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"______!" eddie called out as he walked out of the building last and into the cool air of the night. you turned around from talking to a girl in your class about the homework for that night as you said bye to her before walking over to him.

"so?" you asked, approaching him.

"it went fantastic," he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "and now, we can celebrate?"

"we? are you having them over?" you asked, your hands tucked in your pockets as eddie laughed.

"c'mon, ______," he said, pulling you closer to him as the two of you continued to walk in the parking lot towards your car. you looked over at him in confusion.

"what are you-?" you asked, seeing him smiling back at you. "what?"

"i just can't believe it," he said softly, approaching your car as his arm stayed resting around your shoulder. you raised your eyebrows at him, a sign of telling him to get on with whatever he was trying to say to you. "the campaign went great and you still waited for me."

you laughed, getting the keys out of your pocket to unlock the door to your car.

"of course i did," you told him, twisting the key to unlock the door. "why wouldn't i wait to speak to the cutest cult leader i've ever met," you joked, giving him a smile as you faced him briefly before getting the car unlocked.

"and, uh, how many cult leaders have you met?"

you smiled back at him, opening the door before facing him fully now. his arm let go as his hand took yours.

"do your friends know we're dating?" you asked him. he could feel one of your fingers gently tracing over the pattern of one of the rings he was wearing.

"jeff does," he said softly.

you nodded, biting the inside of your cheek as your eyes looked over to the side of the parking lot where you saw gareth, dustin, and mike all huddled together in a group as they talked about the campaign that night.

"did you want me to tell them?" he asked. your eyes flicked back over to his momentarily before looking back at his friends who seemed to be engaged in conversation. you didn't want to stare at them, but you wanted them to know so that they would stop pestering him about never finding a girlfriend.

"i just wanted them to stop pestering you, that's all," you smiled up at him. he could read right through it all.

"oh my God, ______," he laughed as your eyes looked back over at his friends. "you want to show me off, don't you?"

the blush in your cheeks flared up as you smiled to yourself. you silently thanked God that it was dark enough out to where eddie wouldn't notice the blush or else he would talk about it for hours about how cute you were.

"i mean, look," you began, trying to cover yourself. "it's good to let people know so that, i don't know, people know?" you tried to come up with an excuse, not being able to find a good one.

eddie laughed lightly once more, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you laughed, smiling widely to yourself.

you turned around afterwards, setting your keys in the seat of your car.

"eddie! tonight was- ______?" dustin asked, confused. mike joined him in the confusion as gareth took a moment to study you, observing everything about you. you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, holding onto eddie's hand tighter.

you were excited this was finally happening though.

"uh, yeah," eddie said, laughing a little bit as mike glanced down briefly to see both of you holding hands.

"holy shit," he muttered. dustin and gareth both looked at him, confused. "are you two together?" mike asked.

"no, because friends just hold hands and kiss each other constantly when nobody is looking," eddie said sarcastically. "yes, we're together. we've been together for months."

you smiled up at him, your eyes not wanting to leave him. gareth was still studying you, but you couldn't feel his gaze because you were too focused already.

"is this a joke?" dustin asked as you shook your head.

"nope," you said, slightly popping the 'p' in the word as he glanced down towards your hands still holding onto each other's.

"so, you were waiting until now to reintroduce us to your girlfriend who we already knew?" mike said, dustin nudging him in the side.

"how the hell did you know her before?"

"she and steve were really close friends," mike continued as dustin shook his head.

"they were just friends," he said as you nodded.

"yeah, steve and i are still friends," you explained. "we never dated though, as all of you freshmen like to assume shit."

dustin laughed a little, mike biting his lip in confusion and thought.

"so, how long have you been together then?" gareth finally spoke up. eddie took the question for you, knowing you would answer way too quickly and way too much out of adoration. he wanted to ease his friends into this.

"about six months," he replied.

"and yet, you managed to hide her from us all this time?"

"i wasn't some prisoner or some shit," you muttered, digging the toe of your shoe into the ground, seeing some dust come off of the parking lot top.

"but he still hid you," gareth said. "are you ashamed of her or us or something?"

"he was never ashamed," you muttered, glancing up at him. "he just wanted to keep me all to himself," you continued, smiling as you looked back up at gareth. "and also, now you can all shut up about him never finding a girlfriend because he did it!"

eddie laughed, trying to calm you down as his thumb gently ran over your hand while he held onto it still. you couldn't help but continue to smile about it.

"shit, eddie, it's nearly eleven o'clock, i have to get home," you told him, grabbing your keys off the seat as his friends watched you. when the door to your car shut, he leaned down into the window and pressed a kiss to your forehead. he admired you for a moment.

"i love you," he said as you smiled back at him sweetly.

"i love you," you replied.

"and, uh, you should totally sneak in through my window tonight," he muttered, pressing one more kiss to your forehead as you nodded, laughing a little to yourself.

"twelve o'clock?"

he nodded.


he leaned back, letting you pull out of the parking lot. his eyes watched you go back home, probably to now get clothes for staying over at eddie's- even though you both damn well knew that you'd be stealing a lot of his clothes.

he turned back to his friends.

"and that's my girlfriend," he said, smiling at all of them.

"and that's our friend," dustin laughed, mike joining with him.

"dude, that's my ex girlfriend," gareth said as the group went silent before he started laughing once more. "i'm kidding, she's not. but the looks on your faces? priceless."

eddie laughed, looking out towards the road as he checked the time on his watch. only an hour more until he got to see you again and hold you back in his arms.

and he couldn't wait.

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