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mike and dustin both rushed into the family video store, eager to ask for steve's advice on a situation. when they saw him sitting at the counter while robin was stocking the shelves with movies that had been brought back. 

"steve, can we ask you a question concerning relationships?" dustin asked as steve nodded, waiting to see what he would respond with.

"what do you mean?" he asked, now looking up at the two boys in front of him.

"well, mike is having issues," dustin whispered as mike shook his head, shoving him in the side. 

"look, steve, i'm just wondering if you can help me with figuring out this issue, that's all," he muttered as steve laughed a little, looking between the two of them. 

"look, wheeler, if i help you out with this," steve began as the two boys exchanged a look. "you have to do something for me."

"what is this shit?" he began as dustin furrowed his eyebrows at his friend.

"what's the trade off?"

"you have to get me a date with a girl," he replied, looking at dustin now. 

"who?" mike asked, somewhat prickly. he was getting fed up with the back and forth and just wanted an answer to his issue. 

"_________," steve responded as mike nodded, agreeing as dustin hit him in the arm. 


"i want an answer to this issue and ________ can figure this out later!"

"mike, she has a boyfriend, you know this!" dustin exclaimed as mike suddenly looked at his friend and remembered. 

"shit," he muttered, looking back at steve who looked at the two of them in confusion. "sorry, steve. but can you still give me that advice?" 

he sighed, slightly shaking his head. 

"fine, fine, what's the issue?" he asked, his mind going back to dustin's words. she has a boyfriend. 

the next day, you were going out to the family video to pick up a movie for you and eddie to watch later that night. he liked staying in a lot of weekends, but during the week, he was always wanting to go out and do something. so, it was a friday night you were both going to go out for a little bit and then head back to his trailer to watch a movie. 

when the little bell chimed as you walked in, steve looked up from looking at a catalog behind the counter as he took notice of you heading towards a section of movies. he was just staring at you, observing everything about you as robin walked up to the counter to talk to steve when she noticed him staring at you.

"are you going to continue to be a creep, harrington, or just go talk to her?" she asked, shaking him out of his trance you had him held captive in. 

"she has a boyfriend," he muttered as robin stayed silent afterwards. 

he looked back over at you, picking up a movie before walking over to the counter as you took notice of your two friends who worked there, causing you to smile at both of them. 

"hey, guys!" you said, smiling at them as robin greeted you, nudging steve in the side to respond instead of continuing to stare at you. 

"hey, _______, how are you?" he asked as you shrugged. 

"as good as i'll ever be," you replied, smiling still, sliding the movie across the counter to him as robin put it in the system. there was brief, awkward silence between the two of you as the clicking of robin on the keyboard was heard as the movie was put onto your account as a rental. she then set it back on the counter as steve slid it towards you. 

you reached up, grabbing it as you gave him one more smile. 

"thanks, robin. see you guys around," you told them, turning around to go home and get ready to see eddie. you opened the door, the little bell chiming once more as a signal of your absence in the store. as you were opening your car door, the bell chimed once more and running shoes caught your attention. 

you looked up, seeing steve coming towards you. 

"hey, harrington, everything okay?" 

"is it true?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips as he looked at you. you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what he was talking about.

"is what true?" you questioned as he sighed, looking down towards his shoes before meeting your eyes once more. 

"that you have a boyfriend?" he asked you, seeing you nod. 

"yeah, why?"

he sighed, causing you to put the pieces together pretty easily. you had known steve for a few years, you had gotten used to putting the puzzle together with his thoughts or actions. 

"you had your chance, you know," you told him softly. "sophomore year, i was available."

he sighed, running his hands through his hair as you stared up at him. 

"look, all i want to know now is who it is," he said, his eyes meeting yours.

"steve," you started, but he shook his head. 

"just that and i'll leave you alone."

you sighed, opening your door as you tossed the movie into your passenger side seat and then faced him before you were about to get in the car.

"it's eddie munson," you told him before closing the door and starting the car. 

"steve asked me who i was dating today," you told eddie, laying against him as you both were paying attention to the television for the movie. 

"did you tell him?" he asked, his thumb gently pressing into your hip as he stayed focused on the movie. 

"yeah," you responded. "i told him that he had his chance sophomore year, too."

"well don't kick the guy when he's down," eddie chuckled, still staring at the movie. 

you looked up at him from where you were angled, observing him before he took notice to see you. 

"you okay?" he questioned. 

"yeah, yeah, i'm fine, i just feel bad," you muttered. 

"why would you feel bad?" 

you sighed, turning your head to face the movie once more. 

"i'm not sure, i just do," you told him as he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 

"well, princess, don't feel too bad because with the way that he looks, he'll be fine. he's steve harrington for God's sake," he mumbled as you smiled.

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