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the last class of the day was over with as you stood at your locker, replacing books that you needed to bring home for some schoolwork to do later while your mind focused in on the words that chrissy had said. mike rushed over with his friends as they bumped into, causing you to hit your head on the locker. 

"jesus, mike! what the hell," you said, turning around to look at your younger brother with his friends who just laughed as you looked over at lucas. "i thought you were going to handle this shit," you laughed as lucas shrugged. 

"it's more fun to just do it and ask for forgiveness later," he replied as you rolled your eyes with a smile before turning back to finish grabbing the things you needed and proceeding to shut your locker. 

"so, what did you nerds need?" you asked, looking between your younger brother, lucas, and dustin who all began to follow you outside. 

"we need to know who you're dating," dustin said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as you pushed open the doors to the front entrance of the school, leaving the building. your head turned to look at him, seeing the determination in his eyes staring back at you.

"um, no," you replied, giving them a smile as you took notice of chrissy walking around to the back of the building. you stared at her before your brother pinched you to get your attention once more. "ow! what?" you asked, turning your attention back to them. 

"you keep zoning out," mike said, raising his eyebrows. 

"look, just, go do whatever you nerds do, i have something to do," you told him before running off to find chrissy again. your brother looked between his two friends as the two of them shrugged before they started to walk off again. 

"hey, eddie," you heard chrissy say. "i was looking for you." 

you squatted down behind a small wall that was in the back of the school building as you took notice of eddie meeting up with chrissy while he was smoking a cigarette. he was definitely waiting for you to come and meet up with him after school. 

"you were?" he asked, trying to keep the facade of being naieve of what was going on. 

"mhmm," she replied.

"why?" he asked, looking at her as he continued to smoke the cigarette he had lit. she looked at him sweetly, causing him to shift uncomfortably. his mind was focusing back on you and what you meant to him. 

"because i have a question for you, that's all," she started as eddie tried to think of any other reason about why she would want to ask him a question of all people, but it all made sense to go back to the conversation that he had overheard with you. 

 "so, um, eddie, are you, perhaps, seeing anybody?" she asked as you raised your eyebrows at her sudden boldness of such a question. 

"does your boyfriend want to beat me up for it?" eddie muttered, looking away from her and towards the direction of where you were. he couldn't see you, you were hidden fairly well behind the small brick wall. 

your heart was pounding in your ears. 

"um, i mean, he would if he knew what i was about to do," she muttered as you furrowed your eyebrows jealously towards her. "would you want to go out with  me sometime? i mean, just a little date." 

eddie sighed, tossing his cigarette to the ground as he stomped it out. 

"look, chrissy, i got to commend your bravery," he started. "but i, uh, i already have a girlfriend. so, maybe try to work things out with your current boyfriend," he replied before walking away from her and in your direction. 

chrissy stopped him, reaching out as she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

"eddie, i mean, come on. i've never seen you with your girlfriend, so," she started, looking up at him the way that you did whenever you wanted something. you shook your head, trying to stay focused. 

"because we don't want people to know yet, but maybe after this, we should tell people," he muttered, taking her grip off of his arm as he walked away from her. as he was passing by the spot you were squatting in, you stood up and called his name. he jumped slightly as he noticed you, walking to squat behind the wall as well. 

you two both watched chrissy stand there somewhat confused and shocked. she clearly still wanted eddie, even if he had a girlfriend. even if he was dating you. 

she finally left and walked towards the direction of the gym, entering through the back doors of the school building. 

you both stood up as eddie swung his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closely to him. 

"so, what did she want to talk about then?" you asked, trying to play dumb to the conversation that you had clearly heard from where you were hiding. 

"i know you heard everything that was said. i just hope that her asshole of a boyfriend doesn't come to beat my ass later," he muttered. 

you nodded, looking up at him with a smile. 

"do you want to come over tonight?" you asked. "you'll have to sneak in through the window again because my entire family doesn't know, but that's the fun of it, right?" 

you looked up at him the same way she had, but this was different for the two of you. it meant something more and it meant so much more. 

he nodded, giving you a smile.

"you better believe it, princess." 

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