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"jesus, what the hell happened!" you asked in slight panic as you rushed up to gareth's house after the band had finished practicing. you were meeting up with eddie later that night to hang out at his trailer like you always did, but you were coming over to gareth's to pick up eddie's metal lunchbox that he had accidentally left. he never went anywhere without it, so you clearly had to get it since you would see him later. 

"that piece of shit jason," he muttered, tossing his drumsticks to the side as you jumped slightly. "sorry, i'm just fed up with all his bullshit. he threatened me to tell him where eddie was. i assume because he was talking to chrissy earlier today," he muttered as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"do you happen to know what about?" you asked, shifting the weight of your feet uncomfortably. gareth looked up from the drums as he shrugged.

"not entirely sure, why?" he asked. 

"um, no reason. did you, uh, happen to see his metal lunchbox here?" you asked, trying to push it out of your mind. gareth walked over to the door from his garage to his house as you watched. he motioned you forwards with him as you stepped into his house and followed him up his stairs and into his bedroom where he grabbed the lunchbox for you. 

"here you go," he said, handing it to you. your hands took it as you held onto it, avoiding his constant staring at you. 

"so, you're his errand runner?" he questioned as your eyes briefly met his. 

"if you'd like to call it that, sure," you responded as gareth crossed his arms over his chest. you looked back over at him, your eyes meeting his as he let out a sigh and walked over to the mirror as he looked at the wound on his lip. 

"piece of shit," he muttered, observing it as you cleared your throat. 

"i could help with that before i leave," you said as gareth nodded.

"sure, yeah, that would be great actually," he responded, seeing you set down the metal lunchbox and your backpack as he took note of the necklace you were wearing. it looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out exactly why. 

"where's your medical supplies?" you asked, standing back up. 

"in my bathroom, under the sink," he responded as you walked past him and to the bathroom where you got the supplies out and walked out to see him sitting on his bed. your mind was going wild with thoughts of eddie seeing this, and you shook your head. 

"um, can i just help you and not do it for you?" you asked.

"why? scared of a little bit of blood?" gareth joked as he stood up and walked over to you, getting surprisingly close. you took a slight step back as gareth's eyes met yours, holding eye contact for a few seconds as you grew increasingly uncomfortable. you were so confused on what was going on and all you wanted was to help a friend, but what the hell was he doing right now? 

"no, i just think it would be better," you muttered. "infections, and all."

he laughed a little, the silence growing thick between the two of you. gareth's eyes observed yours as you looked away, wanting to leave his room now. before you could comprehend, gareth had leaned down and was heading for your lips. you pushed him back slightly, dropping the medical supplies and grabbing your bag and eddie's lunchbox quickly before leaving his home and heading straight towards eddie's. 

you knocked panickedly on eddie's door, seeing him open it quickly as you stepped inside. 

"hey, you got my-" he began but you shut him down. 

"gareth tried to kiss me," you said, forcing it out as eddie grew silent. this was the kind of silence you never wanted to hear from your boyfriend, you hated it more than anything. 

"gareth? as in, gareth the great?" he asked as you nodded. "he, he tried to what?" he said, the anger clearly getting to him. eddie never got angry, he was always calm. he was never an angry person at anybody. this was uncharted territory. "what the hell happened between you two." 

"i went over to get your lunchbox, and jason had beat him up a good bit to get information out of him of where you were," you began explaining as eddie nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. "and i offered to help him fix his wounds and all, and he got really close and he just tried to kiss me."

"where were you in his house? did this happen in the garage or?" 

"his bedroom," you muttered. 

"his bedroom," he repeated flatly as you nodded slowly. eddie grumbled out a swear word as he walked over to the kitchen, hitting the counter slightly as your nervous eyes looked at him in slight fear from not being used to this behavior from him. he was normally so sweet. "______, come here." 

you did as he said, walking over to him slowly. when you got close enough, eddie pulled you close as he pressed his lips to yours. you felt your stomach twisting in a knot as eddie kept you close. when he let go, you felt intoxicated by him. he knew you wouldn't leave him, but it got to him this time. 

"you wouldn't leave me, right?" he asked as you nodded. 

"never," you responded as eddie smiled back at you, pressing another brief kiss to your lips. his hand reached up as he got the necklace he had given you, the famous guitar pick necklace that he wore every single day, out of your shirt. he stared down at it, observing it as your eyes observed him. 

"you're all mine to keep," he said softly as you nodded, giving him a smile. 

"i'll forever be yours, munson," you muttered back in response as eddie smiled. he pressed his lips back to yours as his hand was gripping your waist tightly. "i mean it," you said when he let go. 

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