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the dilemma was bouncing around your mind all day at work while you tried to focus on the crossword puzzle in front of you, but it seemed nearly impossible to be able to do so. you hated the idea of leaving steve and immediately going back to your ex-boyfriend, it seemed so bitchy to do so. considering that you left him for steve. 

however, you missed eddie.

little things about the days that had passed had reminded you of him in small ways that you recollected from moments in his trailer together. down to the little hums of people's shopping sprees in the mall as they entered and exited the stores around you. 

"you haven't done much of that puzzle there," sydney startled you, walking up to the desk to retrieve the keys and for you to go home. your shift was already over and you had merely written two letters down on the page before letting your thoughts win the battle of concentration. 

"yeah, just a lot going on in my mind right now," you replied, closing it and stepping out from behind the counter. 

"boyfriend issues?" she asked, taking the key you were holding out to her.

you nodded, sighing.

"if you want some advice," she started, waiting for your approval to continue. you nodded. "you could just tell him what you're thinking. if anything, it would be the best route to go rather than hiding something from him for days before you snap about it. get it over with, whatever you're so haunted by."

you nodded, taking into consideration the words of advice she spoke to you. 

"thanks, syd. see you tomorrow," you replied, giving her a brief smile before leaving the store. the advice now smothering your previous, intrusive thoughts. 

the day was dragging on with the idea of sydney's advice roaming your mind and picking at every thought that came about dealing with steve or eddie. you were so unsure of wanting to do this and yet, you still felt so sure to leave him for eddie.

you were confusing yourself.

a knock at the door interrupted your mind's wandering. you walked to the front door, opening it to see your current boyfriend standing on the stoop with his hands in his pocket. your heart sped up, he had to have known, didn't he? you were being too obvious about debating on leaving him.

"harrington, why are you-?" you started but he shook his head.

"how about you tell me?" he asked.

your heart began pounding in your chest, making you start to feel the knot in your stomach twisting tightly. 

"about what?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"it's friday, we always go out friday," he said as your heart settled back into your ribcage. "why? did you think something else was happening?" he asked, laughing slightly as he walked inside your house. you shoook your head, closing the door behind him. 

"no, i just, uh, forgot," you told him as he smiled back at you, walking over and pulling you towards him by your waist. you looked up at him, trying to hide the nerves in your eyes. maybe he didn't know you that well, you had only been together for about two months. 

"we can stay in if you'd want?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he lingered there momentarily. you closed your eyes, trying to make yourself enjoy this moment but you just couldn't.

"no, i want to go out. give me ten minutes to get ready, and we can go, okay?" you told him, giving him a smile before heading down the hallway to your bedroom where you shut the door. you sighed, leaning against the back of it as you looked towards your window. it was so tempting, but you had to tell him tonight. 

"you can do this, ______. you can do this," you muttered, letting out a sigh as you went to get ready.

you looked out the window of the cafe that you were both in as steve leaned back from the table to look at you. you turned your head to face him, taking note that he was giving you a questioning look. he had to know by now. 


"did seeing eddie yesterday mess you up?" he asked.

"excuse me?" you asked, sitting up slightly.

"i didn't mean it like that. it's just that, you've been acting off ever since then and i just wanted to make sure that nothing is going on with you two. i know that you really liked him," steve replied, sitting up in the booth as you shook your head.

"no, i mean, it kind of did," you muttered, messing with the ends of your hair. "i mean, i fell really hard for him when we first met and then we started dating and i don't know, we both went really fast with the relationship, i guess."

steve nodded, taking a sip of his drink as your heart pounded in your ears. 

"do you think it was maybe too fast for you?" he asked.

you shook your head, looking down towards the table. steve stared back at you, waiting for you to reply to him.

"no, um," you started. "i mean, he was my first boyfriend. i don't really know any different than quick. plus, i really like him."

steve sat up, looking at you confusingly. you looked at him out of slight panic of what you could have accidentally said. 

"like or liked, ______?" he asked, looking at you confusingly. your eyes hesitantly searched his before finally looking away to reveal the truth of how you were really feeling. 

now was the time to come clean.

"um, harrington, i actually need to talk to you about that because it has been bothering me," you mumbled, your eyes avoiding his. 

"you've got to be kidding me, ______," he started as you looked at him in slight fear. your eyes were trying to look away, but it felt as if you couldn't. "just tell me how it is, babe. that's all i want to know."

"um," you started. you remembered the advice from sydney, allowing it to fill your thoughts in order to concentrate yourself on your words and what you needed to say. "look, i think that it's been fun being together for a few months, but steve," you sighed, seeing him nod as he took it into consideration. 

"you're breaking up with me because of eddie?" he muttered. 

"um," you started but he nodded, letting out a small huff of a laugh.

"so you're breaking up with me for him then," he mumbled. "_____, i wish i could say i'm surprised, but it baffles me that i was able to get you to be with me even for a couple of months. everyone can see the way you still look at him, even right after you both broke up." 

you sighed, looking down at your legs as one bounced up and down from the nerves you were feeling. steve sighed, standing up as he helped you out of the booth. 

"why are you still being nice to me? i thought you were going to get so angry with me," you spoke softly, looking up at him to carefully observe his features. he shook his head as his eyes met yours once more after you were both standing outside on the sidewalk.

"to tell you the truth, i know that you still have feelings for him. i mean, ______, come on. as an outsider who watched your relationship with him at school and sometimes when we ran into each other outside of school, i was beyond shocked when you asked me if we could date."

you silently stared up at him, waiting for him to continue. 

"what happened between you two?" he asked.

"that day? or?" you asked, waiting for clarification. 

"i mean, what could have possibly happened to get you away from him? steve asked as you sighed, shaking your head. 

"if you don't mind me denying to answer, then i'd appreciate it. i need to go," you replied, smiling gently at him before pressing one last kiss to his cheek. "thank you, harrington. you were a good boyfriend, while it lasted."

steve nodded, watching as you ran off down the road towards the trailer park where eddie laughed as his mind was racing. he didn't hate you, but he hated eddie.

so much. 

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