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author's note: hi, friends! sorry for a hiatus from writing but when my anxiety gets triggered, i always need a break. i also had a lot of school stuff happening this week SO, that was another addition i didn't need. but now i'm feeling better & i'm ready to start writing some more! this is inspired by my 21st birthday coming up next week (october 5th!!). enjoy, friends & stay safe :)

you did not want to get out of the bed today and go to school, you felt sick to your stomach having to see him in the hallways again. he had recently been let out of jail, a scenario you had played over and over again in your head but why did it happen? and why on your birthday?

sighing, you forced yourself to get out from underneath the shelter of your blankets as you got ready to get to school. brushing through your hair, your mind flashed back to the night it had happened. the air was cold, too cold. it was as if the weather was forcasting your future with him. 

"hey, honey, you okay?" 

you jumped, dropping the brush as you turned to face your mother. you nodded, leaning down to pick it up before starting to get ready once more. going through the motions, the fear gnawing coldly on your bare skin. 

"well, i'm running late to work but i just wanted to wish  you a happy birthday," she said, wrapping you up in a hug as you sighed, closing your eyes and holding back onto her. your mom knew what happened between you and him, she knew pretty much everything. 

she was one of your safe spaces. 

"you'll get through it, honey. trust me," she muttered, pressing a brief kiss to your forehead as you nodded, forcing a smile towards her before she gave you one last smile before heading to the door.

"thanks, mom," you replied before she left to get to work. you sighed, going back to what you were doing to get ready. 

your mind was filled with the thoughts of your nightmares you had every single night, so much so that you weren't paying attention that as you were walking towards the school building, you ran straight into somebody. 

your heart started racing in fear before your eyes traveled up into your safe space. 

"happy birthday, princess," he said sweetly as you felt your heart speed up at the simple words that were spoken with such adoration and affection. "hey, what's wrong? you look really shaken up," he said as you nodded, your hand reaching out to grab his.

"um, he," you paused, holding back the flood of emotions you were feeling at the moment. "he was released today," you told him softly as eddie sighed, shaking his head, his thumb beginning to rub over your knuckles. he always did this to calm you down or to comfort you in rough times. 

he knew it always worked. 

"i would've gotten you all your class assignments if you needed me too," he muttered as you nodded, looking off towards the school building. "do you want to leave?" 

you nodded, tears beginning to collect in your bottom eyelid as he shook his head, his other thumb reaching up and wiping away your tears. 

"hey, hey, don't cry, it's okay, i'm here," he reminded you as your eyes saw him walking towards where you were. he must remember it's your birthday and he wanted to rub it in your face that even your honesty didn't keep his hurtful hands behind bars. 

"i want to leave," you said, hearing just how scared you were as your voice shook prefusely. 

eddie nodded, slipping his fingers between yours as he pulled you along with him back to his van. you would abandon your car and come back and get it later if needed, you didn't care. you had to get out of there. 

EDDIE MUNSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now