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your mind was racing with so many thoughts about what had just happened as you pushed through the crowd as you tried to get out of the situation that had just occurred. you didn't want anybody to touch you, but you wanted to get out as soon as you possibly could. after getting through everybody, you felt somebody's hand grabbed ahold of the sleeve of your sweater and pull you back. 

"get off of me!" you yelled, shoving billy off of you as you tried to get away, but he was a lot stronger than you and therefore he easily grabbed ahold of both of your arms. he got close to your face, the smell of beer was dripping off of him mixed with his cologne. the drink that had been spilled all over you only added to your headache. 

"get the hell away from me, billy," you muttered, scared about what he might do in this state of mind. your eyes were avoiding his as he held you close to him, his hands gripping your arms tightly. 

"listen to me, ________, i didn't mean to, okay?" 

you shook your head, closing your eyes as a few tears slipped out from them. billy reached up to wipe the tears away and you took the chance to push him off of you.

"so, you lied to me about everything and you just expect me to believe that you didn't mean to lie to me for a year? explain how that even makes sense, billy!" you said back loudly, trying to walk away but he refused to let you go that easily. 

"look, sometimes things just add up and roll into a huge ball of confusion, babe," he responded. "you know how i feel about you, ________."

"it doesn't matter because it was all an act anyways. go tell tommy or whoever that you won and you broke up with me to be the bigger person or whatever, i'm over it," you said, shaking your head as billy called back out to you. 

"________! c'mon! wait!" he yelled out, rushing after you as you tried to walk away as far as you could from him. you eventually heard him growl out of frustration as you were making your way into the street where all the cars were parked, including yours. 

you felt somebody grab your arm once more as you shoved them off of you.

"i told you to leave me the hell alone, billy!" you said loudly, turning around and ready to shove him back when your eyes landed on somebody else. 

eddie munson.

you knew about eddie, you knew that he had been held back a year. he was the leader of the hellfire club and he didn't talk to many people outside of it. he was a drug dealer, but it didn't faze you. you had heard some harsh things about him being mean, scary, and possibly dangerous. 

"sorry," you said softly, running a hand through your hair as you looked back over at the house where billy was standing outside of it still, now a lit cigarette in his mouth as your eyes grew watery once more. 

"everything okay?" he asked gently. you weren't used to this, not from billy at least for the past year. 

"i could lie to you and say that i'm okay, but it's so obvious, isn't it?" you muttered, picking at the stained sleeve of your sweater. "my boyfriend doesn't love me, he was practically using me for whatever the hell he wanted, and he spilled his drink on me out of jealousy." 

eddie sighed, turning to look at billy who was nearly done with his cigarette. 

"do you want to go somewhere else and talk about it?" 

your eyes met his in concern and slight confusion as to why he would ask you that. 

"look, i know i'm the furthest thing from an expert in the subject of love, ________," he started as you nodded slowly. "but, everybody could see how he was treating you, including myself. that shit hurt." 

your eyes met his, curious to know where he was going with his conversation starter. was he trying to ask you out right now in this vulnerable state or was he really being genuine about how he was feeling towards protecting you while he still could? what was the reasoning behind it? 

"why?" you questioned, wondering where he was directing this conversation. 

"shouldn't it be obvious at this point?" he asked, laughing a little.

you shrugged, looking up at him curiously. 

"use your words, munson," you said softly, your eyes noticing that billy was done with his cigarette. he looked up, noticing you and eddie talking as he started walking towards the two of you. you instinctively grabbed his hand and pulled him off to your car as you got in it and locked the door, starting it as you began to drive off. 

you saw billy in the rearview mirror as he tossed his beer can into the street and groaned. you kept driving, trying to distract yourself when you remembered that eddie was in the passenger seat. 

"i didn't mean to do this, you know," you told him, driving off down the road as eddie looked at you in confusion. "kidnap you inadvertently in my car." 

he laughed some, looking over at you. 

"don't worry about it. i'd rather you kidnap me than some random person," he replied, leaning his head back against the headrest. you smiled to yourself, thinking about everything that had happened tonight and realizing that this was the only good part of tonight. 

"so, where do i need to drop off the infamous eddie munson who doesn't mind being kidnapped by me?" you asked, still driving down the familiar road. 

eddie smiled over at you. 

"my trailer works," he replied as there was brief silence between the two of you once more. 

"just so you know, the rumours about you are totally fake," you told him as his eyes glanced over to you once again. "you are so opposite of mean and scary." 

he laughed to himself.

"people judge me simply because of what i like and how i dress, just like they do you," he responded.

you furrowed your eyebrows. 

"what do they say?" 

he sighed, looking out at the trailer parks that you two were passing after passing sections of woods on both sides of the road. 

"it's all about how you're mean and scary because you're dating him," he somewhat spit out, the idea of billy tasting sour in his mouth and you didn't blame him one bit. you understood it entirely. "they talk about how you used to be and how much he had changed you." 

"if only i had known it was a ploy," you muttered as eddie shook his head, seeing the sign of his trailer park home passing by. you turned into the area, humming a slight tune to yourself before stopping at eddie's trailer. 

"so, i know this seems so preintative," eddie muttered. "but, would you maybe want to hang out sometime?"

you looked over at him, giving him a smile as you nodded.

"i'd really like that," you answered him. 

he got out of the car, leaning back down to look at you briefly. 

"tomorrow night here at eight o clock?" 

you smiled at him sweetly. 

"you can count on it, munson." 

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