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two days later and you were still silent about everything. your friends were gentle with you, everybody dealing with everything going on still, but some were healing faster than others.

you were sitting outside on a bench in front of the high school, staring off towards the forest where you and he always met up.

"i know you're not going to say anything," you heard dustin say as you kept staring off into the forest. "but i just wanted you to know that he died a hero."

you could feel your heart shattering, breaking at every brief mention of him or what happened. you knew it all- everything that happened. dustin had told you when they all got back.

"and i know you don't like us bringing him up, i don't like bringing him up either, but i needed you to know. he was the first person in high school that accepted me. he was my first friend. i loved him like a brother."

you continued to sit there in silence, a few tears rolling down your cheeks as dustin nodded in understanding before starting to stand up.

"he was my first boyfriend," you told him truthfully as dustin immediately sat back down. he sat somewhat close to you as your eyes continued to stare into the forest, waiting on what? for him to walk back out like he was pulling a prank on you
or something.

"he was the first person i opened up to," you said softly, finally turning to look at dustin with tears rolling down your cheeks. "and now he's just gone, dustin. what am i supposed to do?"

dustin shook his head.

"truthfully, i don't know," he admitted as your teary eyes looked down towards his hand where you could see he was clearly holding something.

"what's that?" you asked him, staring down at his hand.

he sadly looked up at you.

"when eddie," he paused, seeing your body grow tense as he nodded, knowing you understood. "he told me that he wanted you to have this. he gave his uncle something else, but he knew you needed something."

he slowly opened your hand before dropping the necklace with the guitar pick on it into your hand.

you felt your stomach twist into a tight knot as you stared down at it, a tear falling and landing on the guitar pick as you studied it.

"till the bitter end, my love," you said softly, feeling your heart breaking every second you looked at it. "eddie and i always joked about who would die first when we got old and what the other would do," you told dustin as he nodded. "i just always thought it would be me going first."

dustin reached out and gently touched your arm, seeing you wince at the feeling of somebody touching you that wasn't him.

"i'm sorry," he said, his voice still being choked up. you nodded, putting the necklace on as you felt some more tears slip out.

"i just really miss him," you said, feeling your heart shatter. "we had plans for after he graduated, you know? we were wanting to see the world and explore in our own little bubble of our own imagination."

dustin nodded.

"he told me about some of it, you know."

you smiled at him, the first time you'd smiled since it happened.


"he really adored you, ______. he wouldn't shut up about you, and he wasn't the rambling type."

you nodded, thinking back to the good memories you had with him.

"you are such a softie, munson," you laughed. "who knew!" you laughed at him still as he got off the table in the woods and came over to you, walking slowly before swooping you up in his arms.

you continued to laugh, enjoying the hold of his arms on you. you enjoyed it all, the somewhat coolish weather, the smell of the outdoors, and the boy holding onto you like his world depended on it.

"i'll only ever be this sweet to you," he muttered, keeping you close as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. you smiled to yourself, keeping yourself close to him.

"______, we're all going inside now," dustin said as you snapped out of your memory. you nodded, standing up as you walked inside before dustin, going back to being silently in your memories now.

steve walked up to him afterwards, seeing him staring at you with a sad, yet happy smile.

"how is she?"

dustin looked over at him with that sad, yet happy smile.

"she talked to me," he replied. steve smiled, and dustin could tell what he was about to do. "but, steve, she's so fragile right now. forcing her into conversation will do nothing but shut her down."

"but she's talking! it's been two days without-" steve began but dustin shook his head.

"steve, eddie was her first boyfriend. he was her first kiss, her first love, her first date, her first everything. she trusted him first and more than anybody else ever. pushing her to talk will cause her to break more than she already is," dustin said to him as he sighed, nodding and looking over at you sitting on one of the beds set up in the high school. "i know you want her back. the old _____ who would talk to us about most anything, who was fun and exciting, who was filled with the adventure spirit. and she's not gone completely, i know she isn't. but, steve, she's not here for right now. who knows how long it'll take for her to recover. but we have to be there every step of the way that we can. she opened up to me first, besides eddie. and she trusts me. i need to make sure that i handle her emotions okay."

steve nodded in understanding, looking at you sitting on the bed as you looked down towards your shoes.

"i want to go talk to her," steve said as dustin tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.

"steve, did you not just hear all of what i just said!" he said but steve continued.

he took a seat down next to you, causing you to jump as dustin came over and tried to get him out of the way.

"______, please. please, i just want to make sure you're okay," steve said as dustin pulled him up. you didn't look at him, but you nodded. dustin could see you gripping the necklace eddie gave you.

"steve, leave her alone. come on, robin needs us right now anyways."

steve gave up, walking away with dustin as he turned around and watched you give up in defeat, tears slipping down your cheeks once more.

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