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author's note: ironic that i'm writing this (not uploading, writing lmao) on the first day of senior year for so many of my friends :') but y'all forgive me because i forgot what the first day of school is like tbh. i only graduated two years ago but i blocked out school already LMAO. also, this is a shorter chapter simply because i am exhausted.

first day of senior year was now upon you and lord knows how badly you wanted to graduate. you were desperate to get out of school and start your life without rules surrounding you constantly by other people. you let out one more sigh, getting out of your car and walking into the building with a crowd of people. getting inside, you found gareth near your locker as you walked up to him.

"so, are you going to do it this year?" you asked, nudging him in the side as he turned to look at you in confusion with his bag on his shoulder.

"what the hell are you talking about?" he asked, laughing a little.

"you're going to find a girlfriend, aren't you?" you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him playfully as you began putting in the combination for your lock before opening it. as you were about to put away a book, you felt two arms wrap around your waist as you yelped out of surprise. "jesus christ," you muttered, your hand reaching down as you felt the familar rings, smiling to yourself. 

"maybe i can find a girlfriend just to scare her like he does with you," gareth laughed as you turned around to face him, flipping him off before gareth walked away as he laughed at the conversation that had just happened. 

"happy third senior year to you, bubs," you said, smiling at him as he laughed, letting out a sigh while you waited for him to say something. 

"three senior years," he muttered, his hands still on your waist as you nodded, your eyes gently observing him as your hand brushed some hair away from his face. 

"you'll do it this year, i know you will," you told him. 

"yeah, this year will be my year, exactly," he responded as you nodded, still leaning against your locker as eddie's eyes finally met yours. you smiled up at him, seeing three kids walk past you as you nudged eddie in the side. 

"didn't you mention wanting more people in hellfire that are younger?" you asked him as he nodded, turning around to see the kids holding a small map of the hallways as you spoke up again to get his attention. "maybe those kids will want to be in it." 

he turned to look back at you with a smile. 

"maybe they will," he responded, focusing back on before hearing the bell ring to get everybody to their first period. he let go of you, allowing you to turn around and close your locker. "so, you're still okay to see me before tonight?" he asked as you nodded, giving him a soft smile. 

"of course i am," you told him as he sighed, brushing some hair away from your face as you furrowed your eyebrows in worry. you could tell something was really bothering him, and it wasn't just the fact that it was his third year of being so close to getting out. "are you okay?"

the warning bell rang this time, but you were only focused on him. you wanted to make sure that he was okay, and you weren't going to class until you knew that he was. 

"yeah," he responded as you continued to look at him curiously. "we can talk about it at lunch, if you're still worried."

"i will be until lunch," you responded, pressing a kiss to his cheek before heading off to your first class of the day with the worry lingering forefront in your mind about what could be bothering him. 

lunch was crazy, it always was. you walked into the cafeteria to find the table that he always sat at and you walked over to the table, setting your stuff down before making eye contact with him. he nodded, telling gareth to make sure that both of your stuff was kept in your spots before he and you walked off to an empty hallway at the moment. 

"so, you want to share what's going on in the beautiful brain of yours?" you asked him as the two of you sat against a wall. eddie felt his heart flutter at those words, causing him to smile before responding. 

"i think it's just a lot of things," he muttered which caused you to turn your head to look at him. 


he sighed, looking down towards his shoes as you waited for an answer.

"you know how much you mean to me, right?" he asked as you nodded, waiting still. you weren't trying to push him in anyway and possibly shut him down. you wanted him to open up to you about this, like he always did. "well, what if somebody tries to take that feeling away this year? i mean, ________, you joke about gareth all the time, but what if-"

"gareth doesn't like me, bubs. why are you so worried? i'll never leave you," you told him with a sweet smile, trying to ease his tension. you could tell he was really worried. "what can i do to prove this? to ease your worries, because i can see it still."

eddie shrugged, taking off the necklace he wore every single day as he took your hand in his as he placed the necklace in your hand. you looked down at it, about to refuse it but eddie shook his head. 

"no, love, i need you to have this," he said as you looked back up at him in confusion. "you asked what you could do to ease my worries. this is it, _______." 

you nodded, looking back down at the necklace before putting it on as eddie watched you do so. you looked back up at him after you had it on as he smiled back at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"i'm sure it's my paranoia getting to me, _______." 

you nodded, standing up as eddie followed suit. 

"trust me, munson, i'm never letting you go," you said with a smile as eddie pressed a kiss to the side of your head before the two of you walked back inside the cafeteria and towards your seats. The two of you brainstormed ways to get the three kids you both noticed in the hallway to join hellfire, trying to think of interesting ways to do it when gareth suggested the most obvious way. 

"fine, i'll do it like that," he said, standing up as he walked over to the table with the three guys to try and recruit the freshmen as you admired him with a sweet smile the entire time, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. 

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