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author's note: i'm currently writing this at 2:49a, and i am exhausted. however, anxiety regarding my finals being tomorrow and later today is getting to me and therefore, i am unable to sleep. so, here i am pumping out a chapter for you guys. i hope you all enjoy it!

update: i needed to sleep, so now it's currently 12:25a & now i'm uploading it haha, but this is way after finals lmao 

"mike, could you knock! jesus!" you exclaimed, looking up at him from the paper that you were currently shoving down inside your pocket of your jacket. your bedroom was mildly a mess, but your brother's was a total mess in comparision. 

"i would if we had time too, but we don't," he replied, crossing his arms over his hellfire shirt. you sighed, grabbing your bag as you shoved past him while shutting the door to your bedroom to keep holly and nancy out of it. "you know, if you wouldn't be so secretive about everything in there then maybe, just maybe, we would be on time!"

"what are you talking about?" you questioned, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked over at your younger sibling while the two of you walked downstairs to briefly grab food before heading to school. 

"i get notes from el all the time and i don't hide them from everyone," he muttered, nudging you in the side as you looked at him abruptly. "so, who are you dating?"

"mike, you're talking bullshit," you replied, stealing one half of his bagel as your dad yelled at you from the other side of the house about language. "i mean, what would make you think that?"

"you shoved a letter or some piece of paper in your pocket when i came in," he said.

you shook your head, opening the door to nancy's car as you took place in the passenger side of the vehicle while mike sat in the back. 

"bullshit," you muttered as nancy drove off to get to school.

third period was your favorite because you had a free period. with this period allowing you complete freedom, you tended to try and catch up on your homework outside on the bleachers by the track. on this particular date, you were working on math when you heard a loud bang as someone sat down next to you harshly. out of reflex, you threw your pencil at them. 

"ow!" eddie exclaimed, picking up the pencil as he handed it back to you. "thanks for the injury, princess."

you smiled sweetly towards him, shutting the math book as you placed the pencil in it as a bookmark. 

"sorry, you scared me," you muttered, looking at him sweetly before remembering the letter that he had given you the previous day. you reached into your pocket, pulling it out as you handed it to him. "and by the way, mike might know." 

eddie sighed, taking the letter from you. 

"all because of this?" he asked.

you nodded, wringing your hands in your sweater sleeve. 

"probably because the little bitch didn't knock before entering my bedroom this morning when i was reading it," you muttered in response. eddie sighed, smiling at you sweetly. he looked out into the field where a gym class was coming outside as he stood up, causing you to look up towards him. 

"let's go someplace else," he said, reaching his hand out as you furrowed your brows up towards him. "come on, ________. there's a class coming outside and i don't want mike to be in it." 

"it's third period, so he's definitely in it," you muttered, glancing towards him as you grabbed your bag and handing him your textbook as he looked down at his hand that was outstretched for you. he sighed, meeting your eyes as you stood up before shoving your book back into your stomach as you looked down at it. "thanks?"

"i just wanted to hold your hand," he muttered as you smiled at him, slipping your hand into his as you pulled him close while the two of you walked down the stairs towards the back side of the bleachers where you started walking towards the front side of the school once more. 

"so, your brother might know?" he asked as you nodded, clutching onto your book as the two of you walked past the gates that led to the main part of the track where the class had come through previously. 

"yeah, he was acting really weird when he came into my room," you replied. "i mean, he did just randomly bust into my bedroom." 

eddie nodded, pulling you closer as he noticed jason and chrissy walking out of the building. he pulled you to be behind the dumpster as you looked at him in confusion, he just shook his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

you smiled to yourself as he was squatting down next to you. you looked up at him sweetly, admiring him as you took into account everything that you could see of him. eddie turned to look at you and say something but paused when he saw the way you were looking at him. 

"what?" he asked with a slight laugh. 

"nothing, nothing," you muttered as you heard jason and chrissy starting to talk. "shit, should we be listening to this?" you asked. 

eddie shrugged. "we were out in the open, and we don't want people to know that we're dating yet."

you nodded, setting down your textbook as you took a seat on it while eddie looked over at you still before focusing on the conversation that the two of you were eavesdropping on accidentally. 

"look, i'm being serious, jason. this is something that i've been struggling with," chrissy said as you looked at eddie in confusion. "i'm not just making this up, why would i do that?" 

"i don't know, chris, maybe to seem more freaky to get the freak's attention?" 

you raised your eyebrows towards your boyfriend who just shook his head, pressing another kiss to your forehead as you hummed very quietly to yourself. 

"why would i ever try to get his attention when i'm dating you?" chrissy said as you smiled towards him. he pressed a kiss to your cheek as he lingered there momentarily before listening back to the conversation. 

"look, chris, it's either me or him, okay?" jason replied. 

"jason, why do you care?" 

"maybe because you're my girlfriend!" he exclaimed. 

"look, just give me a day or two, okay?" chrissy said as jason huffed slightly. 

"you're kidding. you're actually going to consider this?" jason said as chrissy shrugged before jason huffed, swearing as he walked back into the cafeteria in anger while chrissy stood outside. she sighed, walking away as you and eddie both looked at each other in shock and confusion. 

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