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author's note: this is chapter one hundred & also my twenty first birthday, so today is shaping up to be a good day! 

"oh, ________, what the hell did you get yourself into," eddie muttered as he found you in the middle of the room, a cup in your hand as you were spinning around in your own little world. he sighed, pushing through the crowd as he reached out and grabbed your waist, pulling you towards him. you looked up from the drink as you smiled up at him. "alright, come on, let's bring you home," he said as you kept staring up at him. 

he pulled you out of the crowded house, past the open door as the two of you headed into the cold air of hawkins. you shivered, catching his attention as he stopped and took the drink from your hand that you were still holding. 

"what the hell got into you back there," he muttered, pouring out the drink after taking a sip. you continued to smile up at him, the stars shining brightly in your eyes as eddie sighed, running his hand through some of your hair before realizing you were not going to be able to hear a word he said tonight. "come on," he mumbled, grabbing your hand as he pulled you along with him. 

"________, come on, up you go," eddie muttered, helping you in the van as you laid back against the seat. eddie closed the door, going to his side of the van as he climbed into the driver's side of the van. you turned your head to face him as the he started up the van, starting the drive towards his trailer.

"you're my only," you said somewhat softly as eddie's eyes briefly met yours, giving you a smile as you smiled back at him sweetly. "i love you."

"i love you, too," he replied back, turning down a road as you turned your head back to face the darkened road around you. 

"do you think that trees have feelings?" you asked, staring off into the road before the two of you as eddie chuckled. 

"i suppose," he replied, entertaining your drunk spew of words. 

"like, if you cut down a tree, wouldn't they be hurt? or what if somebody snaps one of their branches off, doesn't that hurt the tree?" you asked, looking back over at your boyfriend. "maybe whenever the leaves fall off, they feel like they're-"

"okay, princess, you're rambling again," eddie laughed as you smiled towards him. 

"i just want the trees to feel like they have a voice," you replied as eddie laughed, turning into the trailer park as he parked in front of his trailer. he climbed out of the van after turning it off, coming over to your side and helping you out. you stumbled slightly, catching yourself on his arm as you smiled up at him still. 

"do you want to change?" he muttered, bringing you to his bedroom as you nodded, staring at him as he walked over to his closet and grabbed a large t shirt from off of a hanger that he knew that you liked. he handed it to you as you started to change right there, causing him to leave the room quickly. 

you opened the door when you were done, looking up at him sweetly still. 

"can we-?" you started but eddie shook his head. he knew how flirty and touchy you got whenever you were drunk, so he knew where that sentence was going. 

"love, you need to get some sleep, okay? you've had a long night," he replied as you smiled, walking over to his bed as you laid back onto some of the pillows. he laid down next to you, watching as you slowly fell asleep beside him. 

you could blurrily read the clock as being four thirty five in the morning when you got up and realized that eddie was no longer beside you. however, you rushed to the bathroom in the dark and hungover stage of your body. you felt the remains of the party leave your body as you felt lightheaded, closing your eyes momentarily before getting up to wash your hands and face. 

opening the door to go find eddie was going to be a task to do in the darkness of his trailer. you knew your way around fairly easy, but you felt sick to your stomach and your head was pounding, so orientation was slightly disconfigured in your eyes and body mechanics. 

you stumbled out into the main living area of the trailer that eddie shared with his uncle as you took notice of him laying on the couch. he was laid out on his back as you went over and placed yourself next to him, letting out a sigh as you rolled over and placed your head on his chest.

you closed your eyes, trying to get back to sleep but the headache and nausea were burning your mind and throat. 

you groaned slightly, causing eddie to shift and wake up slightly as he groggily asked if everything was okay. you shook your head, sitting up as you began to walk to the kitchen to find some painkillers. 

"hey, ________, come here, i'll get it for you, okay?" he quickly got up, walking past you as he grabbed the pills from a cabinet that you usually had to stand on the counter to get to. you walked back to his bedroom as he did this, joining you once more as he shut the door behind the two of you. 

he walked over to the edge of the bed, sitting down as he handed you some water and a couple of pills. you smiled sweetly at him, taking the medicine as you laid back down. you heard eddie getting up to leave as you sat up quickly. 

"eddie," you called out softly as he turned around, looking back at you from the doorway. "stay."

he smiled at you, walking back over to where you were as he laid down on the bed next to you. 

"don't you think trees have feelings?" he asked, trying to hold back his laughter as you turned your head to look at him, shaking your head. 

"i'm not going to stay if you repeat the stupid shit i say," you joked, hitting him in the arm as he laughed, rolling over and facing him.

"i thought you didn't remember what shit you say?" he asked, pulling you into his arms as you smiled, letting out a sigh as you felt the sickness start to subside just by being in his hold. 

"sorry to disappoint, but i remember every word," you muttered, your hand finding his as you smiled. "besides, what the fuck was i even saying, talking about tree's rights."

"how thoughtful of you," he joked as you shook your head, tightening your hold on his hand. 

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