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author's note: five years on this account & i couldn't be happier about it. i love you all dearly, thanks for coming with me from sophomore year of high school to sophomore year of college :)

band practice was running late for the guys and you were sat at home, waiting for eddie to come over. you were sitting next to the phone, waiting for his phone call to let you know that he was coming over, but you were getting antsy. you just wanted to see him. 

getting up, you slipped on your boots and walked out of the house with your keys, climbing in your car as you headed off to gareth's house to see what was taking them so long. 

when you pulled up in his driveway, you took notice that eddie was outside trying to clean up some of the bottles he had out on the floor. jeff and the quiet guy, who really never spoke to you were both, gone. you got out of the car quickly, shutting the door as you rushed over to him as soon as he stood up, wrapping your arms around him as you smiled to yourself. 

"woah, woah, where the hell did you come from?" he asked, slightly laughing as he held onto two bottles with one of his hands, his other hand resting on your lower back as you smiled. 

"i've been waiting for over an hour, munson," you muttered. "you just left me hanging."

he chuckled slightly. 

"didn't mean to, sweetheart, we got caught up in the music," he replied, holding you closely as you continued to smile to yourself. "however, i will say that we need to talk when we get back to your house, okay?" 

you slowly let go of him ever so slightly, looking up at him in worry. he shook his head, his eyes staring down into yours. 

"there's nothing to worry about there, ________, i promise," he muttered, letting go of you to go toss the bottles away while you watched him, twiddling with the keys in your hands. he tossed the bottles, walking over to a couple other bottles he had found as you watched him. 

the door to the garage opened as gareth stepped out and started talking to eddie, unaware that you were there. 

"so, eddie, is this talk about how you're going to break up with her?" he started. "because i mean, you know she's really far out of your league right?"

eddie cleared his throat, standing up quickly as gareth looked at him before noticing you and jumping slightly. 

"shit, _______, you scared me!"

you looked between the two friends, wondering if eddie was meaning what he said. but how could you doubt the person you had been with for two years? it seemed impossible to do so, especially with the way that he loved you.

"are you going to-?" you started as eddie shook his head. 

"why the hell would i break up with you?" he questioned as you turned to look at gareth again.

"well clearly you all have had this conversation before!" you said but he grabbed your hands, pulling you into his arms as you gingerly placed your hands back around him. 

"hey, look, let's leave and we can talk about this later, okay?" he muttered as you nodded, still looking at gareth from the angle you were being held at.

"okay," you responded before eddie let go of you to go talk to gareth briefly before grabbing his little metal lunchbox before walking back over to you and joining you in the car. 

you closed the door quietly behind you, walking up the stairs with him directly behind you as the two of you made it to your bedroom. you shut the door behind him and kicked your shoes off, taking off the jacket you were wearing as he walked over to you, pressing his lips to yours abruptly.

you fell into it after a couple of seconds, enjoying the familiar feeling of home. 

when he let go, he shook his head. 

"let me explain it all to you, okay?" he said.

you understood how well he knew you to get your mind back to a place that you could listen to whatever words he had to say to you. he was your focal point, and you would listen to him no matter what he said. 

"okay," you nodded, letting him lead you over to the bed, grabbing you up in his arms as you both sat back against the pillows. you sighed, looking up at him from the angle you were being held at.

"gareth has mentioned the idea of us breaking up a couple of times," he muttered, his eyes focused on the ceiling momentarily. "we're not exactly sure why, but usually there's a couple theories that are the normal answers that people go with." 

"which are?"

"he either likes you or he doesn't like us together," he replied, looking down at you now, his eyes observing yours as you stared back up at him. you were confused as to why gareth would even do such a thing. 

"so, which do you think it is, eddie?" you asked.

"the second one," he mumbled. "i think he always pictured me with somebody that was," he stopped himself, letting out a sigh. "it doesn't matter who he even pictured me with because i wanted to date you and i don't regret my choices." 

you smiled sweetly towards him, your hand messing around with his as he smiled back at you.

"i'm sorry that i kept you waiting," he said.

you shrugged.

"i was just getting antsy is all," you told him softly. "although, you have to stay the night now."

he laughed, smiling back at you. 

"you don't even have to ask me twice to do so, princess. i would rather stay here with you all night than do anything else." 

you laughed a little, staring back at him. 

"is that what you wanted to talk to me about earlier?"

he shook his head. 

"no, but gareth sort of set the mood, didn't he," he said softly. 

"come on, munson, what was it?" you asked, sitting up some as he sighed, reaching up to get something off from around his neck. you looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was doing. 

when he grabbed your hand gently in his, he opened it and placed the necklace he wore every single day inside of it. you looked up at him abruptly, shaking your head, but he refused to take it back.

"look, you know i'm not one for buying fancy shit, especially since i can't afford it," he began as you listened. "but this is so important to me, princess. like how you're so important to me," he finished, watching as you smiled down at the necklace before looking back up at him. 

"are you going to help me put it on?" you asked with a smile as he took the necklace and leaned forwards, hooking the necklace on around your neck. he leaned back, smiling sweetly at you before pressing his lips to yours once more. 

"do we plan on doing anything about gareth's comment?" you muttered after he let go.

eddie shook his head.

"why waste the time when we know what we have and that's all that matters anyways," he said, pressing his lips to yours once more.

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