Chapter 41: Spoiling my Love (Steven-Adler Sixx)

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I've just entered month 3 of my pregnancy and FUCKING FINALLY, my morning sickness seems to be going away!! Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment to check on the baby aka jellybean. But in the meantime, I've just woken up...couldn't sleep and wondered downstairs to the practice room where I lovingly start to tune my Violin. I played for a wee bit, being careful all the time. Next, I move on to my drums.... I'm not sure what time it is, but even though I was up late with my husband, and still am so looks like from what I gather it's before dawn and before I can do anything else, I hear the most beautiful albeit sleepy voice in the world---

"Steven? Why aren't you in bed? Are you ok?"

I sigh before bursting into tears, dropping my drumsticks. Suddenly I feel so warm, as my husband wraps me in his embrace as I sob into his chest. "I-I...c-couldn't sleep! I j-just play. S-Sorry I woke you..." I trail off miserably. I feel gentle bass roughened hands carefully cup my face, eyes filled with love and concern.

"'s ok blue-eyes. I woke up because you weren't there beside me. And if you're losing sleep so, will I... but Steven, remember, though you're morning sickness finally seems to be going away, you still tire easy. I know you're being careful with our little jellybean—" Here my husband places his hands on my little swollen stomach, reverently really. "Tell you what, since you want to play you can, and then it's back to bed with need lots of rest."

"o-Ok...Love you...Kiss me?" I ask, soon feeling soft warm lips massaging my own. I play or practice for a bit, before I literally start falling asleep at my drum kit and next thing I know, light starts filtering thru the bedroom curtains and I realize I am being tucked in by my husband, as he joins me, arms going around me, hand resting on my me butterflies.

"God...I love you...sleep Steven, I've got you and our jellybean...and just so you know, I am SO spoiling the hell out of you today!" Nikki whispers.

"Mm... we love you too..." I whisper back, and quickly drop off asleep......

Once again, I find myself waking up.... No husband and I start to panic before I realize, my husband is in the bathroom and I hear running water? A glance at my watch, confirms its apparently 3 in the afternoon. I cup my hands around my stomach, and I talk to my baby—

"So just woke up jellybean, slept a long time...needed it. I couldn't sleep early this morning. But daddy he made me feel better, he let me play my violin and drums...I fell asleep at them.... He's the best support, he's never failed to be there for me even when he was going thru such a hard time, he is my other half, my lover, my best friend. My hope for you sweetheart, is that someday when you're old enough, you find your other half...and remember love can be found anywhere, any time."

"That---Was BEAUTIFUL." I lift my head up and smile at my husband who has tears in his eyes.

"I meant every word Nikki...every word." Softly, my husband comes to sit beside me on the bed kissing me, taking his time before his hands join mine over my stomach.

"You show me and tell me that always have since the beginning.... now, when I said I was gonna spoil the hell out of you I meant it. I drew you a bath you can relax in, put in lavender, and mint your favorite and then after, a massage...and I figure I'll cook dinner and dessert too. This day is all about you...or this afternoon and evening." I am SO beyond touched by my husband's thoughtfulness.

"You don't have to do all that Nik...but it means SO much that you are! I love you."

"Love you too blue eyes.... love you too." Nikki says and with that helps me out of bed and steers me to the bathroom and helps me strip and into the heavenly scented and feeling bubble bath, my hands drift to my stomach and I sigh blissfully.

"Oh...this IS NICE!" I exclaim.

"Glad you love it...does our little jellybean love it?" Soft and curious is Nikki's tone.

"Jellybean DOES love it., I really feel that." I say quietly. Nikki and I continue to talk for a bit, and he helps me bathe and carefully wash my hair and afterwards I am helped of the bath and dried off with large and fluffy towels and wrapped in a robe before my husband then sits me down at our vanity and dries my hair.

"How do you feel Steven?" Nikki asks, gently running his fingers thru my hair, fluffing it.

"I feel WONDERFUL..." I Sigh happily, before Nikki kisses me again taking his time before helping me up and leading me to the bed where carefully he lays me on my side, a pillow in front of me and massages my back, and I am a puddle at this point and when he is done with my back carefully, he turns me over...his strength never fails to amaze me and starts massaging my legs and feet, his eyes a shinning green lit from within by his beautiful soul.

"You look..." Nikki pauses a crack in his voice before tears start falling which gets me started. "Your blue eyes.... take my breath away. You've always been beautiful, fucking stunning.... now even more so. And you're married to me? Carrying our child? I's everything.... YOU are everything, always will be."

"Oh Nikki! I-I... love much, my life, my world would be so small...nothing without you..." I whisper.

"I could say the same thing about you.... now, comfy clothes are a given, you want your comfy shorts and a t-shirt?"

"Yes, that sound wonderful Nik." I tell my husband who helps me get dressed and then with his arm around my waist, we head downstairs, and Nikki helps prop me up on the couch, making sure I am comfortable before telling me---

"I know you and our little jellybean have got to be hungry and since you've been craving it so much...I'll fix Nona's lasagna, salad and for dessert, well I don't know.... craving anything on that front?"

I tap my chin in thought, "Hmmm." It comes to me, and I can feel myself grin wildly. "Chocolate Cherry chunk cookies! Your favorite and mine! And it all sounds SO good!"

"You've got it babe...but first." Nikki sits down and carefully lifts my t-shirt and gives the swollen and tender flesh gentle kisses. "Love you jellybean...daddy's gonna make you and mommy the best food." Nikki already loves our baby so much, to me he's already an amazing father and I know he's an amazing partner, beyond amazing. Nikki softly kisses me, tells me he loves me and to let him know if I need anything, which I jokingly tell him the remote and with a laugh he gives it to me, as I manage to find a channel airing classic movies and settle on that to watch as my hands as usual then find their way to my stomach, me gently cupping and caressing it.

Nikki wasn't kidding when he said he would spoil me...everything he does for me and has done...means so much more than words can ever say. Then Nikki's always done such for me even before we were in a relationship, it's just his way....and tomorrow, I can't check on our beloved baby and to hear the most beautiful music: The heart.

A/N: Spoiling, romance and Nikki taking care of Steven. Next chapter they will check on their baby and two more chapters after that before we then get to the official gender reveal! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now