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you weren't sure of where dustin would be on a saturday morning, especially this early. was he at home? you had to try, just to help eddie in any way that you could. you got out of your car, shutting the door as you let out a heavy sigh and began to tread in your boots to the front of his house. you knocked three times on his door, seeing his mom greet you as she held tews in her arm. 

"hi, ms. henderson," you said, giving her a sweet smile as you tried to keep yourself composed. your hands were nervously fidgeting with your keys as you continued the conversation. "is dustin here?" 

she shook her head. 

"no, he and max went out to see a friend," she said as you let out a heavy sigh. 

"do you know who?" 

"i think steve harrington? that sounds about right," she said, petting tews still as she gave you a sweet smile in return. you shared the smile. 

"steve harrington?" you said as she nodded.

"yes, is everything okay?" she asked as you nodded, sending her one more smile before thanking her and walking to your car as you shut the door. you let out a sigh, heading off to the family video store in a slight hurry.

stepping out of your car once more, you pushed the door open as the bell chimed at your arrival and steve looked over from where he was standing. you didn't see dustin anywhere, you were starting to get worried and nervous tears were filling your eyes as steve walked over to you while robin continued to help a customer. 

"_______, hey, is everything okay?" he asked. 

you shook your head, wiping away a tear that was slipping down your cheek as you looked off to the side and sniffling. 

"let's go outside," he said, leading you out the doors as he nodded towards robin who understood.

when the two of you got outside, you wiped your nose lightly before steve spoke up once more. 

"_______, what happened? did someone do something to you?" he asked as you shook your head. 

"no, it's not that. i, i need dustin and i can't find him," you said, looking off into the parking lot of the arcade and the family video store. steve furrowed his eyebrows in concern, wondering what was going on. 

"______, you can tell me what's happening," he said. 

"i just need to know where dustin is," you said, refusing to meet his eyes as steve nodded, letting out a sigh as you waited for him to tell you. 

"last time i saw him, he said he and max were going to talk to mike before he leaves for california," he said as he waited for you to tell him what was going on but you nodded, thanking him before walking back to your car and getting inside. 

steve watched you sit there momentarily before you started the car, driving off.

you knocked heavily on the wheeler's front door, hoping that he was there. 

"_______? everything okay?" nancy asked as she opened the door, clearly heading out to go drop mike off at the airport. 

"is dustin here?" you asked her as she nodded to your relief. 

"yeah, they're all down in the basement." 

you thanked her heavily as she let you inside. you headed downstairs, seeing dustin talking with max and mike as you wanted to start crying from relief. you didn't even realize you were until the kids turned to look at you. 

"________?" dustin asked as you nodded, your watery eyes looking at him with such fear for eddie but so much relief from finding the kid you were looking for. 

"i've been looking all over town for you," you said as max laughed a little. you weren't even focused on the other two, you just needed to talk to dustin. "i really need to talk to you."

he nodded, waiting for you to continue as you shook your head. 

"no, in private," you said as he nodded.

"oh, okay," he said, following you to the more private side of the basement. "everything okay?"

"eddie is in trouble," you said, feeling your stomach twisting in a knot. "and i'm not sure what to do and you know how to handle everything and dustin, i'm so worried about him."

"what did he say? where is he?"

"he's at my house. jason came by my house this morning and practically threatened me to tell him where eddie was, but i didn't know that chrissy had died." 

your worried and teary eyes looked back at dustin's while he sighed. 

"can max come? can we stop by and get robin and steve?"

you felt your heart skipping beats as you responded. 

"dustin, i need you to come and talk to him and figure out what to do first. we don't have time to go get a bunch of people right now, we can get them later," you said as dustin nodded, following you upstairs and climbing in your car as you started it quickly and began driving off, wiping away the tears off your cheeks. 

you knocked gently on your door, hearing nothing as you said it was you before eddie unlocked the door and let you inside. his hand found yours instantly, pulling you inside as dustin followed you in as well. he shut the door behind the two of you as eddie started to focus solely on you before realizing dustin was in the room as he stopped himself. 

"henderson," he said as dustin gave him a brief hug before he went back to you.

"_______ told me that she needed help with this situation," he said as you nodded. 

"eddie, explain it to him," you said softly, your eyes staying on his before he nodded, giving you a brief smile before explaining everything to dustin about chrissy, the lead up to how she got to his trailer, the whole entire thing. 

dustin nodded, taking it in as he looked back over at you. 

"you need to stay hidden here, eddie. ______ can travel out, but you can't. you need to be safe here," dustin said as eddie nodded. "i need to tell robin, steve, and max about this. you both just stay safe and i'll walkie you when we're heading back over, _______."

you nodded. 

"okay, thank you, dustin," you said, giving him a hug from relief before letting him go as you locked the door behind you. eddie smiled over at you. 

"no matter how scared i am in the midst of all of this, you are the only thing keeping me slightly calm."

you laughed a little, going over to him as you joined him on your bed and cuddled into his arms, resting your head under his chin as you let out a sigh. 

"i'm trying my best," you truthfully as he nodded, running his fingers through your hair.

"and you are doing a damn well job," he replied, pressing a kiss to your head as you closed your eyes, starting to fall asleep now that you felt safer and you knew that eddie was too. especially in your home. 

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