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"where's ______?" steve asked robin as she shrugged, uncertain of your whereabouts. "shouldn't she be in by now?" he asked, checking his watch as the time ticked ten minutes past eight. you were a senior at hawkins high school, but you worked later night shifts with steve and robin. you were also friends with dustin and mike, who you had met during the beginning of the school year when they were freshmen in one of your science classes- at least, dustin was. 

"maybe something happened at school," robin suggested, stacking up a couple of movies on the counter while steve stared out the window. "and staring outside won't make her appear." 

"robin, she's never late. are you not worried?" he asked her, turning to face her now as he picked up one of the movies and ran his finger down the edge of the casing. robin snatched the movie back from his hands and set it on the top of the stack once more. 

"steve, relax. she was bound to be late one day at least, to finally make her less punctual. it's rather annoying, honestly," she laughed, turning around to go find some movies to reorganize and put back out on the shelves as steve bit his lip slightly in thought and worry. 

"should i try calling her mom?" steve asked, looking down at his watch once more. thirty minutes past and you hadn't come into work still. 

"you know her mom?" robin laughed. "right, of course you do. you're steve harrington, you probably know every girl's mom."

"what the hell is supposed to mean?" 

"look, all i'm saying is that we shouldn't be jumping to any conclusions and getting her family involved makes it seem like something is seriously wrong," she explained, coming around to the side that he was standing on near the door as she leaned against the counter. 

"something is seriously wrong," he muttered.

"being late to work isn't that serious of an issue, steve."

"it is when it's so out of character for the person," he continued on. robin looked over at him, shaking her head slightly before dustin and max burst in through the door and looked at the two of them. 

"do you guys know where _______ is?" he asked as steve only grew more panic and robin stood up to take this into account. 

"what are you guys talking about?" she asked. max sighed, looking over at dustin as they made brief eye contact before answering her question. 

"she said she was going to go home and grab some clothes really quickly to change into after her work shift and so we assumed she was here," max said to respond to robin's question of concern and confusion. dustin snapped his fingers. 

"maybe eddie knows," he said, heading over to the phone on the counter as steve furrowed his brows in confusion.

"why would eddie know where ______ is?" 

"because i saw them talking to each other near the soccer field after school."

"shit, eddie, i'm late for work," you muttered, checking your watch as you stood up quickly to leave his trailer but he shook his head, grabbing your hand in his as he pulled you back to him. he looked up at you from where he was sitting, his hands on your waist.

"you're bound to be late one of these days," he mumbled. 

you smiled back at him, resting one of your hands on his. 

"eddie, i'm never late for work. they're going to think something is wrong," you said sweetly. "i'll come back to you. i promise."

"you better," he said, standing up to press a kiss to your forehead before you grabbed your backpack and work clothes, going to his bathroom as you quickly changed into them before leaving his trailer at eight forty five pm.

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