Chapter 62: The Sixx Family (Nikki Sixx)

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It's hard to believe my beloved, blue husband Steven is now 5 months pregnant with our youngest daughter: Frankie Nicole. Rain is thriving, curious about her new sister.... wanting to know how to care for a baby, and she's really into Drums.... she LOVES Steven play; she loves me playing bass to of course. The Sixx Family is doing well, I love my family with every fiber of my being.

As it turns out, Steven wound up with permission from his Doctor doing some promotional shows if you will for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra one of which was televised, huge ratings I tell you now...I didn't have the heart to tell my husband no, but I tell you I am and was so damn proud of him, seeing him live his dreams...I just fall more in love with him. I meanwhile, have been focusing working on my photography and Steven and I have been working on "The Heroin Diaries' together and writing songs.... but first and foremost, I make sure Steven takes it easy and I take care of him, and Rain and Steven is my absolute rock, because he does the same for me...every minute of every day.

I currently am out of the house, I'd been doing some photography around sunset and am headed home...God, am I eager to see my husband and my daughter...BOTH of my daughters.

Steven, oh my Steven.... radiant and beautiful, his belly still growing to accommodate our little pumpkin pie: Frankie and my jellybean Rain.... it's almost dinner time, I've already called Steven, and he told me---

"I've really missed you Nik! I hope you had a good time; I know your pictures are amazing! So proud of you babe! Don't worry I've been taking it easy as I can, Rain makes sure I am careful and to quote 'eat penty' for Frankie, just the sweetest child!" His words, not gonna fucking lie made me misty, so very, and I do mean very much worth it.

At long last I arrive home, parking in our garage....and I walk into the house, to find delicious aromas filling the air...I take an appreciative sniff, before I set my stuff down out of the way and head to the kitchen, where I stand a moment to admire the scene before me....Steven cooking away, smells divine...his homemade eggplant parm, one of my favorites...and too Rain is talking to her mother, talking away about drum sticks and Frankie...and me, I smile. Steven though is back turned, says....

"Nikki, I can feel you smiling."

I just can't get over how in tune with me he is, as he turns from the stove and beams at me. Rain excitedly claps her little hands, chanting...., "Daddy home! Daddy Home!"

"I am home...I couldn't wait to see you guys! I get misty and I realize Steven is standing in front of me, me getting lost in his eyes as always, I cup his face in my hands. "You...look BEAUTIFUL...I really missed you blue-eyes, you didn't have to cook dinner...need to be off your feet, but babe it means SO much that you did...I mean...I love you."

"Don't worry babe, I am ok...Frankie is ok...and I really missed you too and the kids. I LOVE YOU." Steven sniffles, as I lean in and kiss him...and afterwards despite his protests, make him sit down and prop his feet up and of course give Rain 'kissy' and simply talk to my family...MY FAMILY. "Nikki, you are amazing.... i ever tell you that?" steven Asks.

"Yes, you have.... i see it and feel that what exactly did you and Rain get up to while I was gone?"

"Mommy hep me pway drums!" Rain exclaims excitedly. "And... mommy an' me took a nap wit Fwankie an' mommy and I wook at pic-pics and mommy made me snacks and gave me a bath and I make mommy west."

"Sounds like a good full day!" My heart warmed by her telling me about her day, and too how much I can tell she already loves her little sister.

"It was a good day was just missing you...Rain and I looked at pictures of us, you and I...I loved showing her our history together...our love story." Steven says smiling softly, pausing a moment, hands on his stomach...and I know...

"Frankie's kicking you, isn't she?"

"Yes! She's happy...just like us." Steven beams, making me do the same. Finally, I finish off everything Steven was doing and serve my family dinner, making sure to give Rain a bib and child sized portion and we eat. "Mmm.... this is SO good! Oh, I have been craving this ALL day!" Steven sighs in bliss as he eats.

"Hits the spot huh babe?" I ask. "Rain what do you think sweetheart?"

"Daddy it dewicious!" Rain waves her little fork in the air for emphasis. "Mommy? Fwankie like?" Rain asks her mother.

"Frankie is LOVING this.... she's really kicking me a lot right now! I---" Steven lets loose a loud burp, his cheeks burning in embarrassment. "s-sorry." My husband apologizes.

"Nothing to be sorry for fact..." I proceed to do the same thing.

"Daddy! Mommy.... that not how do!" Rain lets loose a burp that puts me and Steven BOTH to shame. "Scuse-y me!" Rain giggles, and Steven and I both laugh.

"A family burping contest.... could be an annual thing!" I quip around a bite of eggplant.

"Yeah, but babe, it would wind up being more than burps if you get my drift...." Steven wiggles his eyebrows.

"Mommies mean toot-toot?" Rain asks innocently.

I snicker as Steven's cheeks redden in embarrassment once again.... but nonetheless he does laugh. We do manage to finish dinner, and Rain needs a bath.... depending on things, sometimes its twice a day, but she a messes happen, those beautiful messes. I insist on washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, Steven stopping to kiss me as carefully he takes Rain upstairs....and I rush up there after I am done downstairs to find Rain fussing over Steven.

"Mommy u need be off feet! An' I don't need bath!" Rain stomps her little feet.

"Honey I am fine, I promise, and you need a look like you fought with a basket of tomatoes and lost...besides...don't you want to get you hair looking as fabulous as mommies and daddies?" Gently but firmly, Steven is an amazing...beyond amazing mother.

"Ok mommy!"

"Hey daddy's here and mommy and I will both help bathe you, ok?" I walk in the bathroom; Steven has already gathered her favorite soaps and towels and nightgown. So, I help Steven give Rain a bath, making sure she is safe and too that Steven is ok.... afterwards when Rain is all clean, we head downstairs and watch a Disney movie until bedtime...

Rain falls asleep after 30 minutes of the movie playing, cuddled against Steven's baby bump. Reluctantly I take her, and she doesn't stir, except to burrow into my embrace.

"Blue-eyes, I'll take her upstairs and tuck her in and be right back, ok?"

"Ok Nik...we have baby monitors its all good." Stevens are glowing an electric blue.

"It IS all good right back." I whisper so as not to disturb Rain in my arms and head back upstairs to tuck her in bed. "I love you so much jellybean, you, and your sister.... sleep well tonight." I whisper gently kissing her forehead.

My family is my life, what keeps me husband, my daughters.... mick and oz, their kids...Vince and Zak and their little life, my world.

I head back downstairs to join my husband on the couch as we cuddle together, feeling Frankie move around and kick, truly there is nothing better than this! Well, until Steven sees what I am gonna do for Frankie's nursery, oh that I cannot wait!

A/N: A day/evening with the Sixx Family, next chapter will be Frankie's nursery, stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now