Home Sweet Home Epilogue (Nikki/Steven)

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So here we are once again, and now you know the whole story.... the sordid pasts, the betrayals.... the Dirt as it were. The story of how two lost and lonely, BROKEN souls came together and together forged a new path and got the sweetest revenge as it were by moving on and becoming something bigger and better than we were. A lifetime spent unwanted, wild, unloved.... longing and searching for something thought unattainable....and then that fateful January day in Rehab, my husband's 20th birthday, my life...my WORLD changed forever. Bonding over shitty pasts, our then betrayals...becoming friends, and eventually lovers and that led to not just mine and Steven's lives changed, but everyone's. Mӧtley becoming a true family unit....

Steven and I are often called the ultimate power couple and I suppose it's true, but it's because WE love each other, it's because of our love...our finding one another. Together we've experienced the highest highs and lowest lows, faced many storms together and have come out stronger. And I marvel that all these years, these decades have passed, and Steven and I have pursued our greatest dreams together.... had a family of our own and then to watch our children grow and thrive and share their talents with the world means everything and then our children HAVE children. Steven and I of course have our granddaughter Stevie, Rain's oldest Daughter and her son 7-year-old Michael Aidan Mars Osbourne and Stevie is now 10....10.

Our oldest son Drew as it turns out or as you know, was struck by cupid aka Jamison Lennon McCartney and soon after their meeting, they started dating and then in 2013 were engaged and then married Christmas Eve that year and then the following year.... they or Drew conceived their first child, their daughter: Harley Rain.... the Rain being of course for Drew's oldest sister.

The triplet's aka Ruby, Stormy and Decker all have music and art related careers already at the age of 18, and they follow their passions, citing their mother and I as their biggest inspirations. Mick and Vince, and their spouses, our shared lives...grandchildren, our legacy.... have thrived....and we are. Mӧtley is to go on a world tour next year.... but Mick is not joining us sadly, His A. S.... being the chief reason and too spending time with family and he's more than earned his retirement, he's still a member...always will be OUR alien, but he will no longer tour and his replacement? Well, he chose Frankie.

He told Steven and I tear in his eyes, "I'd have no one else.... she's family, talented as FUCK. It's something I taught her and now...now she's doing me proud, you and Steven have done an amazing job with her. I know how proud you two of her and it's something, how I held her in my arms all those years ago and now...now, she has a career.... making her own legend and too she has a child of her own now."

Surprise! Frankie married and had a child with Hunter Maylor as he's been dubbed...the son of Brian May and Roger Taylor and just like with Drew and Jamison....it was fate....

Currently of course Steven and I are still here in Jackson Hole, Wyoming...the holidays near...or are here really and recently Steven and I purchased a new house in L.A.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now