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"come on, we're going to be late!" 

"i'm coming, calm down!" 

you sighed, rolling your eyes slightly as your mom looked over at you in question. your eyes met hers as you heard your brother rushing into the kitchen, his backpack slung over his shoulder as he made eye contact with you. 

"you said we were going to be late and now you're talking to mom, let's go!"

you sighed, grabbing the keys from off the counter as you followed after your brother out the door.

the carride to school was mostly uneventful every time you made the trip, you were always thinking about something. 

"okay, so, whenever we're in school today, can you please make sure that you aren't constantly hanging out with me and my friends?" 

you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, staring out down the streets of hawkins. 

"what are you talking about?"

dustin sighed, shaking his head. 

"_______, you know i'm not stupid."

you laughed, running a hand through your hair as your brother kept his eyes on you.

"no need to rub your intelligence in my face, butthead," you responded as the car passed the sign to the school. dustin scoffed slightly before responding. 

"i know you're dating eddie and all, but could you please not stick around me so much?"

now it was your turn to scoff. 

"are you embarassed of me now? you used to love me, what the hell happened to your emotions?" you joked, shaking your head as you pulled into the school. dustin sighed, putting his hand on your shoulder. 

"if you're going to hang out aroud him constantly, please suck face someplace else at least," he said seriously as you shook your head, parking the car and getting out as you elbowed him in the side. "ow!" 

"what you deserve for that shitty comment," you muttered, heading off into the school building as dustin found mike and max as the threee friends walked into the school together. you pushed open the door with your shoulder as you went for your locker rather than the gym. you were humming a song to yourself before hearing the locker next to you make a loud noise as somebody leaned against it. you shut your locker, jumping from the sudden noise. 

"eddie, why the hell do you feel the need to do that," you laughed, shoving him slightly as he smiled at you. 

"is your brother around?" he muttered as you shook your head. 

"he's in the gym with his friends for the pep rally," you responded, zipping up your backpack before standing up and meeting his eyes once more. "why? did you need to talk to him?"

"no, i wanted to spend time with you," he responded, intertwining your hand with his as the two of you headed off down the hallway and out the backdoors of the building. you smiled to yourself, looking over at him as his eyes wandered around the terrain behind the school. 

"is it weird dating his older sister?" you asked. 

eddie looked down at you, shaking his head.

"why should it be?" 

"because you're so close with my brother and also so close with me," you muttered in response as eddie shook his head, giving you a smile as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before continuing to pull you to the area behind the bleachers around the track field. 

"it's only weird if you make it weird," eddie responded as you smiled to yourself, taking it into consideration. "and i know dustin makes it weird so often, but that's not something that you can control, okay, princess?"

you nodded, setting your bag down against the side of the bleachers as eddie took a seat. you looked around momentarily before eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you down into his arms. 

"alright, i get you all morning before we have to go back," he mumbled into your hair as you smiled to yourself, looking up at him as your eyes studied him. "and also, can you please tell dustin to tell mike to stop trying so hard."

"what the hell are you talking about?" you laughed, readjusting your sitting postion against him as you rest the side of your head against his chin. his arms kept you close, wrapped around your waist as he made sure not to let you go. 

"i can tell what he's doing, _______. the kid wants to be me in every way which includes having you as his girlfriend," he muttered as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"i mean, he talks to me because i'm friends with nancy and dustin is my brother obviously, but i never noticed any of this," you responded, your eyes staring off into the blue sky. 

"well i guess it's a good thing then, because i want you all to myself," he mumbled still, pressing a few kisses to the side of your head as you laughed. "but honestly, princess, i can see him trying it. you need to tell dustin to tell him to back off."

you nodded, shrugging slightly.

"or you could do it," you muttered, looking up at him as your eyes found his. "just a thought."

"that you've been scheming up for a while now apparently," eddie laughed as you smiled to yourself. 

"you never would say anything to him if you didn't know that it was bothering me," you told him truthfully. eddie sighed, his thumb rubbing itself over your hipbone. 

"i hate when you're right," he said softly. 

"then you haven't spent enough time with my brother," you replied as eddie laughed. 

"i guess not," he responded, his hands tightening themselves on your hips as you smiled. 

"okay, lover boy, we must get going back to class. as much as i wish i could stay here with you all day, i need to pass that science test," you told him, making no efforts to move but eddie sighed, making the first one for you both. when he got you up, he pressed a kiss to your lips momentarily as you fell into it, feeling your stomach  twist into a knot. 

"we can just stay here instead," you muttered when he let go. he smiled back at you, his hand still resting on the side of your face. 

"you said you had a science test," he told you, giving you a smirk of a smile. 

"oh shut up, i know what i said, munson," you muttered as you stared back up at him. 

"do you? because you just told me something completely different," he said as you sighed, shaking your head as he pressed his lips back to yours. you smiled into it, letting go afterwards as eddie pulled you close to him and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you both walked back into the school together.

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