Chapter 34: For those about to Honeymoon Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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I am Nikki Sixx married...and I find and have found I very much love saying that I love being married and especially since its to my true other half: Steven Joseph Adler-Sixx. And we've already had such an amazing time on our honeymoon, and we are just getting started. Already so many cherished memories, including the very naughty ones which will be repeated soon...very soon. Which brings us to now, after enjoying the fountain at the piazza we found a cute gelato place and my husband, and I have just sat down with our respective gelato flavors.

"What flavor did you get again?" I ask my husband and his replying tone is highly amused.

"If you'd not been so busy ogling may have heard."

"Can you blame me?" I counter, smirking and I note the blush on my husband's face, bringing out the blue in his eyes.

"No...because I do the same...but I got, well I think its fig, honey and there is crumbled prosciutto in it. Sounds odd...but oooh it tastes divine!!" Steven takes a bite, groaning at the taste. "You got what dark chocolate and raspberry?" My husband asks, looking radiantly happy...making my heartbeat faster, it's ALWAYS like this.

"Mmm...yeah. "I take a bite of my gelato before declaring, "I want to try yours." And promptly without permission, take a bite...but my Steven just laughs and proceeds to do the same to mine. And I find myself laughing with him.

"This has already been the most romantic, hot, and just amazing honeymoon..." Steven states dreamily, taking another bite of his gelato and echoing my thoughts of just moments ago.

"I was just thinking you've probably already got a million ideas for your cookbook and we're just at the beginning of our honeymoon." I state fondly, and before he can answer...I steal a kiss, several in fact.

"Yes...I do!" My husband is practically bouncing in his seat. "It means so much to me Nikki, that you support me in everything I do." Serious, loving and reverently.

"Of course...and I know babe, you'd do the same for do every day." I get a little misty, not gonna lie. Steven is in much the same way as i...we finish our gelato and take a stroll, its romantic and perfect. Time passes languidly yet rushes by at the same time. We take a siesta, heading back to our hotel and by siesta, I mean, a love making session that I am sure all Rome could hear and THEN we slept. Upon awaking later, we went on the hunt for local pasta restaurants, and discovering a hidden gem.

Before I know it, a week has passed on our honeymoon, and we still thankfully have a week to go. Each day, Steven and I have explored Rome, taken romantic walks, loved, laughed, and taken so many pictures. We're having the time of our lives....and too we make purchases for our family and our house.

Which brings us back to the present, currently my husband and I are in Venice, Italy. I made sure to bring my camera and Steven and I are riding in a gondola, super romantic by the way and I am holding him in my arms.... I'd already taken pictures and now am basking in the moment reveling in my husband's love.

"I just love holding you in my arms baby." I whisper, holding Steven like he's the most priceless of treasures, because to me he IS.

"And I love being in your arms or anywhere with you Nikki. Its beautiful here. Venice, much history, food...architecture...and did I mention the food?" Steven whispers back.

"Mmm, yes you did blue eyes and that's what I love about you...well one of many things I love about you. All this beauty, and yet I swear to doesn't even come fucking close to you." I squeeze my husband gently, as the gondolier continues to steer us thru the watery streets of Venice.

"I could say the same thing about you babe." Steven leans further into my embrace. We ride around for a little while longer, before stepping off and finding a Venetian restaurant we'd done research on, priding themselves on using local ingredients. "Oh, I am SO hungry!" My husband declares and right on cue, his stomach growls.

I laugh, "You are! And all this walking and love making...we've burned a shit ton of calories! Best form of cardio EVER!" I hold my husband's hand, as we sit down and order drinks first, while perusing the menu.

"Sure, as hell is the best combo ever! Now food!" Steven declares, his enthusiasm is catching I have yet to let go of his hand, we wind up getting several different dishes to try. Prosciutto, caprese salad and other dishes Venice is known for. Everything is so fresh and smells divine when it arrives. "Oh my god!"

"Steven.... i know how much of a god I am...and its so sweet you are letting the world know!" I tease my husband.

"Nikki babe.... just YOU wait till later!" Steven purrs lowly.

"Oh, I look forward to it!" I purr back, loving the blush tinting his cheeks. Somehow, we manage to eat, our eyes never leaving one another. Heated and yet loving glances are exchanged, and we talk with one another, about anything and everything. After we eat our fill, we head back to our hotel in Rome and what I know, will be a passionate and romantic night. I sigh, getting my husband's attention.

"Nikki? You, ok?"

"More than ok, I'm WONDERFUL. Just thinking about the night ahead." I respond, grabbing his lips in a sweet kiss.

"Me too.... i have a lingerie set that you haven't seen yet. "Steven teases, before his look and tone grows more serious." Every day since I've officially met you...has been like a dream. It's been a nightmare at times for obvious reasons, and too you were going thru some hard shit like me.... but the point Nikki is that it's been what I YOU have been what I need and have needed. You gave me a purpose in life...I think everyday about you telling me you always knew I'd be a permanent part of your life...and, and I love that. You love me, you respect me, you taught me to love and what love should be. God, how lucky am I? that I get call you, my husband."

Tears fall at my husband's beautiful words, "We've seen each other at our lowest points, we bonded over our horrific pasts, you became my best friend and then my lover...and now, look where we are...married. I never thought I'd live to see the day...literally. We could have lost each other...but we found our way to one another. I look forward to many, many more years together and am excited to see where our journey goes." Steven too is crying, and we cuddle one another, and I swear our hears beat in time. There is nowhere that I would rather be, than by my husband's side...and only Steven to be by my side......

Upon arrival at our hotel, Steven and I barely get in the door, without pouncing on one another....and Steven coyly knowing how hard I am...tells me he's going to freshen up, I quickly strip and get in bed, and wait....when he steps out, my eyes widen....His lingerie set, is done in shades of black and green, and is won't last long....sigh....

We come together, in a fiery kiss....and, I ruin this lingerie set.... but I know for a fact, Steven has extra.... but we have a very wild, loving, and PERFECT love-making session or should I say sessions. As we make love half the night.... Steven struggling to stay awake afterwards....

"Sleep blue-eyes...ok? I want you to rest. I took a lot out of you." I gently, run my fingers thru my husband's hair and kiss him gently.

"But...Nikki, you'll be lonely." Steven murmurs sleepily.

"I won't be...because you are right here with me...and I'll see you when I wake...when you wake, and I'll see you in my dreams. I love you." I whisper gently, Steven murmurs that he loves me too and is out like a light...and indeed, I see Steven in my dreams...till I again see him in the waking world.

The rest of our honeymoon was just as perfect and as memorable as every day had been, when we got back to the states...we rested for a few days before visiting with everyone and then the next few months until May, we spent gearing up for rehearsals which would take place in May and then the tour, the second leg of the Dr. Feelgood tour would start June and last till September....and of course towards the end of that second leg....Steven would become pregnant with our first child, our daughter. Though it would take us a bit to realize, since we had so much gone on.... but, this day, I remember the night we conceived our daughter.... that night, that night our love...was emotional, different, and even more loving than was beyond paradise.

A/N: The second part of Nikki x Steven's honeymoon,, humor and more. Next chapter rehearsals begin....and then 2 tour related chapters before, Steven FINALLY starts acting in a strange way, which will lead to the highly anticipated moment we've all been waiting for to be discovered. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now