our coffee table.

"Niiiikkki!" Steven whines.

"Ok...Ok." I laugh, "Open them!" Steven opens his eyes and his jaw drops.

"Wow..." Steven can't get out much more as I move to sit by him on the couch and hand him a gift.

"Open it baby. And by the way, I made all these gifts for you." The gift I'd just handed him, Steven opens carefully like it's a priceless treasure. A scrap book I'd designed and filled with pictures of him, of us...of our life together...well our life together so far.

"Nikki, this is beautiful!" Steven reverently caresses the cover and thumbs thru the contents, taking his time. Tears are in his eyes.

"I've been working on this for, well I don't know how long.... i lost myself in it, I lost my self in you as I always do." I get a little bit choked up.

"I will cherish this for the rest of my life!" I pull Steven close to me in hug, just simply holding him. After a wee bit, he opens more gifts I made him...which include portraits, I both drew and painted of him, a new custom case for his Violin, sheet music (Blank sheets) and a slim case I designed for his drumsticks. "Nikki..." Steven starts slowly, full on crying now as am I. "Nikki Sixx the fact that you took the time, and poured your heart and soul into these gifts, the care. THANK YOU."

"I'd do anything for you Steven, anything...and YOU'RE WELCOME." I hug him tightly to me, he and cuddling one another, after of course placing the gifts back on the coffee table. "I love you."

"I love you to Nikki, so much....MY heart and soul! I'd say 1990 we've already got an amazing start on; I can't wait to see what else happens this year well besides the tour and our marriage. I am just excited for all of it, and more than that, to have you by my side thru it all. What more could I ask for? And too best fucking 22nd birthday ever!"

Best birthday ever indeed, I like Steven poured my heart and soul into making his birthday special as I do every year, I just love making each day with him and for him special. That has never changed in all the 32 years, well technically 34 that we've been together. And too Steven's wishes he made on his 22nd birthday, would several months from now would come true.

A/N: we've entered a new year: 1990! And caught up a bit with Nikki x Steven. Next chapter will be part two to this and then the chapter after that will be their wedding! Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now