Chapter 35: Rehearsals for the Second Leg (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Mine and Nikki's honeymoon back in February was heaven on earth, sweet and fire or in other words perfect! After our honeymoon, it was hard to go home and leave Rome...but my husband and I planned to go back! The subsequent months since then were spent doing anything and everything, I finished my cookbook and planned on publishing it with the next year or so, we hit the gym and burned a lot of calories love making too. In short, we lived our lives, which brings us too now.... rehearsals for the second leg of the Dr. Feelgood Tour which just so happen to be today, and it's also May as well....

Currently, it is midmorning and rehearsals start this afternoon.... Liza, God...I can't believe my little niece will be 5 in October! Anyway, Liza will be there and Ozzy and Zak too of course, so everyone in other words. Nikki, my beloved husband is still sleeping, and I have a lot to do, shower, fix lunch and all for everyone to take to rehearsals, get my stuff together etc. I start to slide out of my husband's hold...slowly, when suddenly that voice I know and love so well, husky from sleep sounds in my ear....

"And where do you think you're going baby?"

I turn over to where I can see Nikki and smile, "Got a lot to do...shower, fix food...get stuff together and all that."

"Quit worrying babe! I've got our lyric books, notes, and instruments all set out and ready to go! I..." I practically attack my husband's lips in thanks and excitement both. Nikki laughs after, his eyes soft. "Good morning to you too! I thought I'd get our music stuff together so you wouldn't have to worry and tell you what...I'll help you fix food, and we can shower together." Nikki's eyebrows raise in a suggestive manner.

"You and I both know how we 'define' showering.... Buuuut.... there IS always later." My tone sly and suggestive...I know that gets him, but smirking I bolt out of his hold and make a bee line for the bathroom, and I get all of 2 feet from the bed before Nikki picks me up, making me squeak...yes, squeak.

"You tease.... not very nice...Steven." Nikki whispers hotly in my ear..., "You knew what you were doing didn't you my little blue-eyed minx? And guess what THAT earns you?" Before I know it, our clothes are off and the hot spray of the shower hits me and so does the needless to say my husband takes me against the shower wall...oh, it was HOT! Somehow, we do manage to shower...a herculean effort on our part, believe me. So, we're horny for each other, sue us. Nikki and I both manage to get dressed, dry our hair and head for the kitchen, my heart melting and seeing that my husband did indeed have our band stuff already to go and he and I get to work, fixing my famous chicken Waldorf salad wraps, home made chips and brownies for dessert. I make sure too to pack bottles of water, juice, and granola specially for Liza...she loves my granola so much so that I gave Mick the recipe. Nikki and I work in tandem with one another, and it don't take too long to get everything packed and loaded in our car and we are off before I know it, afternoon and rehearsal time has arrived.

"I love you, Nikki." I whisper during the drive, reaching for my husband's free hand which he gladly gives me, squeezing mine gently.

"I love you too much." Nikki whispers back gently, giving me butterflies.

Upon arriving at the rehearsal hall, joyous squealing precedes Liza immediately tackling Nikki  and I, as laughing we are helped by her and her parents to bring in all the food and store it, to keep it cool. Liza also hugs everyone else in her eyesight, mine and Nikki's instruments and Music stuff is also brought in, and we get set up for rehearsal. Instruments tuned, family greeted and we first before starting go over our band notes, set list, stage design, and decide to include a new song, that we haven't yet played live but IS on the Dr. Feelgood album: 'Black Widow.' We'd recorded the song and added my violin in...just like Nikki had told me back in rehab, "Powerful, seductive, menacing...perfect."

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now