Chapter 66: The Birth of Frankie Nicole Sixx Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Is it safe to say that I am in love? YES, and HELL YES.... I love my newborn daughter my little pumpkin pie, Frankie. Frankie Nicole Sixx, a mini-Steven but with my eyes, nose, and lips.... beautiful. BOTH my daughters are beautiful and precious little angels...I love them dearly and it's all thanks to me beyond amazing husband: Steven. It was scary as fuck, Steven going into labor early, a month early and then the labor...I was a nervous wreck! But he needed me, so I was there every step of the way. I am broken out of my reverie by my husband's soft but wrecked voice.

"Nikki? I can tell what you're thinking.... i can see how much you love Frankie, love both our children and me...and yes it was scary as fuck...but you as always were right by my side." I cannot help but stare at him in wonder. Steven was made for me, IS made for me of that I have NO doubt. Frankie kicks her little legs, fussing. "Shh, its ok sweetheart...oh I bet I know! Do you want daddy to hold you?" Frankie makes cooing noises, meaning 'yes'. I love.... Steven's way.... i just LOVE him period.

"I'd love to hold her babe...August 13, 1993.... I'm getting that date tattooed on me somewhere...just like Feb.14, 1991...Rain's birthdate. "

"I think that sounds perfect" Steven's eyes shine, as carefully he hands me Frankie, who stares up at me with her little eyes wide open and I am lost.

"Oh, Pumpkin Pie! Frankie....'s amazing.... here you are, healthy.... you're mother...." I pause trying to collect myself. "Your mother is the most loving, funny, talented...PERFECT person I've ever known. He's given me so much, a friend, a TRUE PARTNER, a husband for life....and two precious children you and your older sister Rain. He SAVED me.... you my sweet girl look just like him....and God do I love that." I rock her gently, her eyes beginning to droop. I kiss her little forehead. "Sleep Frankie, you've had a big day...daddy is here to watch over you and mommy, and your sister.... always." I whisper, and she falls asleep, and I notice...Steven has fallen asleep, I want him to rest as much as he needs. Carefully I stand, with my precious bundle and place her in her bassinet, covering her with a blanket...making sure she is ok, my eyes fill with tears...overcome in the best of ways emotion wise. I kiss Steven on his lips, he doesn't stir...but there is a smile on his face even in sleep...he knows.... i watch over my family for a while, before I find myself drifting off....

Steven and I both woke up right when Frankie does a few hours later, her diaper is checked.... we're good and then...comes the moment...Frankie just like Rain gets milk from Steven, taking to it with gusto as she suckles from him.

"Someone's eager! Both kids take after us in the eating department!" Steven laughs lightly so as not to disturb Frankie.

"I know right?" I quip, before adding on softly, "You ARE beautiful beautiful."

"So are YOU...Always remember that Nik." Thanks to him, I remember that everyday...every day.

Time passes, Frankie had her first feeding...and her second and so on and so forth and Steven slept in between feedings and her first diaper changes, which I insisted on doing despite Steven's protest, my reasoning being that STEVEN is the one doing all the hard work or has done it as I told him playfully, wiggling my eyebrows.

But the next day dawns and finally, FINALLY Rain will meet her new fact, that brings us back to the present, our Family is on their way...the camera is here, and Steven is feeding Frankie, who once again is suckling greedily.

"I...God, Steven I've missed Rain.... she's...glad you are ok and Frankie hasn't felt right not having her with us...though I know why. You know?" I sigh wistfully.

"I feel the same way.... it's hard being apart from her...from the ones you love." Steven echoes my tone, as it seems Frankie is finished on one side and carefully, I help switch her to the other side, and she immediately latches on...I smooth back or attempt to her wild hair...making me smile. Finally, Frankie is fed and Steven burps her carefully.... her making little cooing noises....

After a seeming eternity, our family arrives.... Steven holding Frankie, my arms around them both. Steven and I are very eager for Rain to meet her sister, shyly our oldest daughter enters the room, along with Zak, Vince and their daughter, Mick & Oz, and their kids.... but I greet Rain, getting off the bed carefully to not jostle Frankie or Steven and scoop her up.... Rain clinging to me, burying her face in my neck.

"Daddy, I miss- you an' mommy...and Fwankie...Fwankie ok, wight? Dat wat Unka Ozzy say."

"Mommy and I missed you too jellybean...Frankie are ok, so is mommy and Frankie is very eager to meet you.... don't be shy sweetheart. Frankie loves you...and so do your mother and I...very much." I soothe her and am rewarded with her sweet smile. I join my husband and newborn daughter on the bed, Rain leans over carefully to look at her sister...mesmerized, so shy. "Talk to her jellybean, I know she understands you...but be careful, ok?" Rain gives a serious little nod but then asks Steven and I...

"Can I hold Fwankie? I be carefee."

"Sure, you can jellybean, daddy will help you, ok?" Steven beams, despite being exhausted. Slowly Carefully, Rain is 'holding'' Frankie, which really means Steven and I are supporting them both and finally Rain talks to her sister...and I hear MANY pictures being taken.

"Hey Fwankie...I Rain Iris.... you are so tiny an' cute...looky like mommy! Oooh gween eyes like daddy! Sowwy so shy...but I wuv ew an Pomise to be good sissy." Rain kisses Frankie's little forehead and I am crying...and so is Steven at how very beautiful this scene is.

"You are a good sister Rain, never doubt that...its ok to be shy honey, this is all so new especially for you...but she knows how much you love her, and you know how much we love you. Soon mommy will be home, and we'll show Frankie the house and everything." Steven says gently.... i can never get over my husband's way...he is perfect to me! Rain 'holds' Frankie for a bit, Frankie gradually drifting off once more to sleep and she is taken to the nursery to be checked on and washed, I'd sent a special custom onesie with the nurse.... that had pumpkins on it...I mean talk about adorable!!

Steven cried when they took Frankie, breaking my tell the truth, I did too....

We all spend time ribbing one another just being a family for a while, Steven falling asleep at some point....and Rain tells Steven and I before she leaves with Vince and Zak how much she loves me and Steven and heart went with her, not gonna lie....

Soon Steven's steady breathing fills the room and I talk lowly to him....

"I know you hated falling asleep blue-eyes, you were struggling to stay awake...but sleep as much as you need to...I'd say you've more than earned it. I love you...God, I hated sending Rain off...but its not forever, and she's always with us when we're apart...just like you Steven are with me every minute of every day...and I'd have it no other way."

Thus, it goes for a bit more until Frankie, a wide-eyed Frankie is brought in, poop and pee free apparently, but its also dinner time for her...I laugh a little as I take her in my arms.

"Always ready to eat, just like me and your mommy....and sister. I love that...and I love you sweet girl...Now let's see about getting you fed." I speak quietly, holding my precious little bundle carefully and gently wake Steven, whose eyes light up, upon seeing me and our daughter.

A/N: Rain has met Frankie, talk about adorable!! Next chapter will be Frankie's home coming, which will be in two parts and then after that...2 chapters from present day which will reflect about a 10-year period, also in 2 parts starting in 1994....and after THAT, a skip to 2003. Stay tuned, lots to come!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now