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the group was standing around talking about the aftermath of the campaign as eddie laughed at his friends. dustin walked up to him, getting his attention as he separated him from the chatty group of guys and erica. 

"can i talk to you?" he asked him. 

"always," he replied. "is everything okay?" 

he led him outside of the area that they were playing dungeons and dragons in, making him grow confused as to what this conversation would be about. dustin made sure that nobody else was around before speaking.

"so, how long?" he asked.

eddie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, wondering what the hell he was talking about. 

"how long, eddie?" 

"what are you talking about?"

"_______," he said swiftly, catching eddie slightly off guard as he cleared his throat, looking off to the side of the hallway that they were currently standing in. dustin raised his eyebrows at him, wondering what his answer would be. "how long, eddie?"

"eight months," he replied, seeing dustin take a slight step back. 


eddie nodded, tucking his hands in the back pockets of his pants as dustin stared back at him.

"so, how did this happen?" dustin asked him.

"i don't have to explain my love life to a freshman," eddie retorted. "i have somewhere to be."

he walked off from dustin as he watched him walk out the doors of the building. he was confused, wondering why and how it came to be. 

you were waiting on the stoplight a mile from your house as you looked around skittishly, wondering where the hell he was. he had said nine o'clock and now it was nearing around nine forty-five. you knew that sometimes hellfire went on longer than expected, but forty-five minutes seemed too long. was he blowing you off?

a van slammed on the brakes next to where you were standing as you stepped back, afraid you were about to get hit or something worse could happen. eddie jumped out of the drivers side of the car, shutting the door as you dropped your bag. he walked over to you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before tossing your bag in the passenger side of the van. 

"i'm so, so sorry. dustin caught me afterwards and was trying to force our love story out of me," he explained, leaning against the van as you cocked your head in confusion.

"i thought nobody knew?" 

"dustin is a genius child, he was bound to be the first to realize it," eddie said as you nodded, looking around before climbing in the van as eddie shut the door behind you. he got in the drivers side of the van, looking over at you as he started it. 

"you're not ashamed of me, right?" he asked. you looked over at him in slight shock before answering. 

"of course i'm not," you said. 

"you just seem, i don't know, bothered that somebody knows we're together," he said. 

you sighed, running your fingers through your hair as eddie kept looking over at you before starting to drive off to his house. 

"i'm sorry, i'm just used to having secrets. i mean, my dad is a secret, my mom's drinking issues are a secret, and my boyfriend is a secret. because i'm used to keeping people i love or people that i'm ashamed of a secret."

"so, what category do i fall into then?" he asked. 

you sat silent for a second, worrying him as he glanced over at you.

"you're the only one that falls into the category of love, eddie," you told him truthfully, glancing over at him as he smiled widely, not even bothering to hide the feelings. 

"so, let me get this straight," he said as you looked over at him. "you, _______ _________, love me, eddie munson."

you nodded slightly, looking out the window as the two of you pulled up to eddie's trailer. he stopped the van, looking over at you as your eyes met his once more. 

"you're insane," he muttered, getting out of the car as you grew confused, unbuckling your seatbelt as eddie opened your door. he helped you out of the car and as soon as your feet hit the ground, he pressed his lips to yours. you smiled into it, still being caught off guard but enjoying every second of it. 

when he let go, you smiled to yourself. 

"i can't believe that you love me," he said, laughing from relief as he grabbed your hand after you grabbed your bag, shutting the door behind you, and he pulled you inside the trailer. you let go of his hand as you went to his bedroom and set your bag on the floor of his room, looking over at his guitar as you studied it. you had been here several times, but eddie always liked going to your house simply because your room was upstairs from your mother so he could come and go a lot easier than you could here. 

you felt his arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you close to him as your eyes stayed on the guitar, studying every little detail about it.

"she's memorizing, isn't she?" he asked as you nodded. 

"i've just never seen you play it before," you said softly. 

"well, i'm so focused on trying to the campaigns for hellfire, trying to get my grades up enough to graduate, and now i need to focus on you," he replied. "i mean, the band plays on tuesday nights, but that's only for a couple hours."

you nodded, leaning your head back on his shoulder as he let out a small sigh. 

"do you want me to sleep on the couch and let you have the bed?" he asked as you spun around to look at him. 

"i just told you that i loved you and you want to sleep on the couch?" 

he shrugged. 

"just wanting you to be comfortable," he said as you nodded, two of your fingers reaching up to gently run them down his jaw before smiling once more. 

"i'd be far more comfortable having you with me," you told him. 

"then it's me you'll get, _______," he replied, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

you sat up suddenly in the middle of the night, hearing somebody knocking on the door of eddie's trailer. you elbowed eddie to get him to wake up, seeing him shift slightly as you elbowed his side slightly harder. 

"ow?" he said, groggily. 

"somebody is knocking at your door," you told him.

he got up, putting his jacket back on as you watched him about to leave the room. he paused at the doorway, looking back over at you. you were confused, why wasn't he going?

"come here," he said softly. you nodded, getting up and taking his hand as he brought you with him to the front door, keeping you safe behind his back. there was a pause before he finally opened the door. 


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