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eddie wasn't really known as an overly protective type of guy in your books. sure, he protected you but it wasn't an excessive behavior. jason smothered you for two weeks that he tried to win you over, but you were stuck on eddie for so many reasons.

mike was now next to try and intrude.

you had made it home that day, unlocking your door before stepping inside and kicking off your shoes before heading towards the kitchen for some food. you didn't even find anything when you heard a knock on your front door.

you groaned, just wanting to eat.

"i literally just got- eddie," you said, complaining before your eyes landed on him as your voice became more chirpy in seeing your boyfriend.

"______," he repeated in your tone of voice as he stepped inside, walking past you and towards your kitchen where he got out a box of cookies for the two of you to share. when you shut the door, you made your way over to him, snatching the cookie out of his hand and eating some of it.

"so," you began, grabbing the box as you led him upstairs to your room. "what brings you over? isn't your uncle expecting you today?"

he shook his head, climbing the stairs with you before entering your room. you shut the door with your foot as you ate another cookie.

"______, the whole mike thing is getting in my head," he admitted, taking a seat on your bed as you set down the food and now fully focused on your boyfriend.

"um," you began. "okay, but eddie, you know how much i love you."

he nodded, observing the outdoors from your window before speaking up again.

"but, princess," he replied, the pet name slipping off his tongue so effortlessly as you swooned over him. "it's been in my head all day and i just can't get it out. i mean, i lead him like a little brother but it feels like a stab in the back."

you nodded, taking your turn to be silent before replying back to his previous statement.

"well, eds," you mumbled. "i'm not really sure what to make of that. you know i'm committed to you and only to you."

his eyes met yours as he stared down at you, making your cheeks turn slightly pink as you turned your focus towards your curtains before one of you broke the silence.

"eddie, you're doing the thing again," you mumbled.

"sorry," he mumbled, looking at you curiously still. your eyes met his once more before hearing a knock on your door again. you grew confused, stopping eddie from walking downstairs by placing your hand in his chest as he stood close enough to you to allow you to feel the heat coming off his body.

"maybe they'll go away," you muttered before hearing another set of knocks followed by the doorbell. you kept your hand placed on eddie's chest as you observed him from where you were currently while he was so close to you.

"come on, ______," he replied, grabbing your hand from off his chest as he took it in his before leading
you downstairs and towards the front door. upon opening the door, mike stood on the other side of it.

you groaned, knowing something was likely to happen now because he was here.

"_____, can i talk to you, in private?" mike asked. your hand was starting to loosen its grip in his hold but eddie wasn't quick to agree.

"what's this about?" eddie asked as your eyes looked at mike's in curiosity. mike didn't want to look at eddie, knowing his reaction to what was going on.

"it's to deal with dustin's birthday," he tried to lie but you scrunched up your brows in confusion. "_____, please i really need to talk to you."

you turned to look at eddie who shook his head, his thumb stroking your hand that was intertwined with yours.

"all i'm asking of is, like, two minutes," mike said as he desperately tried to get your eyes to look back at him but they were glued on eddie.

eddie didn't want to, you could feel it in how his hand was holding onto yours but he finally loosened his grip a little and that's when you slipped your hand from his hesitantly before joining mike outside and shutting the door.

eddie was never the type to be jealous, he was never the type to be angry. but there was a small bubble of jealousy and anger that was in his stomach at the moment and he hated the way that it felt.

"what is it?" you asked mike as he tried to lead you further away from the door of your house but you shook your head. you knew he liked you, dustin and you and eddie had all talked about it.

"okay, look," he began. "i know it's wrong of me but i like you, a lot."

"mike, you have a-"

"yeah, yeah, i know i do which is why i'm saying it's wrong of me. but i can't help the way that i feel about you."

"i'm sorry, i'm already with eddie," you reminded him, your eyes looking away from him the entire time that he was talking, in fear of accidentally looking at him.

"______, just take it into consideration, i mean, you haven't explored all your options yet," he said as your eyes finally found his.

"i haven't 'explored' all my options yet?" you said. "do i need to remind you that eddie is my first boyfriend and that i've never dated anybody until this year?"

mike sighed.

"i understand that, but ______," he said, trying to ease your anger. "please. just consider it."

"you have a girlfriend, mike! and i'm dating eddie! and even if i didn't, i wouldn't date you," you said, softening your voice at the end of your sentence. "i'm sorry, but you're like a younger brother to me, like how dustin is."

mike sighed, looking away from you as you put your hand back on the doorknob.

"i'll see you tomorrow," you mumbled before entering back inside the house and shutting the door behind you. you let out a frustrated sigh, your eyes realizing that eddie wasn't there. "eddie?"

he came from out of your bedroom, you assumed, and walked down to you to see what had happened.

"i couldn't listen to it anymore," he mumbled, running his hands down your arms before slipping them around your waist and pulling you towards him. your heartbeat quickened. "what happened?"

"um, he likes me," you said softly as eddie's hands moved slowly up your back. "and, and he wanted to go out with me, but, um, he, he has a girlfriend," you said, his hands slowly sliding back down your back as he pulled you closer.

"i've got you stuttering again, princess," he laughed a little as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. you sighed, fully embracing him as your head rest on his chest and a little underneath his chin.

"basically, he has a girlfriend and i'm dating you, but mike doesn't want that," you told him, feeling comforted in his hold now. you closed your eyes, your arms holding onto him tightly as he smiled to himself.

"i think it'll just take time to get through this," eddie muttered. "i mean, we're in hellfire together so, shit, he's gotta see me and you."

you nodded, looking up at him now as your eyes studied his.

"he's just got a little crush, eds. i think he's really missing his girlfriend since she does live in california," you explained as eddie sighed, looking back down at you as his finger gently ran down your cheek before across your bottom lip as he pressed a kiss to them.

you smiled as he let go, blushing from the contact.

"we could talk to dustin about it tomorrow?"

he nodded, still keeping you close.

"yeah," he began. "let's figure out what else the little butthead knows," he said with a smile and a small laugh accompanying it.

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