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"i need to buy them time," you said, stopping following dustin and eddie as they were about to climb up the bedsheets rope that dustin had created. eddie turned around when he didn't hear you behind him. 

"_______, what the hell are you doing? come on!" 

you shook your head, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. 

"i need to buy them time," you repeated louder to him as dustin jumped off the rope out of fear and concern as eddie walked back over to you. he grabbed your hands in his as he shook his head. 

"_______, no. we have to go. who knows what the hell could happen to you out there!" he exclaimed, hearing the sound of a bat hitting the side of the trailer as you flinched and turned away for a second as eddie shook his head. "_______, if anybody is staying it's me." 

"no, eddie, please," you told him. "i can buy them time. remember, i'm like a ninja," you said softly, trying to get your hands out of his grasp. he shook his head, standing his ground as dustin yelled at the two of you to hurry up and climb the rope. 

"eddie, they could die," you said as he laughed out of fear. 

"you could die and i refuse to let that happen," he said, urging you to go with him and dustin. you sighed, agreeing reluctantly as the thoughts of steve, robin, and nancy being hurt by vecna replayed in your mind. as eddie crossed over into the regular world of hawkins, you looked up at the two boys urging you to come through. 

"i'm sorry, eddie," you said to yourself, running out the door of the trailer and further out into the upside down as the bats began to chase after you. you could feel the burning dry heat of the wind in your lungs as you kept pushing forwards. what was the plan? you hadn't gotten that far yet. 

"shit, shit, shit!" eddie yelled out into the trailer as he started to go back into the upside down. he felt the rope shift, causing him to look down and see dustin ready to go with him. "henderson, no, you have to stay here, please. ________ already ran off and i cannot lose two of you." 

he nodded, letting go of the rope as he handed him a flashlight. 

"good luck, eddie," he said, seeing him nod before he jumped back into the upside down. "shit, i'm coming to get you, ________."

you were in a field- it was far too open. you could be attacked from any angle, but going into the woods risked running into a tree, stepping on the hivemind of vecna, or a bat attacking from any angle. you had to stay out in the open. 

you wondered how much time the gang needed to get vecna's ass in the grave. you didn't have any recall on time at the moment, and the only thing pushing you forward was the army of bats behind you. 

you had to keep going, you had to find a way back to eddie's trailer. you knew a path in the woods but you didn't want to take the woods. however, if it was your only way back, you would. you banked it towards the left, stumbling over your own feet, before heading into the woods, hitting a couple small limbs as you tried to duck and dodge.

you turned around for a split second to see if the bats were still behind you, seeing nothing. you turned back around to find a spot to hide when you ran straight into a tree limb and immediately, your vision went to black. 

"_______!" eddie called out, following the path he thought you would have taken. he was thinking about where he was, thinking through your mind. when he got to the intersection where you had debated on going into the woods or not, he went into them. he shone the flashlight through the woods, stepping carefully and slowly. his light hit different trees and areas on the ground, his wild eyes searching for you.

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