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the air in hawkins was cold, colder because of the feeling filling your body of fear. the adrenaline was trying to heat you up, but the fear overtook the majority of your emotions right now. you were wondering what eddie was telling steve and dustin about you. you were wondering if there was a fight ensuing. what could he want to tell him besides a threat to stay away from you?

you tried not to think about it. 

it would drive you crazy if you did. 

all you could do is wait for him to meet you at the bush and that's exactly what you sat there doing. 


"and what can i do for you, nerds?" eddie asked as he opened the door. steve and dustin stood awkwardly on the doorstep as eddie looked between the two of them.

"well, we assumed that _____ would come here in times of crisis," steve muttered as dustin nodded.

"steve has some words for her."

"good or bad? because she told me what you said to her," eddie retorted, looking back at steve with a harsh gleam in his eye. steve cleared his throat awkwardly as he tried to think of what to tell eddie without getting in an argument. 

"i needed to apologize to her," he halfway lied. 

"you know, harrington, i can tell when people aren't telling me everything. i mean, hell, _______ hid so much from me before she finally opened up so i can tell that you're not telling me everything now."

dustin nudged him in the side harshly.

"i just wanted her to think through all her options first, that's all."

"steve!" dustin said as he sighed. 

"you weren't supposed to be here when i told him this shit, henderson!"

dustin scoffed, making steve turn around to look at him. 

"you told me that you wanted to go apologize to her which is why i brought you here! if i knew that you were still trying to get _________ to go out with you when she's made it super clear that you're just her friend, then i wouldn't of bothered helping you!" dustin said, stepping down from the steps as he looked back at eddie. "i'm sorry, on behalf of my ignorance and steve's stupidity."

eddie smiled briefly, shutting the door after telling dustin goodbye. 

"now to meet my juliet," he muttered, grabbing his metal lunchbox to bring with him for the two of you and checking the window to see where steve and dustin had gone. they were walking to max's trailer now, probably to talk everything through that had just happened. he opened the door, sneaking out quietly as he watched them enter her home as he ran towards where you were.

you heard the sound of footsteps approaching quickly, causing you to turn in reaction. 

you could spot him from the glare off of his rings before you even knew it was him. you set down the drinks as he ran over to you and briefly pressed a kiss to your lips before telling you what happened. 

he intertwined his free hand with yours as you both began walking the back trail to get to the small park in the woods that was now abandoned. 

"so, apparently steve harrington has a thing for you," eddie said.

"what did he say?" 

"he basically just told me that he was going to come over here alone to give you all the options, whatever the hell that means, but dustin was under the assumption that he had come to apologize."

you kept walking in silence, the only sound between the two of you being the footsteps on the ground of the rocky road. he cleared his throat, tightening his hold on your hand before speaking up in the silence of the night. 

"_______, you know that while i may seem like a hero in d&d, i have the flight response," he said. "but i will promise to protect you from all the shit in the world the best that i can."

you smiled to yourself, the sight of the picnic table in both of your sights. 

"you mean so much to me," you told him softly, arriving at the picnic table as you set down the six pack as eddie put the metal lunchbox next to it. he turned back to face you, pulling you close to him once more. you had never had your first kiss until you had began dating him, and he meant everything to you. 

when he let go, you yearned for more every time. 

"we're not even at skull rock," you laughed a little.

"so, i have to be in a specific place to kiss you?" he asked, looking at you as you laughed a little, shaking your head. 

"no," you laughed. "it's just that, i don't know, you know, right?" 

"what?" he asked, somewhat confused as you bit the inside of your cheek. 

"you were my first, eddie," you told him softly. 

"no damn way," he said. "no way."

you nodded as he smiled off into the woods before looking back at you. 

"i was your first?"

you nodded once more, smiling up at him. 

"is that why you're so clingy?" he joked as you laughed, shoving him slightly in the arm before he brought you back to him once more.

"you're calling me clingy?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"just precautions, juliet," he said back as you cocked your head in confusion. 


"like, the story. romeo and juliet," he explained as you nodded. 

"maybe you should call me your juliet rather than just the name juliet because somebody would think that you're calling me the wrong name or some shit."

he nodded.

"whatever you say, princess."

he pressed his lips back to yours once again, keeping you close as his hand rest on the side of your waist as his forefinger and middle finger rest on the side of your face. when you let go, you went over to the six pack and took one of the drinks out for him and one out for you. 

"cheers to you sneaking me out," you told him, holding out his bottle as he took it. 

"of my house," he said, hitting the bottom of your bottle with the top of his before the two of you took a sip, sitting down on the picnic table top while you both began to talk into the early hours of the morning. 

"so, you lied to me just to get to ______ again?" dustin asked as max looked over at steve in disbelief. 

"you lied to him just to try and date her again?" she asked as steve groaned, standing up.

"you guys don't understand. i've liked her for years and she never wanted to go out with me!"

"maybe it's just timing, steve! you don't know that it isn't!" dustin exclaimed back.

"but we don't know that it is!"

"to be fair, you dated nancy when _______ liked you. then, you and her were both in that weird phase of not dating each other but could have. then, she began dating billy before he," dustin paused as max shifted slightly, the subject touching a sore spot as dustin continued. "and now, she's with eddie. i mean, you had your chance when she was a sophomore, steve. you could have dated her then, but you didn't. you missed that chance."

"why can't you let her go? what is it about her?" max asked him. steve glanced up at her briefly before looking out the window into the night. 

"she's perfect," he said. "i can't point out one negative thing about her."

dustin sighed, looking over at max as they shared a look. 

"well, steve, what the hell do you want us to do?" he asked as steve turned to face them once more. his eyes met dustin's as he shook his head. "no, no way."

"it's the only way. we have to," he replied. 

"have to what?" max questioned.

"he wants to break them up."

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