Chapter 67: Feels Like Home Part 1 (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Happiness, sheer happiness is chiefly what I am feeling right now and of course total and complete love. Obviously, I am still sore from birth...exhausted, but its more than worth it. Frankie Nicole is a healthy, beautiful and dare I say happy little girl and as always Nikki is right by my side. Today, is a very special day...after a few days in the, Frankie is being brought home. I've just changed her diaper and her little outfit and fed her and she's also nice and bundled and ready to go.... Nikki has just brought in the wheelchair and our oldest daughter Rain.

"Hey blue eyes...all ready to go? I've brought the car around." I look up at my husband and smile.

"Very ready.... Frankie's fed and dressed." I reply, a kiss and I feel him smile into it, well we both do before I then turn to Rain as she looks on and insists on giving Frankie 'kissy'. "You excited to bring your sister home jellybean?" though I well know her answer and sure enough...

"Uh-huh! I hep wots!"

Nikki chuckles warmly at her, "Mommy and I know you will. You DO." Carefully Nikki helps me in the wheelchair, handing me a cooing Frankie.... taking in everything with her eyes...Nikki's eyes. I hold her close to me, loving how she feels....and having my two girls with me. I share a look with Nikki.... he knows. "I feel you let's get our girls home."

Nikki manages to wheel me and hold Rain both...and we make it to the waiting car. I insist on Nikki securing Rain first which he does, both talking with one another. I can't help but admire him...he's an amazing father and more than that, he's a BEYOND amazing husband. Rain is made secure and reverently....carefully he takes Frankie from me, murmuring sweetly to her as he puts her in her little car seat and I swear she 'talks' to him in her own little way....and at last but not least, Nikki carefully helps me In the back concerned when I wince, but I assure him I'm ok...but I am in the back in case either of my children need me.

Nikki kisses me softly, giving me butterflies.... he feels like and IS my home.

"Love you blue-eyes and thank you for giving me children.... for EVERYTHING."

"Right back atcha'." I grin and Nikki kisses me once more before we take off.... bound for home.

"Mommy?" Rain asks, pausing in playing with her stuffed jellybean.

"Yes jellybean?"

"Have more babies?" That I didn't expect to come out of her mouth.

"I will...I wanna give daddy lots of little angels." I reply. I catch Nikki's eyes and they GLOW.

During the ride home we all talk to one another in low voices...especially once Frankie falls asleep, but just before we arrive at our house...Rain follows suit.

"We're home blue-eyes...home..." Nikki whispers and then glances back to see both our daughters asleep his eyes soft. "Both very adorable...and hey they've had a big day." I meanwhile am feeling sleepy myself, trying to hold back a yawn which causes Nikki to...wait.... where did he go? Next thing I know is the door opens and Nikki eyes me concerned hand on my cheek, me leaning into his touch. "You look exhausted Steven...I can see you struggling right now. You need sleep, ok?" I don't even protest and next thing I know.... things happening in a sleepy haze...Nikki placing Frankie in her crib and Rain in her little toddler bed, grabbing the bags and carrying me upstairs to our bedroom, carefully getting me ready to sleep....well I'm kind of out of it right now....I feel warm soft lips...MY NIKKI'S lips cover mine and I hear, "I love sleep I'm here to take care of you...our family...if either Rain or Frankie needs you, I'll get you." And then I drift off....

I wake a few hours loud cries coming in over the baby monitor and before I can even get out of walks Nikki with a wailing red-faced Frankie who is tugging at his shirt.... ah feeding time.

"I've changed her diaper...but as you can see..." Nikki sounds amused, but I hear the worry in his voice for Frankie crying so much, not that I blame him and I follow my instincts and pull my shirt off as Nikki carefully hands me Frankie whose cries are reduced to fussing and calms completely when she latches on to a nipple and begins suckling, I admire her little green eyes wide-open with wonder.

"Look at her...Nikki." Quietly now so as not to disturb Frankie who is suckling away still.

"She's our little pumpkin pie." He gently strokes her hair and a moment later.... we hear Rain on the baby monitor...and I have to stifle a laugh at what she leads off with...

"Daddy I gotta potty wots! An' I wanna see Fwankie!"

Nikki laughs, "I'll get right back." Nikki leaves as Frankie who finally seems full as I carefully burp her and then settle with her against my chest.... her curled up. Finally, Nikki comes back with Rain in tow. "She really did have to potty lots..." Nikki states amused as he joins me and Frankie, Rain in his lap.

"Daddy, I piss!" I gape at her a moment before trying to stifle my laughter at the look Nikki shoots me, he is amused but mortified.

"Jellybean..." I start slowly...warning her in my way.

"Mommy sowwy use 'gone-up' word!"

"Ok, just be careful ok sweety? Now, do you wanna see your sister?" Rain nods eagerly, as Nikki places her to where she can better see and reach Frankie. Nikki wraps an arm around me, carefully pulling me close and God do I love that!

"Wecom home Fwankie! I hab good nap an' potty time! You sweep good? I did.... you can hold my jewwy bean wots! Daddy an' mommy da bestest pawents eva!"

Nikki and I share a look, tears in our home sweet Rain is and how very much Rain loves her sister. Just wait until we get to our son and our triplets....

"Rain...that was sweet what you said to your sister. Best big sister ever!" Nikki sniffs.

Rain giggles sweetly....and we just spend time together cuddling as a family for a wee bit, also discussing dinner.

"What do you think Nik? Something light? I would love...well, that cucumber salad and I guess those cold noodles with the chicken..."

"Sounds good to me blue-eyes...what do you think jellybean?" Nikki smiles at me before turning to Rain.

"Dewicious daddy!"

If that isn't a perfect answer, I don't know what we decide to head downstairs and I help Rain downstairs while Nikki holds Frankie like a holy relic, keeping her nice and safe in his strong arms.

Upon arriving downstairs, Frankie is placed in a mobile bassinet and we all head to the kitchen, Rain secured in her little toddler chair armed with drumsticks to play with...which she immediately starts imitating me...warming my heart, Nikki and I keep Frankie close to us as together we work in tandem with one another, to fix dinner talking all the while.

This feels like home, THIS IS home.... anywhere Nikki and my children are home.... life truly is beautiful.... i can't believe...Frankie has only been home for what? A day, or not even a whole day...only mere hours and you know what? I'd have it NO OTHER way.... being where I am at now, here in this most beautiful of moments.

I remember every moment of the day we brought Frankie home, like it was was like that with all our children and feels like home to me.

A/N: Frankie is home and family moments! Next is part 2. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now