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you woke up outside on the top of the picnic table, eddie laying on the bench seat beneath you. you were confused, not sure of the time or where you both were until it hit you. you took note of the beers strewn around the two of you and eddie's metal lunchbox was underneath the table. you nudged him with your foot to wake him up, hopping off the table as you began to clean up the mess the two of you made.

"eddie," you said, elbowing his side as he shifted and fell off the seat. you laughed, trying to conceal it but you knew you couldn't hide it. 

"what the hell?" he said, sitting up as he brushed the leaves out of his hair. you squatted down next to him, taking out the two leaves he had missed as he stared back at you. "do you remember anything?"

"nothing," you replied, leaning back as you held out your hand to help him up. he took it, standing up as he sighed, looking around.

"i guess after we finished drinking and, stuff, we got tired," you muttered as eddie sighed, grabbing some of the trash as the two of you began to clean it all up before heading out to his trailer once more.

school was loud to your hungover head and dustin was trying to tell you so many things all at once. 

"dustin, please, slowdown," you said softly, putting a hand to your head briefly as he nodded.

"did you two get drunk last night?" he asked. "i mean, eddie seemed off last night." 

"maybe because steve harrington still likes me from freshman year of high school," you mumbled, trying not to let it occupy your mind for too long. besides, your headache from the night before was creeping in more and more as the time ticked on. 

"did he tell you because you were with him last night?"

"i'm always with him," you replied, letting out a heavy sigh. "jesus, my head. do you have any medicine?" 

dustin nodded, digging in his bag as he handed you a small bottle of meds. you thanked him, taking the pills as you took a small swig of water from the water fountain before handing the bottle back to him. 

"______, you know you can talk to steve about this right?"

"no i can't," you said quickly. he turned to look at you. "i can't. i can't go tell him how i feel and not hear him insult eddie."

"how you feel?" he asked.

"not like that, henderson. i mean, i want to tell him that he had a chance and he blew it, but i don't want to hear what he's going to say about my eddie," you replied, hearing the bell ring as you put a hand to your head before heading off to class.

at lunch, you and eddie decided to go to your spot in the woods to eat lunch and talk about everything going on.

"how many hangovers have you had, eddie?" 

he chuckled, taking a few bites of his food before answering. 

"many, princess. too many to count," he laughed a little as you looked over at him briefly, laying down on the table top as eddie continued to eat his food. 

"dustin and i talked today," you said, waiting for his answer.

"about what?"

"steve harrington."

you heard the silence and it caused you to sit up on your elbows to look at him. 

"what about him, _______."

"dustin recommended that i talk to him about my feelings," you said, sitting up fully as you swung your legs over the side of the table. "last time i tried to, he called me stupid. so what the hell do i do?"

"i'm not sure, _______. i'm just not sure at this point. i mean, i want to get him to get over his little crush, but i don't want to be mean."

"you can be mean one time," you said softly as eddie shook his head, standing up as he began pacing in the woods.

"ah, see, my juliet, that's where you're mistaken," he said as you turned to face him. "i, sir eddie munson, am not a butthead."

you smiled, the hangover headache becoming a distant memory. 

"but you're my boyfriend. tell me what you think i should do," you said, your eyes pleading for help. "please, eddie."

he sighed, taking a seat next to you. 

"truthfully, dustin is right. you talking to him about your feelings about the situation and his feelings towards you would be a good thing to do. but the protective, boyfriend side of me wishes to hold you and never let steve harrington near you again to where he could ever touch you."

you smiled to yourself, your eyes shifting towards the leaves on the ground as eddie spoke up once more to break the silence between the two of you. 

"princess, look," he began, catching your eyesight once more. "if you're worried about this, then have the talk somewhere where i can be close to help you out of the situation if needed."

"i don't want to break your trust," you muttered.

"you won't break my trust, ________. you're talking to steve harrington and somehow, i still managed to be the one you went out with. which, by the way, that fact still blows my mind."

you smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you lingered there for a moment. 

"you can do this," he said, feeling you press yet another kiss to his cheek.

the family video store sign was haunting to you now. your eyes stared up at the red neon colored lights as you took a deep inhale, pulling open the door to hear the little bell chime at your arrival as robin looked up from the vhs she was studying.

"_______, hey," she said as you smiled back at her.

"hey, robin. is steve here?"

she nodded, calling for steve as he came out from the back with a cart of movies before taking notice of you standing behind the counter. eddie's necklace was still around your neck, so he assumed he knew what the conversation would be.

"can we talk? outside?"

he nodded, following you outside and into the hawkins air. 

"what's up?"

you could feel the nerves getting to you as your fingers messed awkwardly with themselves before you got the courage to speak up. 

"can you please let me go?" you asked him as he cocked his head in confusion. "for the sake of my relationship, steve. don't you care about me?"

he nodded, realizing what the conversation was. 

"shit, henderson, shit," he muttered to himself. 

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