Chapter 24: End of the Road Part 1 (Nikki Sixx)

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Here we are the end of the road, the ending of the first leg of the Dr. Feelgood tour...the final show.... the shows have all been amazing, and I sure the hell don't miss being so fucked up I couldn't remember my own name, the groupies...I miss NONE of that because of my Steven, my beloved blue-eyed angel. Doing what you love WITH the one you love is the most priceless of treasures, the sold-out shows have been amazing...and I feel that---

"Nikki? Baby? Are you ok? "My fiancée's concerned voice floats to me and I shake my head as Steven is also in my vision, already in his stage outfit, as am I...I pull him to my lap, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah, I am babe...sorry to worry you, I was just thinking about things: the tour, doing what I love with YOU, how priceless and wonderful that is, and I don't miss being so fucked up I couldn't remember my own name, and now here we are at the last show of the first tour leg. It's like damn, ya know?"

"I know exactly what you mean Nikki, I don't miss being fucked up either, nearly dying more than once, being treated like shit...I owe that all to you, you if I hadn't have been with you in rehab...I can't even imagine what my life would be like...and, and every day I fall more in love with you and I can't wait till we are married! I know how I feel now, whenever I am with you will NEVER change." Steven sounds choked up and to tell the truth so am I, I mean his words were and are beautiful, we manage to dry our eyes and pause to redo our makeup, just some eye liner and eye shadow, before we kiss and then head out hand in hand....

Here i am, here we, I am on stage with 2 men I see as brothers and the heart and soul of not just the band but MY heart and soul...Steven. Of course, I kissed him sitting him on his drum stool, I can't get enough...never can get enough. It's the last show till the second leg next year and even though my thoughts are as ever on Steven, my fingers aren't missing a beat...but, anyway, Steven and I will rest and yes that DOES include love making...we can't get enough of each other, there I said it. But truly we will rest or be lazy for a wee bit and plan our wedding.... i can't wait to be married to him, I have some ideas about everything which I will discuss with my fiancée....

The roar of the crowd, the electric atmosphere is amazing...but the best feelings are the loving glances Steven and I trade with one another, also managing to mouth 'I love you' to one another...the night is on fire in SO many ways!!

Before I know it, we take our final bows the show over, I pull Steven to scratch that, scoop him up in my arms, striding backstage ignoring the ribbing from Mick and Vince, I smirk down at the man in my arms...

"Just getting in lots of practice before I carry you over the threshold..."

"You're just using that as an excuse to carry me..." Steven quips teasingly.

"Oh baby, I don't need any excuse...It's because I just love holding you. I love you so much!" I go from teasing at first to emotional, getting a little misty which also gets my fiancée going.

"Oh Nikki! I love you too you too." He whispers and I kiss him, somehow at some point I VERY reluctantly, put Steven on his feet, we towel off and put on regular clothes and head back to the hotel stopping for take-out along the way...and we will be heading home sometime tomorrow...

Once back at the hotel, Steven, and I both simultaneously fling our shoes and jackets somewhere letting them land where they may, turn on the tv and plop down on the floor with our food, eating and talking....

"God! I can't believe this was the last show till next year! I mean I never imagined.... i mean, being a part of Mӧtley Crϋe has been the most, rewarding, kick-ass experience of my life! I mean sure touring can be grueling at times, but everything has been worth it. I've been given a chance not an opportunity to do something I never thought I'd get to do, play a Violin in front of thousands! Who could have seen that coming?!" Steven exclaims around a mouthful of food.

"For the first time in years, I would agree with you on the kick ass part...ever since last year I mean. This has been the most fun, rewarding tour Mick, Vince and I have ever had and it's all thanks to YOUR blue eyes...and as for the Violin? I knew that from the start, you are too fucking talented to NOT share your talents with the world. I want you; I have always wanted you to live all your dreams babe." My tone loving and filled with awe. Steven a couple of years from now, would pursue one of his greatest musical dreams besides our band, he would found the Trans-Siberian Orchestra combining his love of classical and rock music...and further his well deserved and earned legend. God, I am so proud of him! I always have been proud of the love of my life!

Steven sits down his food and immediately I know what he needs and that I need....and I pull him into my lap wrapping my arms around him, him feeling amazing in my arms as always.

"You see Nikki? You have your way too, you always have." Steven whispers playing with a lock of my hair, and I get the true meaning of what he said, and I hold him for a few minutes feeling our heart beat in time, we do manage to somehow finish eating and then we take a 'shower' a hot wild and loving shower I may add, then shower for afterwards once again carrying my fiancée, both of us clad only in boxers as I maneuver us under the covers, Steven resting his head on my chest, tracing my tattoos.

"That was perfect..." I state feeling very content before adding, "But then it always is."

"Nikki you my love are partial.... but hell, I can't fault you there." There is a teasing note to Steven's wrecked voice. "Agree to disagree I say." Steven full on cackles and I do the same.

"See Steven even your laugh is talented!" I quip, teasing him and then the both of us laugh like lunatics, till tears run down our faces till we finally manage to collect ourselves. Then Steven yawns hugely..., "Steven sleep ok babe?"

"But Nikki..." Another yawn.

"Steven, I know how tired you are, I've got you." I gently stroke his back before then maneuvering him to where i can properly kiss his gorgeous lips. "I love you."

"Love you too Nikki." Steven murmurs and soon drifts off and I quickly follow suit and I dream...

"Come on Steven, you've got this babe! She's almost here!" I encourage Steven to push, as it seems our daughter is at last ready to meet us.

"I can't! I don't think i CAN DO  this! Nikki, it hurts!" Steven pants, sobbing. I gently take his face in my hands.

"You CAN do this! I know it hurts; I know...but you are doing wonderful! Give in to the pain babe, you must.... i hate that you are in pain, but I am right here." Steven screams bearing down, and finally we are greeted by a loud cry, both of us sobbing...our daughter is here!!

Ah, that night...the last show of the first part of the Dr. Feel Good tour. It was a hell of a finale and too a romantic, emotional, and perfect night with my then fiancée now husband.... Exhaustion would set in when we reached home, and Steven and I would sleep for literally a day...

A/N: The last show of the first leg of the tour! Next will be part 2 and will see the guys and Nikki and Steven heading for home sweet home.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now