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you can't even remember how it happened, but here you were trying to hide from the bat creatures flying around the open in search of you. they knew you were here, so who else did too that was more dangerous than them? this place was scary, humanless, and cold. you wanted to stay hidden underneath the rock you found yourself at, but you needed to find an exit. 

you needed to get out of here.

slowly, you got out from underneath the rock and tried to think about the possible options. the gate you had come through was guarded by the bat creatures, but where was another gate or a distraction? another gate, that thought stuck with you. 

"what would dustin tell me," you thought aloud, trying to figure out what he might say. you kept walking towards another hiding spot as you thought about the possible options. "another gate, another way. what would dustin tell me to do? what would he do?" you kept thinking aloud when you suddenly remembered. 

there was another gate.

all you had to do was get to it.

sneaking through the upside down alone was the most terrifying thing you had ever done- the fear of being caught by either a bat or something else that you had no idea about created such a terrifying feeling in your gut. you wanted to push the thoughts aside, but the walk to get to the familiar trailer was full of anxiety and tension as you just waited for something to get you.

however, besides a couple of earthquakes, there wasn't anything getting you, or so you assumed. it eased your worry only minimally as you kept pushing forwards with getting to his trailer. 

you had to.

walking through the woods to get to his trailer, you heard a screeching behind you as you spun around and stopped walking. you stayed still, staring at the bat that was standing in front of you as it searched the ground for food. your heart felt like it could beat out of your chest at any minute as you tried to keep as still as possible and not breathe so loudly.

you had to keep quiet.

you were nearly there, you knew it was just beyond the woods because you took this trail at night to get to his house when you wanted to avoid the possibility of being seen by jason or your parents. 

the bat screeched again before flying off, and you let out a sigh you had been holding in. it shakily left your body before you felt teeth sink into your side as another bat flew towards you. you tried to hold in a scream as you grabbed the bat's wing that was flapping rapidly, ripping it as much as you could as you tossed it to the side before taking the now deceased bat's teeth out from your side. you felt the wound, feeling that it was pretty deep.

you'd need stitches.

you turned back around, putting your hand on your side as you tried to stop the bleeding. but you knew that it wasn't going to do anything for you- you needed medical supplies as soon as you could get them. you began walking once more, the steps getting there hurting more than the previous step. your eyes were watery as you kept pushing forwards, reaching the edge of the woods before hearing another screech. you tried to dodge the flying creature, but you couldn't. not with your hand trying to keep the blood in your body unsuccessfully. 

"shit!" you yelled, feeling the familiar teeth sinking into the same side in a different spot closer to your stomach as you grabbed the bat's wing once more. it was harder to pull off with the tail constantly hitting you in the face. you got it off, forgetting about the teeth left in your stomach as you noticed it. 

as soon as the trailer was in your sights, you sprinted towards it and slammed the door shut to keep yourself safe. you leaned against the door momentarily, closing your eyes as you heard a bat screech outside, reminding you to get the teeth out of your stomach. you grabbed the bat's head, pulling it out as you winced severly. you tossed it off to the side, putting a hand to your head and feeling the lines of sweat. a bat screeching outside made your muscles tense up before hearing it fly away. you heard a noise ahead of you, looking up to see sheets tied together in knots that had come through the now open gate. you approached it cautiously, pulling on it as you looked up to see the group all waiting. 

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