Chapter 57: Second Birthday News (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Thanksgiving and Christmas for our family in 92' were special, very memories, our family loving and living. And as it turns out, On Nikki's birthday THAT was extra special for it was on his birthday that I conceived our second child, or our second daughter as it turned out. That night I gifted my husband for his 34th birthday, a lingerie set.... a French maid outfit, complete with fish nets...which I'd never done before but Nikki fairly pounced on me, and our lovemaking was passionate and wild. Just like with Rain, I'd had a rough start to morning sickness, and it took me a bit of time to realize...and I would find out officially on my daughter's 2nd birthday and tell my husband, we were expanding our family again.

1993, another new year.... Nikki and I will have been together for what 5 years now. Wow, five years. I just turned 25 last month, my daughter is 2.... Robby Mick and Oz's son is two and little Jane is right behind them.... It's February and I have been planning and working on a second cookbook, Nikki and I have started writing 'The Heroin Diaries' together and I've even got an album release coming in spring with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Of course, Nikki and my daughter are my biggest priorities, always...however, I don't know how the HELL I have managed to do any of what we've been working on. I've been moody and snappy as fuck, and I've started getting sick, am gaining weight...

To be more precise it is Feb.14, my daughter Rain's Second birthday and Valentine's Day. Nikki and I have already celebrated Valentine's with a romantic getaway...doesn't mean we won't 'celebrate' if you will tonight. I didn't sleep a damn bit last night, I tried.... i kept rushing to throw up and I am finally, finally starting to believe I may very well be pregnant...the thought filling me with such joy despite my struggling....

Which brings us too now.... I've just peed on some pregnancy tests; I lift my t-shirt and touch the raised flesh.... It's just like with Rain, already showing a little.... i must be pregnant, God...I have wanted to have another baby with Nikki! And speaking of which, another possible child on the way...Nikki has been so worried about me.... I....

Before I can even BEGIN to look at the pregnancy tests, I feel the nausea hit me like a freight train and I drop to my knees just in time to vomit in the toilet...well fuck! The bathroom door opens, and I feel Nikki...Nikki holds my hair back.... still amid vomiting and the tears also fall.... Nikki is trying to soothe me...

"Hey...Hey...Steven it's ok. Why didn't you tell me you were getting sick? This isn't the first time.... I'm not angry, we've had a lot going with...." Nikki trails off in realization and FINALLY I quit puking, feeling spent and now sobbing, Nikki hands me something to rinse my mouth out and helps me off the floor, his arms wrapped around me. "Oh Damn! Steven you're I meant to's just like with, I KNOW you're pregnant." Nikki laughs and cries both and his eyes widen as they land on the tests I have lying on the counter.

"I was gonna tell you...i...just realized here lately. I wanted to surprise you...." I whisper tearfully. Nikki turns me in his arms and cups my face in his hands.

"You always surprise me Steven, it's what I love about of many things. Now, let's do this together..." Nikki picks the tests off the counter, and both of us share a look. "Oh my god...their all positive!! You ARE no. the BEST Valentine's Day gift ever. It's the best gift period, you are carrying our child...." A gentle hand placed on my little rounded stomach...housing...our second daughter, I believe we will have another girl. My hands join Nikki's.

"I believe it's another girl.... just like that dream I've had. I've wanted to give you another baby Nikki. And our daughter is gonna be a big sister!" I laugh and cry both, very much happy.

"She is.... you're my greatest dream...all of this is blue eyes. Now let's get you and our little pumpkin pie here back to bed." Nikki's tone is soft, but then it turns amused with. "THIS explains why you crave pumpkin pie so bad, or you have."

I sigh dramatically, "Both our children are named after sweets."

"No, their Nick-Names are." Nikki counters smirking, his look growing concerned when he notices...

"D-Dizzy..." I groan, feeling sick again. Nikki without words, picks me up being careful and tucks me back in bed, the room spinning...I am vaguely aware of shuffling and a waste basket is placed near by just in case. "R-Rain...her.... birthday.... sorry...." I whimper groaning. A gentle hand on my face...

"You're not ruining her birthday babe. It was just gonna be us.... you, me and now our pumpkin pie, her cake and gifts are already prepped and ready. The food's been sorted.... I've got this, I am gonna take care of you, of her. You just rest as you can.... I'm gonna make you some toast and some of that caffeine-free lavender and honey tea.... you drank that with Rain last time, and it seemed to help some." I don't respond as I close my eyes, trying to breathe. Nikki kisses my forehead and is gone.... i doze off....

Next thing I know, is I hear something being set down on my side of the bed, The dizziness is gone...but the nausea remains...

"Uggh...Nikki...." I gesture wildly and am passed the waste basket and I gag as I begin to vomit. Morning sickness fucking sucks, worth it...but sucks. Finally, I quit, Nikki helps me drink some water and clean my mouth and helps me drink the tea and eat some toast...I don't eat much of it, but I try...I just lay back after feeling spent.

"You look like you need more sleep blue-eyes.... I know you hate being in bed, but for our baby rest, ok? I love you." Nikki eyes me concerned; I still feel a little bit sick.

"Love you too. I just...wanna make Rain's Day special." I start crying again, Nikki gently wipes away my tears.

"You already are Steven.... you're giving her a sibling, you're her mother...the best mother I've ever known." Nikki kisses me gently but before anything else can be said, we hear tiny precious feet and Rain's giggles. "I'll get her." Nikki grins, and sure enough Rain is just outside our bedroom door, and Nikki scoops her up. She eyes me worried...

"Mommy sikki?"

"Mommy will be ok.... i promise. It will last a bit...we have something to tell you jellybean." Nikki reassures her and I hear the wonder in his voice as he joins me in the bed, Rain in between us.

"What tells daddy?" Rain is very curious. Nikki's large hands take Rain's tiny ones in his, guiding them to my rounded stomach and her eyes...oh her eyes light up.

"Mommy is pregnant.... that's your little brother or sister in there." My voice still hoarse from all the puking I've done.


"Really Jellybean." Nikki tells her. "Happy birthday sweetheart."

"How know I want baby for birday?" She asks innocently.

"Well for one thing its all you've talked about forever." Nikki teases her his look turns serious. "Be careful with mommy, ok? He needs rest."

"Okay daddy!" She gives him a beaming smile, their hands resting on my belly still. "Wuv ew and mommy and baby!"

"We love you too jellybean. Happy birthday my darling girl." I smile, but then yawn. Gently Nikki suggests I sleep and oh do I give into the call but before I drift off...I hear two of the most beautiful voices tell me as one,

"Love you." And then I know no more.

Rain did have a good birthday, her favorite as she would tell Nikki and I as she got older. She had her cake, her presents and I napped for several hours...thankfully Nikki took lots of pictures, but when I woke from my nap.... more morning sickness and more tea, and of course more cuddles from my husband and my daughter, and my heart warmed too at the thought of my second child.

A/N: Baby Adler-Sixx number 2 is incoming!! More to come!! Another chapter of peace and sweet moments before Guns Drama strikes again. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now