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"guys, stop, i'm not dating eddie," you laughed, shoving steve back a little as he stumbled over his clumsy feet. you raised your eyebrows at him, robin taking notice as you spoke up. "you're turning into robin, you little klutz."

"and you're turning into mike, you liar," he said as you laughed, looking off to the side.

"what am i lying about? my shoe size? fine, i wear a size six, not a size seven. there, is that the confession you wanted?" you joked, turning around to grab another bottle of beer.

robin laughed a little as well, nudging you in the side as you opened the can, taking a sip while steve and robin exchanged glances between each other.

"okay, _____, i have a game for you. you can't think, you just say the first thing that comes to your mind, okay?" robin asked as steve snickered a little, clearing his throat as you turned around to face them.


"favorite color?" she began to ask the questions.

"______," you said, no hesitation.

"favorite movie?"

"______," you responded.

"what's your favorite food?"

"_______," you responded, about to take a sip of the beer in your hand.

"are you and eddie dating?"

"yes," you responded, taking a sip of the beer can as realization hit you. you choked down the beer, looking over at robin and steve. they were laughing amongst themselves as you set down the beer and grabbed steve's cardigan before shutting the gate to steve's backyard harshly.

they looked between each other, their eyes worried about what they might have said or did.

he opened the door to see you out of breath.

"bubba," you said, forcing it out almost as eddie cocked his head in confusion. his hair shifted down slightly on his right shoulder. "it's just something i'm trying out."

"you okay?" he asked, seeing you shake your head. "besides giving me bad nicknames."

laughing, you punched him in the arm slightly before responding. "can you come walk with me?" you asked him, seeing him nod as he turned to make sure his uncle was still asleep before shutting the door quietly and joining you in the cold night air of hawkins.

"eds," you began, tightening your hold on steve's cardigan that you had mistakenly grabbed on your frustrated walk out of the small get together. "something happened tonight and robin, steve, and the other party guests know that we're dating."

"shit," he mumbled, his hand finding yours in the dark as he slid his fingers between yours. you welcomed the warmth, embracing it and feeling how it warmed you up more than steve's cardigan did.

"you know what my dad will do," you muttered, your eyes looking down the road as you were about to pass under a small street light. "he doesn't like you or your uncle, eds."

he nodded, stopping the two of you, looking into your eyes as his hand released yours so that he could run his fingers through your hair. that's when he took notice of the cardigan.

"i know, bean, but maybe-" he paused, and you took notice. "is that steve's cardigan? did he give this to you?"

you shook your head, shrugging it off as you slipped the sleeves over your hands and you were soon holding it in your arms. eddie looked down at it, taking it in his hands as he stared down at the cotton.

"eddie, i promise you, he didn't give it to me. i was in a rush, trying to get out of there and it was cold," you muttered as eddie looked back up at you, his eyes observing yours, making you grow shy under his gaze.

"i'm not worried about harrington of all people," he responded, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you smiled, growing closer to him as you huddled into his warmth. you hadn't realized just how cold it was outside.

his arm slowly wrapped itself around your waist as you nuzzled your head just underneath his chin. he looked down at the sweater still.

"i know you're still thinking about steve, you little cult leader," you muttered. "but my dad is the threat right now, bubs."

he looked back down at you in a questioning look.

"okay, so you can experiment with nicknames but i can't?" you laughed. "i'm a little insulted, you maniac."

"now that," he paused, pressing another kiss to the side of your head. "was offensive, my love."

"ugh, you have all the good ones," you muttered as he laughed, his forefinger tilting your chin upwards as he stared back down at you.

"we'll figure this out, ______," he replied, dead serious now. "i promise you. we'll figure this out. maybe those people's gossip won't get to your dad or maybe he just won't believe it and it won't be a worry."

you nodded, letting out a small sigh as you listened to his heart beat.

going into steve and robin's work the next day was awkward to say the least. you slid the cardigan across the counter, not wanting to look at him but his voice made your eyes contradict your thoughts.

"are you okay? we weren't trying to insult you or anything," he asked, leaning over the counter and down towards you. you nodded, forcing out a fake smile as he furrowed his brows.

"okay, i'm not," you replied. "my dad doesn't like the munson's and if he finds out we're dating, he's going to be so offended by it all. he honest to God thought that we were going to get together," you told him truthfully.

"______, we'll always accept you no matter what. you know that. we're not trying to ever hurt you about anything," he reminded you. "you'll always be our little star around here for renting six movies and finishing them in less than a night nearly."

you laughed lightly to yourself, trying to ignore the other issues occurring in your mind. you wanted to forget it all and that's when you let out a heavy sigh at the end of your short laughter.

"steve," you said. he nodded, awaiting your words. "you cannot let this spread around. i'm serious. i've been with eddie for nine months now and my dad doesn't know. i cant have him find out."

steve nodded, grabbing his cardigan off the counter as you thanked him with a small smile before pushing the door open with your shoulder.

"oh, and ______?" he asked, watching you turn around to look at him. "thanks for the sweater, thief."

you shrugged it off, smiling to yourself as you rushed back to your car to get to school. you turned the key in the ignition.

your dad wouldn't find out.

he couldn't.

EDDIE MUNSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now