Chapter 6: A Crϋe Family Visit (Nikki Sixx)

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It had been a few days since Steven, and I talked about him joining Motley Crϋe and that stupid-ass Interview with Tommy Lee and Guns. Steven has told me that it still very much bothers him, gives him anxiety...though too it stems from being stuck in rehab and how that came about. But to take his mind off it, we've worked on our songs, written notes and just talked with one another, about anything and everything and I know it's meant a lot to Steven, to have someone who cares and understands....

Also, during the past few days...Allen had called to say he was working on Steven's contract, cutting Tommy's royalties etc., so it's really been busy, which brings us to now, me teasing my hair, with contraband hairspray and Steven just so happens to walk thru the toxic cloud of Aqua Net.

"D-Damn...Sixx..." Steven coughs, but then smirks...., "I REALLY hope you saved some aqua net for ME, this glorious blond mane of mine, just doesn't happen."

"Oh, I brought extra.... check my drawer." I gesture with my head towards said drawer and Steven holds it aloft, still smirking but then proceeds to comb and tease his hair, I am done before he is, when he's done with his hair, he sighs...., "Hey you ok?" I ask

"Yeah...well, I mean...I'm nervous, they're coming to talk to me today...."

"Hey you'll do great! And you can be yourself..." I smile to try and make him feel better.

"It's been SO long, since I could be myself." Steven mutters trailing off and I can't help but hug him.

"Well now you are sure the hell can. You're very refreshing, honest, funny, talented as Fuck." Steven grins.

"Thanks Nikki, I needed to hear that..."

"No problem, let's get going." Steven gulps but falls into step with me and we walk to where we're meeting Vince and Mick...and Ozzy and Zak, Mick and Ozzy have a 3-year-old daughter Liza, who is with a babysitter. Mick threatened to kill Ozzy and bite his head off when he was giving birth to her, in reference to Oz's infamous bat biting incident, which I thought was hilarious they way Mick said that to Ozzy, but anyway...Steven drags his feet a little, but his eyes widen when he sees not only Mick and Vince, but Ozzy and Zak as well, tears spring to his eyes, as shakily he sits down.

", n-nervous.... i haven't felt, well visitors.... but y-you don't know how much this means to me." Steven stammers, face turning red from embarrassment, Before I can say anything surprisingly Mick Does.

"Breathe, you look like you're gonna have a panic attack."

Steven, poor guy is still shaking...quietly, I reach for his hand and squeeze, which seems to ground him as he finally calms down enough to talk and his tears dry, though I get the sinking feeling there will be more....

Steven exhales but whispers to me, "THANK YOU."

"You're welcome." I whisper back.

"Oi, so Mick filled me in.... i fucking hate that...what was that bloke's name? Cocksucker?" Ozzy states, Steven bursting into laughter...practically wheezing.

"Oh, I like you!" He grins, but sighs...," That cocksucker Ozzy, is one Axl Rose."

"Doesn't look like a bloody rose or smell like one I'd wager" Ozzy scowls, as Mick places a gentle hand on his arm and Ozzy turns to kiss him.

"Fucking Prick." Zak mutters, a sentiment the whole table agrees with.

"Rose dared to call ME out, that I'm a pussy. Geez, I'd kick his ass and he knows it." Vince chimes in, cracking his knuckles. I know firsthand Vince could beat Axl's ass.

Mick sighs, "We came here to talk to Steven...Steven you have the floor, Nikki has filled us in thus far...but maybe too it could help if you tell us."

Steven looks to me first and I nod, mouthing 'You got this man'. Steven then addresses the company at large...

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now