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"dustin henderson," eddie said as he approached his friend in the hallway, seeing him turn around from mike's locker as the two boys looked back at their dungeon master. he smiled briefly before continuing to ask him the question, aiming it towards dustin specifically. "i have something to ask of you."

"okay, what is it?" he asked back. 

"is it about somebody?" mike blurted into the conversation as eddie's eyes briefly glanced towards him before focusing back on dustin. 

"it's about a girl," he muttered loudly enough for only dustin to hear what he was saying. "i need to know if she's dating anybody." 

"why would you assume that i know if some girl is dating somebody?" dustin laughed as mike began to think about it before he came to the realization of who he was asking about. 

"________," he said, causing eddie to awkwardly shift the weight of his body in his shoes while dustin looked over at the two of them. 

"no way, is it really?" he asked, slightly laughing.

"why is it funny, henderson? and how the hell did you know?" eddie asked, aiming his question towards mike at the end. 

"because we're friends with like three girls, ______ being one of them and there is no way in hell it's my sister since she's got a boyfriend, and robin is lesbian, so there's only one explanation- _______."

"yeah?" you asked, walking up to the group with a homework assignment in your hand as you passed it over to mike. "maybe one day, you'll become as smart as dustin here and you won't need my help on the science work anymore, wheeler." 

eddie grew tense, dustin and mike could both see it as you looked between the three guys in front of you. 

"so, what were you all talking about me for? is it because of tenth grade again? because i swear that jason and i weren't-" 

"you and jason dated?" mike asked in bewilderment as lucas approached the friends. you shrugged, looking off to the side. 

"only for a couple of months, nothing serious," you muttered. 

"well, what about now?" dustin asked as eddie's eyes briefly met his before looking back at yours. 

"i actually have a date tonight," you muttered shyly, smiling at them briefly. 

"with who?" eddie forced out. 

"steve harrington," you responded as eddie felt his stomach twisting in two. he felt sick to his stomach, not wanting to think about the scenario of you two fully being together as a couple and going out. 

"harrington?" he asked as you looked up at him, curious to what he was implying. 

"yeah," you said, announciating the words slowly as your eyes observed his. dustin and mike looked between each other as lucas stood there in confusion as to what was going on. 

"great," eddie muttered, walking past you as you turned and watched him leave. 

"is he okay?" you asked. 

"yeah, rough day for the dungeon master," dustin responded as you nodded before saying goodbye to your friends and walking out the doors the same way that eddie had gone. 

"so, what's going on?" lucas asked. 

"eddie likes _______ and just asked us if she was seeing anybody," mike spilled as lucas sighed,  watching as you walked out of the building and towards the parking lot. 

"she can do better than steve harrington," lucas said as mike nodded. dustin scoffed slightly, having a more biased opinion than the two of them before he shut mike's locker door and the three friends now left the building.

"eddie!" you called out, seeing him opening his van door and was about to climb inside but turned to face you when he heard your voice calling for him. 


"is everything okay?" you asked him. "you seem off."

there was silence between the two of you as the wind lightly rustled your hair and caught eddie's eyes. he couldn't help but stare at you, you were so pretty. 

"eddie," you said once more as eddie sighed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as his eyes wandered over to the side of the parking lot where people were hanging out and sharing cigarettes. 

"can i be honest with you?" he asked as you nodded.


"i don't like that you're going out with steve harrington," he blurted out as you nodded slowly, looking over to the side of the parking lot as he had done previously. the same people were sharing a cigarette, going back and forth between conversation topics they were discussing. 

"why?" you asked him, your eyes meeting his once more as you tried to think about the reasoning behind it. only one thing came to mind, and you remembered dustin had joked about it before. "is it because of what dustin said?" 

"the little butthead says a lot, ______. you have to be more specific," he told you.

"he had made a joke about us dating one time at lunch, but i didn't think much of it."  

there was silence on eddie's end as you waited for him to say something, anything to you. 

"eddie, is that why? because if that's the case, you could just ask me out," you suggested, seeing his eyes glance towards you as you gave him a smile back. 

"um," he began. "i mean, yeah, but you're-?"

"i'm not actually going out with steve harrington. i just made that shit up to get a reaction out of all of you, and it clearly worked," you laughed, seeing eddie growl in frustration before letting out a sigh. 

"if that's the case, would you go out with me?" he asked as you nodded, giving him a bright smile. 

"i definitely will, munson," you told him. "also, can i get a ride home? i outdid myself with the prank when i said that steve would come pick me up and i didn't need a ride." 

eddie laughed, helping you up into the van before he shut your door. he climbed in on the driver's side as he then shut the door and looked over at you nervously. 

"so, when can i call you my girlfriend?" he asked. you looked over at him with a smile. 

"whenever you'd like, munson," you smiled before turning to look out the front window once more. 

"then i'll start now calling you that now, my girlfriend," he laughed as you nudged his arm before he started the van to get you back home safe. 

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