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"maybe if you guys are having so many relationship issues, you should go to steve," will offered up as mike gave him a somewhat dumbfounded look. 

"steve only dated my sister for like a year, and lost her to your brother," mike said as will scoffed.

"okay, well, jonathan is busy toni-"

lucas interrupted to the two of their bickering as they looked over at him, mike still sitting on the couch and will trying to set up for dungeons and dragons. 

"_______," he said as they both furrowed their brows at him in confusion. lucas sighed, standing up to face his two friends and explain. "look, we know that she and steve are like, best friends, and-"

"i'm pretty sure that they dated," mike said. 

"okay, well, dated or not, ______ knows so many relationship based things. and she's a woman," lucas said, trying to get the two boys to understand what he was saying. "come on, guys. ______ is a woman with a lot of dating experience-"

"holy shit! holy shit, lucas! that's it!" 

the three boys stood outside of your house as mike knocked on your door, maybe way too much as they heard you tumble down the stairs loudly and open the door with an exasperated sigh.

"what the hell do you want again, bil- oh, hey, kids?" you said in a questioning tone. 

"you were expecting billy?" lucas asked, looking over at you as you ran your fingers through your hair. you cleared your throat, looking down towards the three boys on your doorstep. 

"no, i wasn't," you replied, giving them all a small smile. "what do you guys need? is dustin okay?" you asked, looking between all three of them. "steve tries to keep me updated on my so called children that he insists we raise together," you laughed, looking back up at them as mike nodded.

"he's fine, ______. but we have some questions that need an answer," he said as you nodded, looking behind you to see your mother passed out asleep on the couch in her work clothes still as you stepped outside and shut the door. 

"what's up?" you asked.

mike cleared his throat, lucas nudging him in the back to get him to talk. your eyes were on him, waiting for him to say anything, ask you one of the questions he had for you.

"okay, so," mike began, watching as you kept staring back at him, your arms crossed over your chest. "um, basically how do you win back a girl?"

you furrowed your eyebrows in more confusion, wondering as to why he was asking.

"are you trying to win somebody back?" you questioned, confused. 

"well, yes, um, my girlfriend," he said as you nodded, looking down towards your shoes before meeting his eyes once more. "she, uh, she kind of dumped me."

"and what led to this?" you asked him, no hesitation after the question. 

"well, i called her and told her that my nana was sick and-"

"is she sick?" you asked him, your eyes studying his. "holy shit, you lied to her, didn't you?" 

"how did you-?" lucas asked. 

"because it's in a girl's instinct to know when a guy that they're seeing is lying," you told the boys. "i noticed it whenever steve blew me off to go do something else with tommy at the time," you muttered, digging your shoe into the dirt. "i mean, look, mike," you said, catching his attention back on you. "if you really did lie to her, apologize. tell her the truth about why you lied and make up for it by taking her out or spending time with her." 

 mike sighed, giving you a small smile as he studied you once more. lucas nudged him in the back again, getting him to stop his wandering eyes from studying you too much as you looked back up at him. 

"why are you guys not asking steve this question?" you laughed a little, your hand on the doorknob to your house. 

"because, you're a woman," will said softly. 

"and you'd know what to do since you'd know how it feels to be lied to," mike said as you bit the inside of your cheek, your eyes looking off to the side of the yard. lucas studied your behavior, not understanding what it meant.

"look, guys," you began. "i'll see y'all later. i have to go," you mumbled, walking back inside your house as you felt your heart breaking a little bit inside. you weren't sure why it was affecting you so much, you knew billy lied all the time about everything. 

you grabbed your jacket by the front door, walking out and running after the boys as you caught up to them. 

"guys," you said, your heart breaking with every step you took. "can you all take me somewhere quickly and drop me off? my mom needs the car for work when she wakes up, and i can't call steve since he's at work." 

will nodded, letting you sit on the back of his bike as you told him where you needed to go.

"thanks again," you told them, giving them a thin line smile as you ran off into the trailer park and straight towards his trailer. you were praying that he was in fact here, you needed to talk to him desperately. 

three loud knocks on his door. waiting for an answer, but nobody answered. 

three more loud knocks. 

finally, he opened the door as you let out a sigh of relief. 

"i need to talk to you," you told him, the tears in your eyes being visible as he nodded, stepping outside and sitting with you at a park bench. he pulled you into his arms as you felt yourself starting to sob. it felt so good to be back in his arms again. 

"what the hell happened?" he asked, feeling your arms tightened around him. your head was buried into his shoulder as you stood on your tiptoes to be closer to him. 

"um," you began, slowly letting go of him as the two of you sat down. you took his hand in your shaking one. "the kids that dustin is friends with came over to my house to ask me how to win back a woman when they piss her off," you mumbled, smiling gently up at him as you used the excess of the sleeves of your jacket to wipe away your tears. 

"look, princess, i'm not unhappy that you're here by any means," he said, giving you a small laugh. "but how the hell did these kids bring you back to me?"

"they reminded me of something that billy told me earlier this week that i never told you about," you mumbled, messing with a loose string on your jacket. eddie cocked his head in confusion, wondering what you meant. "i think it just reminded me of how important you are to me. he threatened to hurt you, eddie, to get to me," you mumbled. 

eddie sighed, nodding as he took it all in. 

"so, what did you want me to do about it?" eddie asked as you grabbed his hand, shaking your head. 

"eddie," you mumbled, meeting his eyes as you gave him a sweet smile. "i just needed to be with you. i need this. this is how you can help me."

"i can help a little more if you want?" 

you furrowed your brows, confusion being threaded throughout as he smiled back at you, leaning down and pressing a brief kiss to your lips before letting go. you laughed softly, closing your eyes as you enjoyed his presence. 

"i know he gets into your head, _______," he said as you shook your head, trying to block out any thoughts of billy. "but you know i'm always here for you."

you smiled to yourself, nodding as you rest your head back in the crook of his neck.

"you'll always be my home, eddie." 

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